

单词 angry
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ANGRY〕angry because something is unfair or wrong 因某事不公平或不对而生气朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕angry feelings 愤怒的情绪朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕angry for a short time 短时间的生气朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕feeling angry 感到生气的朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕making you angry 令人生气的朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕to get angry 生气朗文写作活用〔CROWD〕a crowd of angry protesters 一群愤怒的抗议者朗文写作活用〔Number 10〕an angry reaction from Number 10 首相愤怒的反应麦克米伦高阶〔angry〕angry clouds on the horizon.地平线上预示暴风雨的云美国传统〔angry〕angry waves 惊涛英汉大词典〔angry〕an angry book 发愤之作英汉大词典〔angry〕an angry rash/sore/scratch 红肿的皮疹/疮/抓痕韦氏高阶〔angry〕an angry red 鲜红色英汉大词典〔angry〕an angry sea 怒海英汉大词典〔angry〕become increasingly angry over rising prices 对物价上涨愈来愈感到愤怒英汉大词典〔appeasable〕to appease the angry King painstakingly竭力使国王息怒21世纪英汉〔argument〕a heated argument(=extremely angry disagreement) 激烈的争吵麦克米伦高阶〔attemper〕attemper an angry crowd 使愤怒的群众平静下来英汉大词典〔battalion〕a battalion of angry protesters 愤怒的抗议队伍韦氏高阶〔belch〕a belch of angry words 冲口而出的愤怒言词英汉大词典〔berth〕gave their angry colleague a wide berth.对他们的愤怒的同事敬而远之美国传统〔bone〕throw a bone to angry workers with a small pay increase 稍加一点工资对愤怒的工人施以小惠英汉大词典〔brow〕an angry brow 怒容英汉大词典〔churn〕waves churning in the storm; so angry it made my stomach churn.风暴中波涛翻腾;愤怒得胃疼美国传统〔clamour〕the clamour of the angry crowd 愤怒人群的呼喊声英汉大词典〔compress〕compress an angry mob 镇压一群狂怒的暴徒英汉大词典〔crowd〕a crowd of angry protesters 一群愤怒的抗议者朗文当代〔dart at〕to dart an angry look at someone对某人投以愤怒的一瞥(或眼光)21世纪英汉〔denunciation〕an angry denunciation of the government's policies 愤怒谴责政府的政策牛津高阶〔fire〕fire off an angry letter of resignation to sb.向某人发出一封愤怒的辞职信 英汉大词典〔get〕get angry 发怒英汉大词典〔glare〕an angry glare.愤怒的目光。牛津同义词〔grate〕grate an angry reply 用刺耳的声音怒冲冲地回答英汉大词典〔high-pitched〕high-pitched angry yells 愤怒的尖声呼叫文馨英汉〔high-pitched〕high-pitched angry yells 愤怒的尖声呼叫英汉大词典〔lash〕to feel the lash of sb's tongue(= to be spoken to in an angry and critical way) 领教某人利口如刀的厉害牛津高阶〔mean〕a mean and angry mob 一群气势汹汹、激动愤怒的暴民剑桥高阶〔outburst〕an angry outburst 突发的怒火韦氏高阶〔picket〕angry people with picket signs 带着纠察标志的愤怒人群牛津搭配〔posture〕assumed a posture of angry defiance.采取愤怒的蔑视态度美国传统〔remonstrance〕an angry remonstrance 愤怒的抗议韦氏高阶〔reprisal〕reprisals from angry fans 来自愤怒球迷的报复牛津搭配〔rhetoric〕angry nationalist rhetoric 民族主义者愤怒的言辞麦克米伦高阶〔rhetoric〕angry rhetoric 愤怒的煽动性言辞韦氏高阶〔row〕a blazing row (=a very angry argument) 愤怒的争吵朗文当代〔scowl〕wear an angry scowl 面带怒容英汉大词典〔shoot〕shoot sb. an angry look 怒气冲冲地瞪某人一眼英汉大词典〔shout〕angry shouts 愤怒的叫喊牛津高阶〔snarl〕an angry snarl 怒吼朗文当代〔snarl〕snarl out an angry threat 怒气冲冲吼叫着发出威胁英汉大词典〔stamp〕an angry stamp of his foot 他愤怒的跺脚韦氏高阶〔stick〕angry crowds brandishing sticks and iron bars挥舞着木棒和铁棍的愤怒的人群外研社新世纪〔tone〕an angry tone in her voice.她声音里愤怒的语气。牛津同义词〔tone〕an angry tone of voice 愤怒的嗓音英汉大词典〔tone〕took an angry tone with the reporters.带着怒气与记者说话美国传统〔tumble〕her red hair flashing in a tumble of angry waves 她那头闪着愤怒之光的杂乱的红发麦克米伦高阶〔unfulfilled〕angry at unfulfilled promises of jobs and decent housing对没能兑现所承诺的工作岗位和像样的住房感到愤怒外研社新世纪〔wild〕a wild and angry sea 波涛汹涌的大海朗文当代〔with〕be angry withsb.对某人发怒英汉大词典〔word〕words Hostile or angry remarks made back and forth. words 对骂:往复地说有敌意的或含怒意的话美国传统




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