

单词 cricket
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕The Australians have once again routed the English cricket team. 澳大利亚队再次轻松地打败了英国板球队。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕Cricket can be a pretty confusing game for non-players. 对于不会打板球的人来说,这是相当难懂的运动。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕He played cricket for Middlesex but it was football that he really excelled at. 他在米德尔塞克斯队打板球,不过他真正擅长的是足球。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕Barbados is renowned for the marvellous cricket players it produces. 巴巴多斯以培养出优秀板球运动员著称。朗文写作活用〔GAME〕A cricket match was in progress on the school sports field. 学校的运动场上正在进行一场板球比赛。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Like all towns and villages on Trinidad, it possessed a cricket ground. 和特立尼达的所有村镇一样,这儿也有一个板球场。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Male crickets make a noise by rubbing their wings together. 雄性蟋蟀通过摩擦翅翼来发出声音。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕A cricket match was in progress on the school sports field. 学校的运动场上正在进行板球比赛。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Sponsorship is important for sporting activities such as golf, football, cricket and motor-racing. 高尔夫球、足球、板球和赛车等体育活动,有赞助是很重要的。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The village has attractive playing fields, with a football and cricket pitch. 村里有吸引人的运动场,包括一个足球场和一个板球场。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Did you see that programme about cricket on TV last night? 昨晚你看了那个介绍板球运动的电视节目了吗?朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕In South Africa, cricket has been the one sport that has brought people together. 在南非,板球是唯一把人们紧紧联系在一起的运动。朗文写作活用〔West Indian〕The future quality of West Indian cricket looks promising.西印度群岛的板球运动看起来前景光明。柯林斯高阶〔affection〕Jack Russell has a special place in the affections of the cricketing public.杰克·拉塞尔在打板球的人心中有着特殊的地位。柯林斯高阶〔all-round〕He was an all-round sportsman, excelling at soccer, cricket, swimming, and, boxing.他是个全能运动员, 擅长足球、板球、游泳和拳击。外研社新世纪〔alongside〕Athletics should rank alongside (=be equal to) soccer and cricket as a major sport.田径运动应该和足球、板球一样,都是主要体育项目。朗文当代〔amateurish〕New Zealand cricket was an amateurish set-up in those days.新西兰板球运动在当时只是一种业余建制。外研社新世纪〔animate〕There was precious little about the cricket to animate the crowd.板球比赛能激起观众热情的地方很少。柯林斯高阶〔archetypal〕Cricket is the archetypal English game.板球是典型的英国式运动。外研社新世纪〔archetypal〕Cricket is the archetypal English game.板球是典型的英格兰运动。柯林斯高阶〔at〕He was at his happiest whilst playing cricket.打板球时的他是最快乐的。外研社新世纪〔at〕He was at his happiest whilst playing cricket.玩板球时他最开心了。柯林斯高阶〔bail〕Sports One of the two crossbars that form the top of a wicket used in the game of cricket.【体育运动】 三柱门上的横木:形成球门顶部的两根球门横木之一,用于板球比赛中美国传统〔batsman〕The player at bat in cricket and baseball.击球手:在板球和棒球中的击球手美国传统〔batter〕He was battered on the head with a cricket bat.他头上遭板球球板猛击。朗文当代〔batter〕The player at bat in baseball and cricket.打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手美国传统〔bat〕A club used in cricket, having a broad, flat-surfaced hitting end and a distinct, narrow handle.板球棒:一种用于板球的木棒。用于击打的一端是一个宽的平面,柄端较细美国传统〔bat〕Taking one's turn to bat, as in baseball or cricket.轮到某人击球:轮到某人击球,如在棒球和板球中美国传统〔blue〕He was a cricket Blue at Oxford.他是牛津大学板球队队员。麦克米伦高阶〔bowler〕One that bowls, as in cricket or bowling.如玩板球或保龄球游戏者美国传统〔bowl〕To hurl a cricket ball from one end of the pitch toward the batsman at the other, keeping the arm straight throughout the delivery.掷球:从球场的一端将板球猛掷给在另一端的击球手,在整个过程中保持手臂平直美国传统〔break〕Sports The swerving of a ball from a straight path of flight, as in baseball or cricket.【体育运动】 曲线飞行:棒球或板球运动中球的曲线飞行美国传统〔breathless〕He scored the winning run off the last ball in front of 97,000 breathless fans at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.在墨尔本板球场内97,000名屏息以待的球迷面前, 他打入最后关键一球, 赢得了胜利。外研社新世纪〔captain〕Bob Willis, the former England cricket captain.英格兰板球队前队长鲍勃·威利斯柯林斯高阶〔cap〕He has two caps for playing cricket for England.他两次代表英国国家队参加板球比赛。英汉大词典〔challenge〕The girls challenged the boys to a cricket match.女孩们邀请男孩子进行板球比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔championship〕Warwickshire are the current holders of the cricket championship.沃里克郡队是当前的板球冠军称号保持者。朗文当代〔chirping〕The crickets chirped faster and louder.蟋蟀叫得更欢了。柯林斯高阶〔chirp〕The crickets chirped faster and louder.蟋蟀的鸣叫声更急促、更响亮。外研社新世纪〔chirp〕The crickets chirped in the garden.蟋蟀在花园里唧唧地鸣唱。英汉大词典〔chirp〕We heard the crickets chirping.我们听到蟋蟀在唧唧地叫。韦氏高阶〔chirr〕A harsh, trilling sound, such as that made by crickets.唧唧声:一种如蟋蟀所发出的刺耳的颤音美国传统〔chirr〕The crickets chirred plaintively at the foot of the wall.蟋蟀在墙脚下哀鸣。21世纪英汉〔clutch〕Had the spinner clutched the cricket ball above his head, Australia would have tumbled to 4-78.要是那位擅长投旋转球的投手抓住了飞过头顶的板球, 澳大利亚队就落到4比78了。外研社新世纪〔coach〕Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.奈杰尔业余时间担任一个板球队的教练。朗文当代〔county〕At the age of 12, he represented his county at cricket.他12岁就代表他所在的县参加了板球比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔cousin〕The cricket is a cousin of the grasshopper.蟋蟀是蚱蜢的同类。韦氏高阶〔crease〕One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines.位置线,区域线:板球场上标识投球手和击球手位置的线或这些线中任意两条间的区域美国传统〔cricketing〕Australia's cricketing heroes.澳大利亚的板球英豪柯林斯高阶〔cricketing〕England's cricketing heroes英格兰的板球英雄们外研社新世纪〔cricket〕During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.在夏季学期,我们会在村里的空地上打板球。柯林斯高阶〔cricket〕It's not cricket to cheat at cards.在玩牌时打竿千不是正人君子所为美国传统〔cricket〕The British are known for their sense of fair play, but this is just not cricket.英国人一直以其公平竞争的精神著称, 但是这件事办得一点也不公平。外研社新世纪〔cricket〕The crowd loves to watch attacking cricket.观众喜欢看进攻积极的板球比赛。牛津搭配〔cricket〕The only sound was a cricket chirping.只有蟋蟀唧唧的叫声。牛津搭配〔cricket〕Their treatment of staff is definitely not cricket.他们对待员工的方式绝对不公正。柯林斯高阶〔cricket〕Their treatment of staff is definitely not cricket.他们对待员工绝对不公正。外研社新世纪〔cricket〕This game marks his comeback to the international cricket scene.这场比赛标志着他重返国际板球界。牛津搭配〔cricket〕To play the game of cricket.打板球美国传统〔cricket〕You can't keep ignoring her. It just isn't cricket.你不能对她总是置之不理。那样是不礼貌的。韦氏高阶〔cup〕Sri Lanka's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup.斯里兰卡板球队将在亚洲杯决赛中对阵印度队。外研社新世纪〔cup〕Sri Lanka's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup.斯里兰卡板球队将在亚洲杯的决赛中对阵印度队。柯林斯高阶〔dash away〕He dashed away from the cricket club when he found out that his wife had gone into labour.他发现妻子开始阵痛, 便匆忙离开了板球俱乐部。外研社新世纪〔dismiss〕Sports To put out (a batter) in cricket.【体育运动】 在板球中迫使(打者)出局美国传统〔done〕At school, it simply wasn't done to show that you cared for anything except cricket.在学校里,除了板球外,你对什么都不感兴趣,这显然不对。牛津高阶〔duffer〕He was a duffer at cricket.他板球一点儿都不行。外研社新世纪〔duffer〕Waugh was a duffer at cricket.沃的板球打得很臭。柯林斯高阶〔enjoy〕I enjoyed playing cricket.我喜欢打板球。外研社新世纪〔enjoy〕I enjoyed playing cricket.我喜欢打板球。柯林斯高阶〔feature〕The series featured top stars from cricket and rugby.这个系列节目主打板球界和橄榄球界的顶级明星。外研社新世纪〔fieldsman〕A fielder in cricket.守场员:板球运动中的外野员美国传统〔first-class〕He officially announced his retirement from first-class cricket yesterday.他昨天正式宣布退出板球甲级比赛。外研社新世纪〔first-class〕He officially announced his retirement from first-class cricket yesterday.他昨天正式宣布退出甲级板球赛。柯林斯高阶〔flannel〕Traditionally, white flannels are worn when playing cricket.按照传统,打板球时要穿白色法兰绒裤。剑桥高阶〔follow〕He follows all the cricket news.他对有关板球的所有新闻都密切注意。英汉大词典〔game〕They take the game of cricket very seriously here.在这里他们非常重视板球运动。麦克米伦高阶〔get into〕The cricket team got into position,and play started.板球队已经就位,比赛开始了。21世纪英汉〔handle〕The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.一个板球拍柄从他的胳肢窝下面伸了出来。柯林斯高阶〔hat trick〕Three wickets taken in cricket by a bowler in three consecutive balls.连续三胜:在板球运动中投球手连投三球并连续击倒三柱门美国传统〔incomplete metamorphosis〕A life cycle of certain insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers, characterized by the absence of a pupal stage between the immature and adult stages.不完全蜕变:蟋蟀、草蜢等昆虫的生命循环,以缺少幼年期和成年期之间的蛹期为特色美国传统〔infrequently〕Jeremy does play cricket, but very infrequently.杰里米的确玩板球,但次数很少。朗文当代〔knock ... up〕The cricket team needs to knock up forty-five runs before tea, if they're to have a hope of winning.如果这个板球队还打算有希望获胜的话,他们需要在饮茶前再得45分。21世纪英汉〔leave out of〕The coach has left John out of the school cricket team.教练没有把约翰包括在校板球队内。21世纪英汉〔maiden over〕An over in cricket during which no runs are scored.未得分的投球:板球比赛中没有得分的投球美国传统〔manor〕Hursley Manor also boasts a running track, a football pitch, a baseball diamond and a cricket field.赫斯利地产还包括一条跑道、一个足球场、一个棒球场和一个板球场。外研社新世纪〔married〕I have little time for women because I'm married to my cricket, so I'm leaving the arrangements to my sister.我把全部心思都放在了板球上,很少有时间交女友,所以便把约会一事交由姐姐来安排。柯林斯高阶〔married〕I have little time for women because I'm married to my cricket.我把全部心思都放在了板球上, 所以很少有时间交女友。外研社新世纪〔meet up〕The suspect met up with a tall, dark man behind the cricket pavilion.这名疑犯在板球场更衣室后面和一个皮肤黝黑的高个子男人相约见面。外研社新世纪〔merely〕The team needs players who want to play cricket for England, not merely any country that will have them.球队需要的是想为英格兰而战的板球选手,而不是愿为任何国家打球的选手。柯林斯高阶〔mishit〕To hit (a tennis or cricket ball, for example) incorrectly or badly.误打:错误或拙劣地打(如网球或板球)美国传统〔mystify〕Most Americans are totally mystified by the English game of cricket.大多数美国人似乎完全搞不懂英国的板球运动是怎么回事。剑桥高阶〔neutral〕Pakistan wants to see neutral umpires in cricket.巴基斯坦希望在板球比赛中看到不偏不倚的裁判。麦克米伦高阶〔not cricket〕It's simply not cricket to flirt with another man's wife.跟别人的妻子调情真不道德。剑桥高阶〔off〕Sports Toward or designating the side of the field facing the batsman in cricket.【体育运动】 击球员右前方的:在板球赛中,面向或指向正对击球手的那一边美国传统〔oil〕Cricket bats should be oiled to stop the wood drying out and cracking.板球拍应该上油以防止木头干燥开裂。外研社新世纪〔over〕A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch.一轮投球数:从板球场投出的一系列的六个球美国传统〔pad〕A batsman at cricket always wears pads on his legs.板球运动中的击球员腿上总戴着护垫。英汉大词典〔peculiarly〕Cricket is so peculiarly English.板球是颇具英国特色的运动。柯林斯高阶〔perplexing〕The rules of cricket are perplexing to most people.大多数人都觉得板球规则很费解。外研社新世纪〔pitching〕There was a swimming-pool, cricket pitches, playing fields.有一个游泳池、几个板球场和运动场。柯林斯高阶〔pity〕The pity of it was that the Americans didn't play cricket.可惜的是美国人不打板球。柯林斯高阶〔pressgang〕He was pressganged into playing in the charity cricket match.他是被强拉去参加这场板球义赛的。21世纪英汉〔put〕He put Tom up for the cricket club.他提名汤姆参加板球俱乐部。英汉大词典〔reveal〕It is cricket that reveals the British at their most characteristic.把英国人的特征暴露得最为淋漓尽致的是板球运动。英汉大词典〔reverse〕There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches. Quite the reverse.完全没有证据表明观众想看时间更长的板球比赛。情况恰恰相反。柯林斯高阶〔rub〕The sound you hear is the crickets rubbing their legs together.你听到的声音是蟋蟀共同振翅发出的。韦氏高阶〔run〕Our team should run away with the cricket competition.我队应当轻而易举地赢得这场板球赛。英汉大词典〔score〕Even in Zurich he kept up with the County cricket scores.即使身在苏黎世,他也一直关注着郡际板球赛的比分。柯林斯高阶〔score〕Even in Zurich he kept up with the County cricket scores.即便身在苏黎世, 他也一直关注着郡际板球赛的比分。外研社新世纪〔score〕Have you heard the latest cricket score? 你知道板球赛的最新比分吗?剑桥高阶〔score〕I was asked to score at the school cricket match.有人请我在学校板球赛中记分。英汉大词典〔score〕Robin Smith made 167, the highest score by an England batsman in this form of cricket.罗宾·史密斯得到 167 分,创下了英格兰击球手在这类板球比赛中的最高得分纪录。柯林斯高阶〔seal〕West Indies put the seal on another glorious cricket season with their victory against England.西印度群岛队战胜英格兰队,就此锁定了又一个辉煌的板球赛季。麦克米伦高阶〔season〕The cricket season starts next week.板球赛季下周开始。麦克米伦高阶〔seethe〕The field was seething with crickets.田野里到处都是蟋蟀。韦氏高阶〔serenade〕The crickets seranaded us all night long.这些蟋蟀通宵达旦地为我们唱小夜曲。韦氏高阶〔series〕England have lost the Test series(= of cricket matches)against India.英格兰板球队在同印度队的系列比赛中落败。牛津高阶〔single〕A hit for one run in cricket.板球中一次击中美国传统〔solid〕A cricket ball is solid. It has no air in it.板球是实心的,里面没有空气。英汉大词典〔sporty〕He plays cricket, football, squash and rugby—he's a real sporty type.他打板球,踢足球,打软式墙网球,还打英式橄榄球——真是个球类运动的多面手。英汉大词典〔standard〕The standard of professional cricket has never been lower.职业板球的标准从未如此之低。外研社新世纪〔standard〕The standard of professional cricket has never been lower.职业板球的水平从来没有这么低过。柯林斯高阶〔standing〕His knowledge of cricket left us all standing.他的板球知识远远超过我们大家。英汉大词典〔start〕The crickets had started up now that it was evening.到了晚上,蟋蟀开始鸣叫。朗文当代〔stomp〕He angrily stomped his cricket after failing the fight.比赛失败后,他生气地踏死了他的蟋蟀。21世纪英汉〔stonewall〕Sports To play defensively rather than trying to score in cricket.【体育运动】 打防守球:打板球时消极地打守球而不是打进攻球美国传统〔stump〕Sports Any one of the three upright sticks in a cricket wicket.【体育运动】 三门柱的一柱:板球三个直立柱门之一美国传统〔sweep〕There's a new cricket craze sweeping through offices and homes this summer.今年夏天, 新出现的板球热席卷了办公场所和家家户户。外研社新世纪〔test match〕A match in cricket or Rugby played by all-star teams from different countries.国际锦标赛:由来自不同国家的队员组成的全明星联队们进行的板球或橄榄球比赛美国传统〔thrill〕It's a great thrill for a cricket-lover like me to play at the home of cricket.对我这样的板球爱好者来说,能够在板球的故乡比赛是一件令人无比兴奋的事。柯林斯高阶〔tired out〕He felt he would never tire of international cricket.他认为自己永远不会对国际板球赛生厌。柯林斯高阶〔tire〕He would never tire of international cricket.他永远也不会对国际板球赛生厌。外研社新世纪〔tour〕It will be the first official cricket tour of South Africa for 22 years.这将是 22 年来南非首次正式的板球巡回赛。柯林斯高阶〔tour〕The England cricket team is on tour in Pakistan.英格兰板球队正在巴基斯坦打巡回比赛。剑桥高阶〔treat〕Steven took his son to a cricket match as a birthday treat.史蒂文带儿子去看了一场板球比赛,作为生日的特别款待。朗文当代〔twist〕By a curious twist of fate, cricket was also my favourite sport.让人感到惊奇的是,板球碰巧也是我最喜欢的运动。柯林斯高阶〔undemanding〕One-day cricket is relatively undemanding.单日板球赛难度相对小些。外研社新世纪〔understand〕As I understand it, you came round the corner by the cricket field and there was the man in the road.我是这么理解的:你从板球场那儿拐过来, 被这名男子挡住去路。外研社新世纪〔understand〕As I understand it, you came round the corner by the cricket field and there was the man in the road.据我了解,你沿板球场边来到拐角处,那个男的挡住了你的去路。柯林斯高阶〔void〕His death has left a void in the cricketing world which can never be filled.他的死给板球界留下一个永远无法填补的空白。柯林斯高阶〔watch〕He spent the entire afternoon watching a cricket match.他整个下午都在看一场板球比赛。剑桥高阶〔wicketkeeper〕The cricket player positioned immediately behind the wicket in play. 守门员,捕手:比赛中位置在三柱门之后的板球手美国传统〔wilderness〕For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.这么长时间以来, 他一直在坐冷板凳, 等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。外研社新世纪〔wilderness〕For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.这么长时间以来,他一直在坐冷板凳,等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。柯林斯高阶〔willow〕Something, such as a cricket bat, that is made from willow.柳木制品:用柳木制成的物品,如板球的球板美国传统Binns was a dab hand at cricket and played for his county in his youth.宾斯是板球高手,年轻时曾为郡里效力。剑桥国际Botham scored a century (= 100 points) in yesterday's cricket match.在昨天的板球比赛中,布什姆得了100分。剑桥国际England really came up trumps when they beat the West Indies at cricket.英格兰队在板球赛中意外地击败西印度群岛队。剑桥国际Football, cricket and hockey are all team sports.足球、板球和冰上曲棍球都是团队运动。剑桥国际Going to the cricket match when he should have been at work was an expensive mistake for George--he lost his job because of it.本该工作的时候去看板球赛,这对乔治是一个代价昂贵的错误----他因此丢掉了工作。剑桥国际He has decided to retire from cricket at the end of the season.他决定在本赛季结束后从板球界退役。剑桥国际He is infamous for saying that cheating “has become absolutely necessary in professional cricket today”.他因为说“在当今的职业板球运动中欺骗是绝对必要的”而声名狼藉。剑桥国际He pitched the ball (= in cricket, threw the ball for the player with the bat to hit it) wide of the stumps, and the batsman didn't play at it.他把球投出了门柱,击球手没击这个球。剑桥国际He spends hours rolling the grass before a cricket match.在板球比赛开始之前,他用好几个小时将草地压滚平。剑桥国际He spent the entire afternoon watching cricket videos.他将整个下午都用来观看板球录像。剑桥国际He was arrested after streaking across a cricket pitch to protest against an increase in ticket prices.他裸跑穿过板球场来抗议票价上涨,为此他被拘捕了。剑桥国际He's been called the grand old man of (= He is an important and respected person in) cricket.他被称为板球元老。剑桥国际He's the umpire for the local cricket club.他是地方板球俱乐部的裁判。剑桥国际His interest in cricket has been well-documented (= recorded and written about) by the media.许多媒介都充分记述了他对板球运动的兴趣。剑桥国际I play cricket every Sunday.我每星期天都去打板球。剑桥国际I played cricket last Sunday.星期天我打板球去了。剑桥国际I'm playing cricket this/next Sunday.这/下一个星期天我去打板球。剑桥国际I've brought my radio to the office so I can listen to the cricket.我把收音机带到办公室,这样我就能收听板球比赛。剑桥国际In a game of cricket there are eleven players on each side.在板球赛中每方各有11名选手。剑桥国际John is (the) skipper of the cricket team this year.约翰今年是板球队的队长。剑桥国际John is skippering the cricket team this year.约翰今年担任了板球队的队长。剑桥国际Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch.米拉显示出以前人们未想到他会有的板球才能。剑桥国际Most Americans seem totally mystified by cricket.大多数美国人对板球困惑不解。剑桥国际My son smashed the dining-room window with a cricket ball.我儿子用板球打碎了餐厅的窗户。剑桥国际Pakistan will play five one-day internationals (=games of cricket lasting only one day) in India this autumn.今年秋天,巴基斯坦将在印度参加5项为期1天的板球国际比赛。剑桥国际She was arrested for behaving indecently at a cricket match.她因在板球赛中行为下流而被捕。剑桥国际Starmers has been chosen to umpire the next cricket test match.斯达马斯被选为下一次国家间板球决赛的裁判。剑桥国际The cricket player strode confidently out on to the pitch, but returned crestfallen a few minutes later, with a score of only two.这位板球运动员信心十足,大步走向场地,而几分钟后垂头丧气地回来了,因为他只得了两分。剑桥国际The England cricket team is currently on tour in Pakistan.英国板球队目前正在巴基斯坦作巡回比赛。剑桥国际The West Indies have been dominant in the cricketing world for over ten years, due largely to their seemingly endless supply of pace bowlers.西印度人在国际板球界独占鳌头有十几年,很大一部分原因就是他们似乎能不断地培养出一批又一批的快速投球手。剑桥国际The burglars went over him with a cricket bat and left him for dead.歹徒们用板球拍将他毒打一顿而离去,以为他已死了。剑桥国际The crowd cheered when Richards hit a six (= six points in cricket, scored when the player hits the ball to the edge of the playing area without it touching the ground first).当理查兹击了个六分球时,人群欢呼起来。剑桥国际The village used to hold an annual cricket match between the gentry and the manual labourers.这村子以前每年都要举行一场贵族和体力劳动者之间的板球比赛。剑桥国际The weather decided the outcome of the cricket match (= the weather had an effect on the result).天气决定着板球比赛的结果。剑桥国际There was a group of men in cricket whites in the pub.酒店里有一群穿着白色板球运动服的男人。剑桥国际There were three cricket commentators in the press box.记者席里有3个板球评论家。剑桥国际They had a couple of drinks and watched the cricket match from the sports club veranda.他们要了几杯饮料,从体育俱乐部的游廊上观看板球比赛。剑桥国际This victory clearly proves the supremacy of the West Indies (= the fact that they are the best) in world cricket.这场比赛的胜利显然证明西印度群岛队是世界上最好的板球队。剑桥国际Traditionally, white flannels are worn when playing cricket.按传统习惯,打板球时应穿白色法兰绒长裤。剑桥国际We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket. 我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。译典通When he plays cricket he wears a helmet and thick padding.他打板球时带头盔和厚厚的护垫。剑桥国际




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