

单词 directly below
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attic〕A story or room directly below the roof of a building, especially a house.顶楼,阁楼:建筑中,尤其是房子中间屋顶下面的楼层或房屋美国传统〔below〕Her apartment is directly below mine.她的公寓就在我的下面。文馨英汉〔below〕The kitchen is directly below her bedroom.厨房就在她卧室的正下方。朗文当代〔directly〕Directly below us was the room where the conspirators would meet.我们正下方的房间就是谋反者要碰头的地方。外研社新世纪〔directly〕There, directly below me, was a guy holding the ball.刚好就在我下方,有个家伙手里拿着那个球。柯林斯高阶〔esquire〕A male belonging to the gentry in England and ranking directly below a knight.绅士:士族地位次于骑士的或在中上阶层有一定社会地位的男士美国传统〔ground zero〕The site directly below, directly above, or at the point of detonation of a nuclear weapon.地面零点,爆心投影点:原子弹爆炸的正上方、正下方或爆炸点美国传统〔nadir〕Astronomy A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.【天文学】 天底:天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对美国传统〔vavasor〕A feudal tenant who ranked directly below a baron or peer.封臣:地位仅次于男爵或贵族的封建领主美国传统




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