

单词 corners
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕Anyone waiting around on street corners at night must be up to no good. 夜里在街角等候的人肯定不干什么好事。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Men stood in groups on street corners. 一些男人三五成群地站在街角上。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕When I was a child I would lie awake imagining that there were monsters in the dark corners of my room. 小时候我经常会躺在床上,想象着房间的黑暗角落里有怪物。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕When she laughed, little lines formed at the corners of her eyes and mouth. 她笑的时候,眼角和嘴角显出了细纹。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕He smiled and the creases at the corners of his eyes lengthened. 他微笑着,眼角的皱纹延长了。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners. 有些植物反而喜欢阴暗,这对想找些植物种在阴暗角落里的花匠来说真是好事。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕She cut away the corners to form a circle. 她切去各个角使之成为圆形。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕O'Neill had been in tight corners before, but never as tight as this one. 奥尼尔以前遇上过麻烦,但不像这次那么棘手。朗文写作活用〔Parsons table〕A sturdy, usually rectangular table with flush surfaces and straight, block legs that are equal in thickness to the top of the table and form its four corners.帕森斯桌:一种有齐平桌面且牢固的通常为长方形的桌子,桌腿直而粗,其厚度与桌面相等并形成桌子的四个角美国传统〔SLOW〕As the sun began to set, long shadows seemed to creep out of the corners. 太阳开始下山的时候,长长的影子好像慢慢爬出了角落。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕He stretched a large tarpaulin over the vehicle, tying it down at the corners. 他把一块很大的防水帆布拉开盖在车上,把几个角系牢。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕You have to fold the corners back like this. 你得把角往回折叠,就像这样。朗文写作活用〔all/the four corners of the world/earth〕She had invited relatives from the four corners of the world to her 80th birthday party.她邀请了世界各地的亲友来参加她80岁寿诞聚会。剑桥高阶〔anguli〕The levator anguli oris muscles raise the corners of the mouth when we smile.人们微笑时提口角肌使嘴角向上提升。剑桥高阶〔around〕They could be seen hanging around street corners, watching the girls go by.人们可以看见他们在街角闲荡,盯着来往的女孩。朗文当代〔atmospheric〕One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.古老的犹太人社区是布拉格最具特色的角落之一。柯林斯高阶〔atmospheric〕One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.古老的犹太人社区是布拉格最具风情的角落之一。外研社新世纪〔banked〕He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners.他在通过倾斜的弯道时竭力将自行车稳住。外研社新世纪〔banked〕He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners.拐过斜弯时他竭力将自行车把稳。柯林斯高阶〔base〕Baseball Any one of the four corners of an infield, marked by a bag or plate, that must be touched by a runner before a run can be scored.【棒球】 垒:棒球内场的四个角中的一个,用一个袋或盘作标记,跑着得分之前,跑者必须触摸到它美国传统〔beginning〕The beginning of a smile formed at the corners of his mouth.他嘴角微露笑意。英汉大词典〔bend down〕She used to bend the corners of the pages down.她总是把页角折起来。21世纪英汉〔bend in〕The pupil bent the corners of the pages in and damage them.这名小学生把页角向内折,弄坏了书页。21世纪英汉〔bend〕The corners of the card bend inwards to form tabs.卡片的角向内弯,形成检索凸舌。麦克米伦高阶〔bin〕Dustmen noisily empty the bins at the corners of the stadium.垃圾工在倒体育场场角的垃圾箱, 发出很大动静。外研社新世纪〔box kite〕A tailless kite formed from or as if from two or more open-ended boxes connected at the corners by shafts spanning an interval of open space.箱形风筝:一种无尾风筝,由两个或两个以上在角上用横跨一定距离的杆子连结的开口箱子组成美国传统〔brassy〕Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners.乐手们在街角演奏尖锐刺耳的爵士乐。外研社新世纪〔brassy〕Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners.玩音乐的人在街角大声弹奏起尖锐刺耳的爵士乐。柯林斯高阶〔clew〕One of the two lower corners of a square sail.帆下角:横帆的两个下角中之一美国传统〔clinch〕Clinch the corners of the frame.把框架的四角用钉子敲弯钉牢。外研社新世纪〔cobweb〕Dirt and cobwebs filled the corners of the room.房间的角落里满是尘土和蜘蛛网。韦氏高阶〔cobweb〕Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.积有灰尘的角落挂着厚厚的蜘蛛网。牛津高阶〔collect〕Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.房间的角落里积满了灰尘。牛津高阶〔collect〕With flat roofs, you often find that rain collects in the corners.在平屋顶上经常会看到角落里积水。麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕Buyers came from all corners of the world.买主来自世界各地。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕Don't try to cut corners when you're decorating.装修时不要图省事。朗文当代〔corner〕Goods poured in from the four corners of the world.世界各地的商品纷纷涌来。外研社新世纪〔corner〕He was used to talking his way out of tight corners.他惯于凭借口才摆脱困境。牛津高阶〔corner〕He's used to talking his way out of tight corners.他习惯了靠三寸不烂之舌摆脱困境。牛津搭配〔corner〕I told the class, “Fold your paper in half —matching corners.”我对全班学生说:“把卷子对折,角与角对齐。” 英汉大词典〔corner〕It's not a powerful car but it corners well.车子的马力不是十分强劲, 但是拐弯性能很好。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Make sure the staircase is well lit, with no awkward corners.确保灯光照亮楼梯所有的地方,不留死角。牛津搭配〔corner〕Our new car corners beautifully.我们的新车拐起弯来可真灵。21世纪英汉〔corner〕People came from the four corners of the earth to take part in these games.人们从世界各地赶来参加这些比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕People came from the four corners of the world (=from lots of different places) to make America their new home.人们从世界各地来到美国建立新家园。朗文当代〔corner〕People have come from all (the) corners of the world to hear her sing.人们从世界各地来听她唱歌。英汉大词典〔corner〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会一整天在街头晃悠。外研社新世纪〔corner〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会整天在街角附近游荡。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕Smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.平滑的圆角清洁起来比较容易。牛津搭配〔corner〕Students come here from the four corners of the world.学生从世界各地来到这里。牛津高阶〔corner〕Take your time, don't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢来, 别图省事, 严格按照说明做。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Take your time, don't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕The corners of his mouth turned down disapprovingly.他不赞同地垂下嘴角。麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕The boxers returned to their corners when the round ended.此轮结束时,拳击手回到了各自的场角。韦氏高阶〔corner〕The car takes the corners very smoothly.汽车平稳地驶过一个个拐角。外研社新世纪〔corner〕The car was taking the corners too fast.那车急转弯时开得太快。牛津高阶〔corner〕The cyclist corners like a postman.这个骑车人车技如邮递员,转弯灵便平稳。英汉大词典〔corner〕The only way they can finish the job in four days is by cutting corners.他们只有靠偷工减料才能在四天内完成这项工作。外研社新世纪〔corner〕The road is a succession of hairpin bends, hills, and blind corners.这条路上急转弯、坡道和死拐角一个接一个。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕There were a lot of young men hanging around on street corners.很多年轻人在街角闲荡。牛津搭配〔corner〕They've combed the four corners of the world for the best accessories.为了找到最好的配件,他们寻遍了每个地方。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕This car corners well.这辆车拐弯很灵敏。韦氏高阶〔corner〕To furnish with corners.用角布置美国传统〔corner〕Watch the baby – that table has sharp corners.看好孩子,那张桌子的桌角很尖。麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕We don't have enough money to pay for everything, so we'll have to cut corners somewhere.我们的钱不够支付全部费用,所以必须在某些方面节省。韦氏高阶〔corner〕We've got out of tighter corners than this! 困境麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕You go around corners too fast when you're driving! 你转弯时开得太快!剑桥高阶〔corner〕You should never cut corners on safety.你绝对不能在安全问题上图省事。韦氏高阶〔corner〕Young people came from the four corners of the nation.全国各地的年轻人都来到这里。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕Young people came from the four corners of the world to join in the celebrations.来自五湖四海的年轻人聚集在一起庆祝。外研社新世纪〔crease〕She had lots of deep creases at the corners of her eyes.她的眼角有许多深深的皱纹。牛津搭配〔crease〕She has creases at the corners of her eyes.她的眼角起皱纹了。麦克米伦高阶〔crinkle〕The corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles.他笑时眼角会出现细纹。韦氏高阶〔cuddle〕Couples were kissing and cuddling in corners.恋人们在角落里亲吻着、拥抱着。麦克米伦高阶〔curl up〕The corners of the lino were curling up.油地毡卷角了。外研社新世纪〔curl〕The corners of the lino were curling up.油地毡卷角了。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕There's a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not worth it.时间紧迫时你会很想走捷径,但这么做并不值得。朗文当代〔dab〕He politely dabbed at the corners of his mouth with his napkin.他斯文地用餐巾擦了擦嘴角。韦氏高阶〔dance〕Exasperation danced in the corners of his eyes.他的眼角闪烁着恼怒的神情。英汉大词典〔daylight〕The daylight penetrated to the far corners of the room.阳光透进房间,连远处的角落都能照到。牛津搭配〔dejected〕The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected.失业者纷纷沮丧地站在街角。朗文当代〔design〕These shelves have been designed very cleverly to fit into corners.这些架子设计得很巧妙,恰好能放进墙角里。牛津搭配〔dirt〕Dirt had accumulated in the corners of the windows.窗角积上了灰尘。牛津搭配〔draw down〕The corners of her mouth were drawn down.她的嘴角向下咧着。外研社新世纪〔drool〕The baby drooled at the corners of his mouth.这婴儿嘴角边淌口水。21世纪英汉〔dusty〕The housecleaning has left a few dusty corners.大扫除后还留下几处积有灰尘的角落。英汉大词典〔eye〕His eyes crinkled up at the corners as he smiled.他笑的时候眼角起了皱纹。牛津搭配〔far-flung〕Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland.渡船是苏格兰边远地区的生命线。柯林斯高阶〔far-flung〕She has travelled to the most far-flung corners of the world.消息传到我们幅员辽阔的帝国的每个角落。剑桥高阶〔farthest〕Children rushed to hide in the farthest corners of the garden.孩子们冲到花园最远的角落里藏起来。麦克米伦高阶〔flews〕The pendulous corners of the upper lip of certain dogs, such as the bloodhound.下垂的上嘴唇:某类狗(如猎犬)的上唇两旁的下垂部分美国传统〔flicker〕A flicker of a smile showed at the corners of her mouth.她的嘴角露出一丝微笑。英汉大词典〔flicker〕A little smile flickered around the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角掠过一丝微笑。麦克米伦高阶〔fold down〕Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book.别把书页角折起来,这要把书弄坏了。21世纪英汉〔fold〕Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book.别把书页的角折起,那样会把书弄坏的。英汉大词典〔form〕Cut off the corners of the square to form a diamond.切下正方形的四角变成菱形。朗文当代〔four〕People from the four corners of the world have come to Ontario to make it their home.世界各地的人都到安大略来安家。朗文当代〔furrow〕Deep furrows marked the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角有深深的皱纹。外研社新世纪〔furthest〕Merlin's fame had spread to the furthest corners of the land.默林的名声已传到了这个国家最偏远的角落。麦克米伦高阶〔half binding〕A bookbinding in which the back and often the corners of the volume are bound in a material differing from the rest of the cover.半皮面装订:一种书的装订方法,书脊和书角(通常是后者)的装订用的是与其余部分不同的材料美国传统〔hospital corner〕A tight-fitting triangular fold made by tucking a sheet and blanket securely under a mattress on the end and on each side at the corners.医院床单折角铺叠法:一种结合紧密的三角形折叠法,做法是在床垫的顶端和两侧的角上塞入床单和毯子美国传统〔in〕Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.把油酥面团切成一个小方块,然后把四角向内叠起。剑桥高阶〔keen〕All was quiet, except for the wind keening round corners and moaning down the chimneys.一切都静悄悄的, 只有风哀号着扫过街角, 呼啸着钻进烟囱。外研社新世纪〔like〕You have to fold the corners back, like so.你得把角往回折叠,像这样。朗文当代〔line〕There were small lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes.她的嘴角和眼睛周围有细小的皱纹。麦克米伦高阶〔loaf〕Soldiers loafed at street corners.士兵们在街角逛荡。柯林斯高阶〔loaf〕Soldiers loafed at street corners.士兵们在街角闲逛。外研社新世纪〔loaf〕They spend all day loafing around on street corners.他们整天在街角闲荡。朗文当代〔lounge〕He enjoys lounging at street corners.他爱在街头闲荡。21世纪英汉〔miter〕The corners of the frame were carefully mitered.框架的角都细致地斜接起来了。韦氏高阶〔mouth〕The corners of her mouth turned up in a slight smile.她嘴角上翘,微微笑了笑。牛津搭配〔nail on〕The corners of the carpet have been nailed on the floor.地毯的四角都已固定在地板上。21世纪英汉〔notch〕Cut small notches at the corners of the fabric.在布料的各角上剪些V型凹口。韦氏高阶〔odd〕Tuck indoor bulbs that have finished flowering into odd corners of the garden.把开过花的室内球茎植物塞进花园的僻静角落里。外研社新世纪〔off〕I need to smooth off the corners of the bookshelf.我得把书架的四角抚平。韦氏高阶〔opposing〕The boxers sat in opposing corners of the ring.拳击手坐在相对的两个场角。韦氏高阶〔pad〕All the sharp corners were padded with foam.所有的棱角都垫上了泡沫塑料。牛津高阶〔pad〕The corners of the box were protected with foam pads.盒子的角部塞有泡沫垫保护。外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕The dust had penetrated to all corners of the room.灰尘落满了房间的每个角落。牛津搭配〔plane〕The piece was reduced in size by planing down the four corners.这块木头的4个角刨过后就变小了。柯林斯高阶〔ply〕In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.在某些地区,毒贩公然在街角进行交易。朗文当代〔pocket〕Games One of the pouchlike receptacles at the corners and sides of a billiard or pool table.【游戏】 球袋;球穴:桌球或撞球台的角和边上的袋状接纳物中的一个美国传统〔pounce on〕Policemen were hiding themselves in the corners of the bank, ready to pounce on the thieves.警察隐藏在银行的角落里,准备向窃贼突然攻来。21世纪英汉〔privacy〕He moved furniture, to produce good conversation areas, create corners of privacy.他移开家具,以留出与人谈话的地方,并辟出幽然独处的角落。英汉大词典〔quirk up〕The corners of his mouth were quirked up when I told him the good news.当我告诉他这个好消息时,他翘起嘴角露出笑容。21世纪英汉〔radiate〕There were tiny lines radiating from the corners of her eyes.她的眼角有细细的鱼尾纹。朗文当代〔rasp away〕The sharp corners of the table have been rasped off.桌子的尖角已经锉掉。21世纪英汉〔reduce〕The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners.大萧条使许多人沦落到街头乞讨美国传统〔ring〕A smile ringed the corners of her eyes.她眉开眼笑了。英汉大词典〔round ... off〕He rounded off the sharp corners of the table with a piece of sandpaper.他用一块砂纸把桌子的各个尖角磨圆。21世纪英汉〔round sth off〕He used a special machine to round off the corners of the old table.他用了一台特制的机器将这张旧桌子的角打磨成圆形。剑桥高阶〔rounded〕Border tiles with two rounded edges are used for corners.有两条圆边的镶边瓷砖用来镶壁角。外研社新世纪〔rounder〕One that rounds, especially a tool for rounding corners and edges.倒圆式倒角工具:尤指把边和角弄圆的工具美国传统〔round〕He rounded off the corners of the table.他把几个桌角都修圆磨光了。韦氏高阶〔round〕Round off the corners with a pair of scissors.用剪刀把角剪圆。朗文当代〔round〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会在街角游荡,无所事事地度过这一天。柯林斯高阶〔round〕The corners are round.这些转角是圆弧形的。韦氏高阶〔round〕You can round off the corners with sandpaper.你可以用砂纸把棱角打磨光滑。牛津高阶〔search〕The sunlight searched the room's dark corners.阳光射进房间的暗角。英汉大词典〔sheet〕A rope or chain attached to one or both of the lower corners of a sail, serving to move or extend it.帆脚索:连接于帆的较低角部的绳子或链索,用来移动或拖拉它美国传统〔smile〕A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.微笑:一种面部表情,其特点是嘴角向上弯成曲线,表示舒服、高兴或嘲笑美国传统〔smile〕These nouns denote facial expressions, as those indicating amusement, in which the mouth is curved upward slightly at the corners.这些名词都指一种嘴角向上微翘,表示愉快的面部表情。美国传统〔split〕The plastic-covered seat has a few small splits around the corners.塑料面椅子的四角上有几道小裂缝。柯林斯高阶〔square〕The corners aren't square.拐角不是直角。麦克米伦高阶〔square〕The book had rounded, not square, corners.这本书是圆角的,而不是方角的。牛津高阶〔square〕The room has four square corners.这个房间的四个角是直角。韦氏高阶〔stand〕People were standing about at street corners talking.人们三三两两地站在街头转角处谈话。英汉大词典〔stand〕Soldiers stand guard on street corners.士兵守卫在街角上。朗文当代〔steer〕How does your car steer? Does it take the corners well? 你的车开起来怎么样? 打弯灵便吗?英汉大词典〔stretching〕Ease the pastry into the corners of the tin, making sure you don't stretch it.将油酥面团小心地移至烤盘的各角,注意不要把它拉长。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕Ease the pastry into the corners of the tin, making sure you don't stretch it.把油酥面团轻放在烤模的几个角上, 确保不要抻长。外研社新世纪〔tapered〕Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners.把你的眉毛修剪成越往外眼角越细的月牙形。柯林斯高阶〔taper〕Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners.把你的眉毛修剪得越往外眼角越细。外研社新世纪〔tight〕She can usually talk her way out of tight corners.她总能凭着自己的三寸不烂之舌摆脱困境。麦克米伦高阶〔tilt〕Ned's mouth tilted upwards slightly at the corners.内德的嘴角微微翘起。朗文当代〔touch〕A smile touched the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角闪现出一丝笑意。牛津高阶〔travel〕These great vehicles are travel(l)ing madly round corners and bends.这些大型车辆在转角处和弯道上发疯似地驶过。英汉大词典〔tricornered〕Having three corners.有三个拐角的美国传统〔tricorn〕Having three corners, horns, or projections.有三只角的:有三个拐角、角或突起的美国传统〔turn down〕The corners of his mouth turned down.他的嘴角向下耷拉。外研社新世纪〔twiddly〕The frame has twiddly bits at the corners which get very dusty.框架的边角有装饰性的突起,布满了灰尘。剑桥高阶〔upside down〕Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down.索尔特抓住包的外角, 把它倒过来晃了晃。外研社新世纪〔upside down〕Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down.索尔特捏住包的外角,把它倒过来晃了晃。柯林斯高阶〔waylay〕She was forever waylaying him in odd holes and corners of the hotel.她总是在酒店的犄角旮旯里截住他。柯林斯高阶〔zizith〕The tassels or fringes of thread on the corners of a garment, especially a prayer shawl, worn by men as prescribed by ritual law.流苏:在衣服的角上由线制成的穗或须边,特别是祷告用的披巾,按宗教仪式法则要求男人们戴的披巾美国传统A jigsaw can cut angles, corners and shapes quickly and precisely.线锯能够快速精确地锯出各种角度和形状。剑桥国际A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth. 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。译典通Cut the pastry into squares and turn in the corners of each square.把面饼切成小方块,然后把每个方块的角都向内叠起。剑桥国际Guards armed with cudgels stood on the street corners.手持短棍的警卫站在街角。剑桥国际He rounded the corners of the table. 他把桌角锯圆。译典通I failed my driving test because I was no good at backing (= driving backwards) round corners.我没通过驾驶考试,因为我倒车转弯时表现不好。剑桥国际I wish you'd do something constructive at the weekends instead of hanging about on street corners with your friends.我希望你能在周末做些有建设性的事,而不是和朋友在街头无所事事。剑桥国际It was one of those parties where couples were necking in corners.这是一场情侣在角落里互相亲吻、拥抱的社交聚会。剑桥国际People arrived from all corners of the world. 人们纷纷从世界各处抵达。译典通She had invited relatives from all the corners/the four corners/the far corners of the world/earth (=many different, esp. distant places) to her 80th birthday party.她邀请了世界各地的亲戚来参加她的八十岁生日晚会。剑桥国际She nailed down the corners of the carpet. 他用钉子把地毯的四角固定住。译典通The car corners well. 这车转弯很灵便。译典通The frame had twiddly bits at the corners which got very dusty.框架角落有装饰性的突起,布满了灰尘。剑桥国际The news spread quickly to all corners of their far-flung empire.这个消息很快传播到他们幅员辽阔的帝国的每个角落。剑桥国际There are too many truants hanging around on street corners instead of going to school.有许多许多旷课生在街头巷尾游荡不去上学。剑桥国际There's usually a couple of kids just hanging round on street corners.时常有几个孩子在街角闲逛。剑桥国际Two diagonal lines drawn from opposite corners of a square intersect at its centre .正方形的两条对角线相交于中心点。剑桥国际When she smiles, her eyes crinkle up at the corners.她一笑,眼角便起了皱纹。剑桥国际You drive round corners too fast--just slow down a bit! 你在拐弯时开得太快----稍微慢一点儿!剑桥国际




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