

单词 continual
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bustle〕a continual bustle of people coming and going 川流不息的来往人群朗文当代〔come-and-go〕a continual come-and-go of cars 川流不息来往的汽车英汉大词典〔compliance〕continual compliance to all of sb.'s petty demands 一味迁就某人的琐碎要求英汉大词典〔continually〕the government's continual demands for cash to finance its chronic deficit.政府为补贴长期的财政赤字而对资金的持续需求柯林斯高阶〔continual〕continual bickering.不断的斗嘴。牛津同义词〔continual〕continual complaints/interruptions 不停的抱怨╱打搅牛津高阶〔continual〕continual fear 缠绕心头的恐惧英汉大词典〔continual〕continual noise; a continual diet of vegetables.连续不断的吵杂声;长期吃素美国传统〔continual〕continual rain 下个不停的雨朗文当代〔continual〕a continual process of change.不断改变的过程。牛津同义词〔continual〕a continual process of growth and education 成长和受教育的持续不断的过程麦克米伦高阶〔continual〕his continual attempts to intervene 他不断想要干涉的企图朗文当代〔continual〕lived in continual fear) but is chiefly restricted to what is intermittent or repeated at intervals ( 生活于缠绕心头的恐惧之中) 但它主要限于间歇性的或每隔一段时间重复的东西( 美国传统〔continual〕the continual banging of the shutter in the wind). 百叶窗在风中不时呼呼作响)。 美国传统〔continual〕the continual ebb and flow of human history 人类历史的盛衰交替英汉大词典〔continual〕the continual need to pay the mortgage.必须经常偿付抵押美国传统〔continual〕the continual wash of the tides 潮水不停的拍击英汉大词典〔continual〕the Japanese business philosophy of continual improvement 日本人精益求精的从商之道朗文当代〔double bluff〕a continual round of bluff and double bluff.一连串的虚张声势和以真做假的诈骗柯林斯高阶〔oscillation〕the economy's continual oscillation between growth and recession 经济增长与衰退之间的持续波动牛津高阶〔round〕a continual round of parties (visits) 一连串的社交聚会(访问) 英汉大词典




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