

单词 deriving
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Euclid〕Greek mathematician who applied the deductive principles of logic to geometry, thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms.欧几里德:古希腊数学家,他把逻辑学中的演绎原理应用到几何学中,籍以由定义明确的公理导出语句美国传统〔Sothic〕Of, relating to, or deriving from the name of Sothis.天狼星的:天狼星名字的、与天狼星名字有关的或来源于天狼星名字的美国传统〔aerodyne〕A heavier-than-air aircraft deriving lift from motion.重航空器:从运动中获得提升力的重于空气的飞行器美国传统〔aerostat〕An aircraft, especially a balloon or dirigible, deriving its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air rather than from aerodynamic motion.浮空器:从周围空气的浮力而不是从空气动力获得提升力的航空器,特指气球或飞船美国传统〔amusement〕He seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort.他似乎在从她的不安中寻开心。牛津搭配〔atom bomb〕A bomb deriving its destructive power from the release of nuclear energy.核炸弹:由原子能的释放而产生破坏力的炸弹美国传统〔derivation〕The act or process of deriving.推导:推导的行为或过程美国传统〔induction〕The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.归纳法:由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程美国传统〔inference〕The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.推理:由已知或假定的正确前提出发作出逻辑推理的行为或过程美国传统〔intertextual〕Relating to or deriving meaning from the interdependent ways in which texts stand in relation to each other.主题交互相关的:与相关主题互相依赖的方式有关或是其衍生义美国传统〔masochism〕The act or an instance of deriving pleasure from being offended, dominated, or mistreated.受虐狂:用被欺负、压制、或虐待而感到快乐的情况美国传统〔masochism〕The act or an instance of deriving sexual gratification from being physically or emotionally abused.性受虐:从身体或情感上受虐待得到性满足的行为或事件美国传统〔modern dance〕A style of theatrical dance that rejects the limitations of classical ballet and favors movement deriving from the expression of inner feeling.现代舞:一种反对传统芭蕾舞的限制并崇尚源自内心感情的动作的舞台舞形式美国传统〔one-way〕So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street, with Cuba deriving the benefit.所以在两国的双边贸易中可以说只有古巴从中受惠。柯林斯高阶〔pleasure〕She was deriving a perverse pleasure from his discomfort.她为他的不安而幸灾乐祸。牛津搭配〔sadism〕The act or an instance of deriving sexual gratification from infliction of pain on others.性虐待:从别人痛苦中获得性满足的行为美国传统〔sadomasochism〕The perversion of deriving pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from simultaneous sadism and masochism.施虐受虐狂:由同时施虐和受虐而获得快感 (尤指性快感)的一种变态心理美国传统〔term〕The term 'renewable energy' is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.renewable energy (可再生能源)这个术语,举个例子,可以指太阳辐射产生的能量。牛津搭配〔triage〕A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.优先分配:一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度美国传统




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