

单词 derives
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔commensalism〕A symbiotic relationship between two organisms of different species in which one derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生,共栖:不同种类两个组织之间的共生关系,在此关系中一个受益而另一个不受影响美国传统〔commensal〕An organism participating in a symbiotic relationship in which one species derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生生物:具有共生关系的组织,在这种关系中一个种类得到某种利益,而其他种类不受影响美国传统〔consequentialism〕The view that the value of an action derives solely from the value of its consequences.结果主义:行为的价值主要是源自于其结果的价值的观点美国传统〔derive from〕The custom derives its origin from Buddhism.这种习惯起源于佛教。21世纪英汉〔derive itself from〕This word derives itself from Latin.这个词源于拉丁语。21世纪英汉〔derive〕He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.他从集邮中得到极大的满足。21世纪英汉〔derive〕Much of its beauty derives from its poetic understanding of human nature.它的美主要在于对人性诗意的理解。外研社新世纪〔derive〕Much of the book's appeal derives from the personality of its central character.这本书的魅力在很大程度上源自主人公的性格。韦氏高阶〔derive〕She derives great pleasure/satisfaction from playing the violin.拉小提琴能让她获得极大的乐趣/满足。剑桥高阶〔derive〕The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.该机构的资金均来自于国外投资。剑桥高阶〔derive〕The river derives its name from a Native American tribe.那条河的名称源自一个美洲土著部落。韦氏高阶〔derive〕The river derives its name from an Indian chief.那条河因一个印第安酋长而得名。英汉大词典〔derive〕The word derives from French.这个词来自法语。21世纪英汉〔derive〕The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(异教的春天女神)衍生而来。外研社新世纪〔derive〕Their fear derives from a belief that these people have supernatural powers.他们的恐惧是由于认为这些人有超自然的力量。麦克米伦高阶〔derive〕Wealth derives from political power.财富来源于政治力量。外研社新世纪〔freight〕France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.法国 16%的岁入来自航空货运。柯林斯高阶〔fusion bomb〕A nuclear bomb, especially a hydrogen bomb, that derives its released energy principally from fusion reactions among light nuclei.热核弹:一种主要从轻核聚变反应中释放能量的核弹,尤指氢弹美国传统〔helicopter〕An aircraft that derives its lift from blades that rotate about an approximately vertical central axis.直升机:螺旋桨叶围绕一根近似垂直的中心轴旋转而使其升高的飞机美国传统〔lithophyte〕Botany A plant that grows on rock and derives its nourishment chiefly from the atmosphere.【植物学】 石生植物:一种生长在岩石上并以空气中获取营养的植物美国传统〔nuclear weapon〕A device, such as a bomb or warhead, whose great explosive power derives from the release of nuclear energy.核武器:一种装置,如炸弹或弹头,其巨大的爆炸力来源于核能量的释放美国传统〔origin〕The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived.起源:事物开始存在或起源或取得的始点美国传统〔perverted〕He derives a perverted pleasure from hurting other people.伤害了别人他就能获得一种病态的快感。朗文当代〔photophore〕A light-producing organ found especially in marine fishes that emits light from specialized structures or derives light from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.发光器官:常在海洋鱼类身上发现的一个发光器官,可以从特殊的结构中散射光或是从共生的发冷光细菌中提取光美国传统〔principality〕A territory ruled by a prince or from which a prince derives his title.公国,侯国,封邑:王侯统治的区域或王侯封号的来源地美国传统〔production〕They believed that power largely derives from ownership of the means of production.他们相信权力主要来自对生产资料的所有权。牛津搭配〔rodent ulcer〕A cancerous skin ulcer that derives from basal cells and usually occurs on the face.侵蚀性溃疡,侵蚀性癌,基底细胞癌:一种衍生于基底细胞且通常发生在脸上的癌变皮肤溃疡美国传统〔saprobe〕An organism that derives its nourishment from nonliving or decaying organic matter.寄生菌:从死亡或腐败的肌体组织中摄取营养的微生物美国传统〔saprophyte〕An organism, especially a fungus or bacterium, that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter.腐生菌:微生物,尤指真菌或细菌,靠从死亡的或腐败的有机体中摄取养料以供生存美国传统〔source〕The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained.来源:某事物形成、起源或取得的根本美国传统〔thymocyte〕A lymphocyte that derives from the thymus and is the precursor of a T cell.胸腺细胞:一种由胸腺繁殖而成的淋巴细胞,是T细胞的前身美国传统〔vine〕A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.藤本植物,蔓藤:一种茎杆弱小的植物,依靠沿表面爬升、缠绕或蔓生来获取依附美国传统〔voyeur〕A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point.窥淫癖者:从观看别人的裸体或性行为中得到性满足的人,尤指从一个秘密的有利地点美国传统〔we〕We will now consider the raw materials from which the body derives energy.现在我们来细想一下为身体提供能量的原料。柯林斯高阶Much of the play's humour derives from the witty wordplay between the lovers.这部戏的大部分幽默来自情人间诙谐巧妙的对话。剑桥国际She derives great joy/pleasure/satisfaction from/out of playing the violin.她从演奏小提琴中得到极大的欢乐/愉悦/满足。剑桥国际She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection. 她从集邮中获得很大乐趣。译典通The English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock. 英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。译典通The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.该协会所有的钱是从国外投资中获得的。剑桥国际The word, whose meaning escapes me, probably derives from Latin. 那个词可能源自拉丁文,其意思我想不起来了。译典通This English word derives from French. 这个英文字源于法语。译典通




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