

单词 admonition
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔admonition〕He offered words of advice and admonition.他说了些建议和告诫的话。韦氏高阶〔admonition〕She ignored the admonitions of her mother to beware the ways of men.母亲告诫她要提防男人耍手段, 她都置之不理。外研社新世纪〔admonition〕She ignored the admonitions of her mother.她对母亲的告诫置若罔闻。柯林斯高阶〔admonition〕Stern admonitions were delivered from the pulpit to those who had erred and strayed.牧师严厉责备了那些犯错误的人和走入歧途的人。外研社新世纪〔admonition〕The most common parental admonition must surely be "Don't stay out late".父母告诫孩子们最多的话肯定是“别在外面呆到太晚”。剑桥高阶〔admonitory〕Expressing admonition.警告的:表示警告的美国传统〔carpe diem〕The admonition to seize the pleasures of the moment without thought for the future.及时行乐:不要考虑将来,只抓紧时间行乐的告诫美国传统〔homily〕A tedious moralizing lecture or admonition.说教:冗长乏味的道德讲演或训诫美国传统〔lecture〕An earnest admonition or reproof; a reprimand.严肃的劝诫或责怪;斥责美国传统〔monition〕Cautionary advice or counsel; an admonition.警告性建议或意见;警告美国传统〔monitory〕A letter of admonition, such as one from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court.训诫信,如来自主教或宗教法庭的规劝书美国传统〔sink〕Your admonition didn't quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again.你的告诫他没有听进去,你恐怕得再跟他谈谈。英汉大词典〔tush〕Used to express mild reproof, disapproval, or admonition.呸,啐:表示轻微的反对,指责或轻蔑美国传统〔wag〕To move (a body part) rapidly from side to side or up and down, as in playfulness, agreement, admonition, or chatter.摇动(摆动):快速地从一边到一边地或上下地运动(身体的一部分),如表示顽皮、同意、警告或聊天美国传统Despite the stern admonitions and entreaties of her parents and friends, she carried out her plan to join the army.他不顾父母和朋友的严厉告诫和恳求,实现了参军的计划。剑桥国际The most common parental admonition must surely be “Don't stay out late” .父母最常用的告诫肯定是“别回来太晚”。剑桥国际The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless. 那个打字员因粗心大意受到监督人的训诫。译典通




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