

单词 cotton on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕It took him a while to cotton on to what was happening. 他好一会才开始明白发生了什么事。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Large stores have at last cottoned on to the fact that mothers with pushchairs can't cope with stairs. 大商店终于认识到,手推婴儿车的妈妈们没法上下楼梯。朗文写作活用〔cotton on〕At last I cottoned on to what he meant.最后我总算理解了他的意思。21世纪英汉〔cotton on〕At last he has cottoned on to the fact that I'm not interested in him!他终于明白了一个事实, 就是我对他不感兴趣!外研社新世纪〔cotton on〕I'd only just cottoned on to the fact that they were having a relationship.我那时才明白他们在谈恋爱。剑桥高阶〔cotton on〕It took a while, but they are finally starting to cotton on.虽然花了点时间,但他们终于开始领悟了。韦氏高阶〔cotton on〕She cottoned on to the fact that I like her.她意识到我喜欢她。韦氏高阶〔cotton on〕She had already cottoned on to the fact that the nanny was not all she appeared.她已经意识到这个保姆不只是她看起来的那样。柯林斯高阶〔cotton〕He'd been speaking for half an hour before I cottoned on (to what he meant).他讲了半个小时我才明白(他的意思)。英汉大词典〔cotton〕I suddenly cottoned on to what he was doing.我突然明白了他在做什么。牛津高阶〔cotton〕It took him a while to cotton on to what I was saying.他过了好一会儿才明白我在说什么。麦克米伦高阶〔cotton〕It took me a while to cotton on.我过了一会才明白过来。朗文当代〔cotton〕Sarah soon cottoned on to what he was trying to do.萨拉马上明白了他想干什么。朗文当代〔cotton〕Suddenly I cottoned on – she'd been lying from the start.突然间我明白了,她一开始就在撒谎。麦克米伦高阶A polyester shirt would be cheaper and tougher than a cotton one, but it would also be less comfortable next to your skin.涤纶衬衫比棉衬衫便宜耐用但不如棉衬衫贴身穿舒服。剑桥国际He'd been talking for at least a quarter of an hour before I finally cottoned on.他说了至少一刻钟我才明白过来。剑桥国际It took me a while to cotton on to what was happening.过了一会我才明白发生了什么事。剑桥国际




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