

单词 debate about
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕Democrats clashed with Republicans last night in a heated debate about unemployment. 民主党和共和党昨晚在关于失业问题的激烈辩论中发生了冲突。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The action is likely to reopen debates about affirmative action. 这个行动可能会再次引发有关反歧视行动的辩论。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕There was a lot of public debate about the morality of the invasion. 对于这次入侵的道德性有很多公开辩论。朗文写作活用〔debate about〕We debated about which train to take.我们考虑乘坐哪趟火车。21世纪英汉〔debate〕A debate about safety is taking place in schools everywhere.各地学校都在就安全问题展开讨论。牛津搭配〔debate〕Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.一年来,我们就未来的政策进行了几次讨论。剑桥高阶〔debate〕Television actually encourages public debate about such issues.事实上电视促进了公众关于这类问题的讨论。牛津搭配〔debate〕There has been a lot of debate about this.关于这一点存在许多争议。外研社新世纪〔debate〕There has been heated debate about whether the movie should be allowed.关于是否准许放映这部影片一直激辩不休。牛津搭配〔debate〕There was much lively debate about whether women should spend more time in the home.对妇女是否应该花更多时间呆在家里这个话题有许多热烈的争论。朗文当代〔debate〕We had a brief debate about whether or not to accept the offer.关于是否接受提议,我们进行了简短的辩论。牛津搭配〔debate〕You cannot separate unemployment from the wider debate about the economy.不能将失业与更广泛的经济问题方面的讨论分割开来。牛津搭配〔draft〕There is debate about whether the country needs a draft.关于国家是否需要实行兵役制还有争论。韦氏高阶〔engage〕The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.关于食品安全的争论引起了全国关注。剑桥高阶〔engage〕We want to engage the Opposition in a debate about economic policy.我们想与反对党就经济政策辩论一番。外研社新世纪〔fitness〕There is some debate about his fitness for the job.关于他是否胜任这一工作尚有争议。外研社新世纪〔furious〕We had a furious debate about the death penalty.我们就死刑问题吵了个天翻地覆。剑桥高阶〔heat up〕The debate about birthing methods is heating up again.又一场关于分娩方法的辩论愈演愈烈。外研社新世纪〔heated〕They were engaged in a heated debate about the problem.他们就这个问题进行了激烈的辩论。麦克米伦高阶〔history〕The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。牛津搭配〔ignite〕His comments are likely to ignite a debate about the future of theatre.他的评论很可能引起有关戏剧前景的辩论。外研社新世纪〔philosophical〕They got into a philosophical debate about what it means for something to be “natural.” 他们展开了一场从哲学层面探讨事物的自然性的辩论。韦氏高阶〔principle〕There are some basic issues of principle relating to the debate about abortion.有关堕胎的辩论有一些基本的原则问题。麦克米伦高阶〔reawakening〕The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。柯林斯高阶〔rekindle〕The court's controversial decision is sure to rekindle debate about this issue.法院这一颇具争议的判决必然会再次引起人们对此事件的激烈讨论。韦氏高阶〔set off〕The incident set off a debate about how public land should be used.这起事件引发了一场有关如何使用公共土地的争论。韦氏高阶〔sharpen〕The prison riots have sharpened the debate about how prisons should be run.监狱暴动加剧了有关监狱该如何管理的争论。剑桥高阶〔spark〕This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about immigration.这项提议很可能会再一次在全国范围内引起关于移民的争论。剑桥高阶〔still〕The report has not stilled debate about whether the procedure is safe.这篇报道并没有平息关于这一手术是否安全的争论。韦氏高阶〔urgency〕The murders have given added urgency to the debate about violent crime.这些谋杀案使有关暴力犯罪的讨论更显紧迫。牛津搭配〔viable〕There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human foetus can be considered viable.关于人类胎儿在何时可被视为已有生命的问题仍处于争论中。剑桥高阶〔villain〕In the debate about global warming, coal-fired power stations are usually seen as the prime villains.在全球气候变暖的辩论中,燃煤发电厂通常被看作是问题的主要起因。麦克米伦高阶Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.一年中我们对未来政策进行了好几次辩论。剑桥国际People are tired of the unending debate about tobacco. 人们厌倦了有关抽烟的无休止的讨论。译典通The debate about capital punishment continues to be as furious as ever.关于死刑的争论还是跟以前一样的激烈。剑桥国际The debate about new gambling laws is a confrontation between the forces of God and Mammon.关于新赌博法案的辩论是信奉上帝和信奉玛门两股力量的正面冲突。剑桥国际The debate about the star's involvement with the failed business continues to be as vigorous as ever.有关这位明星经商失败的辩论仍然激烈不已。剑桥国际The debate about whether to build the shopping centre has turned into the politically sensitive issue of jobs versus the environment.关于是否要建造购物中心的辩论已经演变成了要工作还是要环境这一政治上敏感的问题。剑桥国际The riots at the prison have sharpened the debate about how prisons should be run.监狱里发生的暴动使监狱该如何管理的辩论激烈化。剑桥国际There was a lengthy debate about whether local authorities are spending enough on the arts.关于地方当局是否对艺术给予足够的拨款有一场冗长的辩论。剑桥国际There's been a lot of debate about whether the UN should withdraw its troops from the country.关于联合国是否应该从这个国家撤军有很多争论。剑桥国际They always get into lengthy philosophical debates about morality and such like.他们总是进行长时间的关于诸如道德之类的哲学辩论。剑桥国际This proposal will almost certainly spark another countywide debate about how to organize the school system.这项提议很可能会在全国范围内引起关于组织学校系统的争论。剑桥国际




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