

单词 dangers
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔alcohol〕the dangers of excessive alcohol 过量饮酒的危险牛津搭配〔alert to〕to alert gardeners to the dangers of some pesticides使园丁注意某些杀虫剂的危险21世纪英汉〔alert〕campaigns to alert the public to the dangers of HIV 使公众认识到艾滋病病毒危险的宣传活动朗文当代〔article〕an article on the dangers of sunbathing 关于日光浴危害的文章牛津搭配〔campaign〕a concerted campaign aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs 旨在教育年轻人毒品有害的联合行动牛津搭配〔co-dependency〕the dangers of co-dependency.共依存的种种危险柯林斯高阶〔co-dependency〕the dangers of co-dependency共依存的种种危害外研社新世纪〔consumer〕claims that tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking.声称烟草公司未能警示消费者吸烟的危害柯林斯高阶〔danger〕a campaign to warn children of the dangers of electricity 提醒儿童电有危险的一场运动麦克米伦高阶〔danger〕the dangers of drug use 吸毒的危害朗文当代〔danger〕the dangers of rock-climbing 攀岩的种种危险剑桥高阶〔danger〕the dangers of smoking 吸烟的种种危害英汉大词典〔danger〕the dangers of smoking吸烟的危害外研社新世纪〔danger〕the dangers that abound in the region 充斥该地区的危险朗文当代〔danger〕the hidden dangers in your home 家里潜在的危险因素牛津高阶〔dare〕dare the dangers of the icy north 敢于冒北方冰雪严寒的危险英汉大词典〔describe〕parents rehearsing the dangers the children faced; 父母们详述了孩子们面临的危险;美国传统〔downplay〕to downplay the dangers of nuclear accidents.对核事故的危险轻描淡写柯林斯高阶〔drug〕the dangers of drugs and alcohol 酗酒与吸毒的危害牛津搭配〔educate〕a campaign that educated the public about the dangers of smoking.一场教育公众吸烟有害的运动美国传统〔elevated〕the dangers of elevated blood pressure 高血压的危险麦克米伦高阶〔enchantment〕the dangers and enchantments of mountainous regions 山区的险峻和迷人之处英汉大词典〔exaggerated〕exaggerated accounts of the dangers of urban and rural crime waves关于城乡犯罪浪潮危害性的夸张报道外研社新世纪〔excess〕a long sermon against the dangers of excess 告诫极端行为会造成危害的长篇布道朗文当代〔expose〕the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV 儿童接触有关暴力和色情电视节目的危害英汉大词典〔film〕a government health film about the dangers of smoking.有关吸烟危害的公益健康教育影片柯林斯高阶〔film〕a government health film about the dangers of smoking政府拍摄的一部讲解吸烟危害的健康教育影片外研社新世纪〔fragment〕the dangers of fragmenting the Health Service 医疗保健服务破裂的危险朗文当代〔high〕the dangers of travelling at high speed高速驾驶的危险外研社新世纪〔implicit〕the dangers implicit in this kind of work 此类工作中固有的危险麦克米伦高阶〔inform〕efforts to inform young people about the dangers of drugs 为使年轻人了解毒品危害所作的努力牛津搭配〔inherently〕the dangers inherent in an outbreak of war.一旦爆发战争所固有的危险柯林斯高阶〔laugh〕laugh away the dangers 藐视危险英汉大词典〔microwave〕the dangers of microwaves emitted by the pylons used for mobile phone transmissions由移动电话传输铁塔发射的微波的危害外研社新世纪〔needle〕the dangers of sharing needles 共用针头的危险牛津搭配〔orthodoxy〕the dangers of a scientific orthodoxy 科学上正统观念的危险英汉大词典〔overhang〕overhanging dangers 逼近的危险英汉大词典〔passive smoking〕the dangers of passive smoking.被动吸烟的危害柯林斯高阶〔passive smoking〕the dangers of passive smoking被动吸烟的危害外研社新世纪〔pass〕pass the dangers 历险英汉大词典〔prescience〕foresee dangers with prescience 未卜先知地预见到危险英汉大词典〔ram〕a police video ramming home the dangers of driving fast in fog 一再强调在雾中开快车危险的警方录像带朗文当代〔reminder〕a reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving 酒后驾车具有种种危险的警示朗文当代〔ride〕the dangers of riding the New York subway at night 晚上搭乘纽约地铁的危险麦克米伦高阶〔salutary〕a salutary reminder of the dangers of mountain climbing 对登山危险性的有益提醒剑桥高阶〔secure〕to secure from the dangers of the flood保证免受洪水的淹没21世纪英汉〔sexually〕the dangers of sexually contracted diseases性传播疾病的危险外研社新世纪〔sex〕the dangers of casual sex (=having sex with someone without intending to have a serious relationship) 性关系随便的危险性朗文当代〔shape〕dangers of every shape 各种各样的危险英汉大词典〔smoking〕the dangers of passive smoking 被动吸烟的危害牛津搭配〔sport〕the inherent dangers of adventure sports such as mountaineering 登山之类冒险运动的固有危险牛津搭配〔tale〕a cautionary tale (=one that is told to warn people about the dangers of something) 警告朗文当代〔thermo〕the dangers of thermo-nuclear war.热核战争的危险柯林斯高阶〔tract〕a tract on the dangers of drink 讲饮酒危害的小册子朗文当代〔trouble〕the dangers of trying to borrow your way out of trouble 试图借钱摆脱困境的危险性朗文当代〔unseen〕unseen dangers 未被察觉的危险韦氏高阶〔unseen〕unseen dangers 未预见的危险牛津高阶〔untested〕the dangers of giving untested drugs to people将未经检验药物给人吃的危险性外研社新世纪〔use〕the dangers of the large-scale use of insecticides 大规模使用杀虫剂的种种危害 英汉大词典〔warning〕warnings about the dangers of smoking 吸烟有害的警告朗文当代




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