

单词 cowed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cowed〕By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.这时她已经被打怕了,只得言听计从。柯林斯高阶〔cowed〕The government, far from being cowed by these threats, has vowed to continue its policy.该政府丝毫没有被这些威胁吓住,发誓要继续执行其政策。柯林斯高阶〔cow〕By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.到这时候她已经被打怕了, 只好乖乖听话。外研社新世纪〔cow〕He cowed her into submission.他恐吓使她服从。文馨英汉〔cow〕I refuse to be cowed by their threats.我绝不被他们的威胁吓倒。韦氏高阶〔cow〕She was cowed by his position.她被他的地位所吓。文馨英汉〔cow〕She was easily cowed by people in authority.她很容易被有权势的人吓住。牛津高阶〔cow〕The government, far from being cowed by these threats, has vowed to continue its policy.政府根本没有被这些威胁吓倒, 发誓要继续执行其政策。外研社新世纪〔cow〕The protesters had been cowed into submission by the police.抗议者在警察的威胁下屈服了。朗文当代〔cow〕The protesters refused to be cowed into submission by the army.抗议者拒绝向军队低头。剑桥高阶〔cow〕The publisher was cowed into withdrawing his book.出版商吓得不敢出版他的书了。英汉大词典〔cow〕The teacher cowed the pupils with his hard eyes.老师用严厉的目光吓唬学生们。21世纪英汉〔cow〕They refused to be cowed.他们显得无所畏惧。麦克米伦高阶〔phrase〕The rotundity of phrase cowed everyone.言语之夸张令人咋舌。英汉大词典Fear of unemployment has cowed the workers into acceptance of the company's plans.由于担心失业,工人被迫接受了公司的方案。剑桥国际He cowed them with his threats. 他威胁恐吓他们。译典通Potential rivals were so cowed by her popularity that no-one dared challenge her for the leadership.由于她深得人心,那些潜在的竞争者都被镇住,无人敢向她挑战领导地位。剑桥国际The protesters refused to be cowed into submission by the army.抗议者拒绝向军队屈膝投降。剑桥国际




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