

单词 coward
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕He called me a coward, because I wouldn't fight. 因为我不愿打架,他就叫我胆小鬼。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Perhaps I should have turned back but I didn't want to be known as a quitter and a coward. 也许我本应该折返,但我不愿被人看作是个半途而废的懦夫。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕She knew she was an awful coward about going to the dentist. 她知道自己不敢去看牙医是非常怯懦的。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕Liz mocked him, saying that he was a coward. 利兹嘲笑他,说他是个懦夫。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕When I didn't want to fight he would taunt me repeatedly. ‘Coward,’ he would say, ‘coward, coward, coward ....’ 我不想打架时,他就一遍遍地嘲笑我。“胆小鬼,”他会这样说我,“胆小鬼,胆小鬼,胆小鬼…”朗文写作活用〔Scaramouch〕A stock character in commedia dell'arte and pantomime, depicted as a boastful coward or buffoon.斯卡拉穆恰:在闹剧和哑喜剧中被描绘成一个好吹牛的胆小鬼或滑稽人物的小丑角色美国传统〔abject〕She thought he was an abject coward.她认为他是一个懦弱的胆小鬼。韦氏高阶〔bit〕He is a bit of a coward.他多少有几分怯懦。英汉大词典〔brand〕He bore the brand of a coward.他背上了懦夫的污名。外研社新世纪〔bullying〕He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.他是一个懦夫,一个分不清蛮力和大丈夫气概的恃强凌弱者。柯林斯高阶〔bully〕Bullies are often cowards.欺负他人者往往是懦夫。朗文当代〔bully〕He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.他是个懦夫, 只会恃强欺弱, 以为拳头硬就是真正的男子汉。外研社新世纪〔chicken〕Slang A coward.【俚语】 胆怯者美国传统〔contemptible〕They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.他们被刻画成可鄙的胆小鬼。朗文当代〔coward〕He was branded a coward in some newspapers.一些报纸称他为懦夫。牛津搭配〔coward〕I'm a real coward when it comes to going to the dentist.我一去看牙医就胆战心惊。牛津高阶〔coward〕John was coward enough to agree.约翰真是个胆小鬼,居然会同意。英汉大词典〔coward〕She accused her husband of being a coward.她指责丈夫胆小懦弱。柯林斯高阶〔coward〕She accused her husband of being a coward.她指责自己的丈夫是胆小鬼。外研社新世纪〔coward〕They branded her a coward for informing on her colleagues during the interrogation.她在审讯中告发了同事,因此被视为懦夫。剑桥高阶〔coward〕Try it. Don't be such a coward.试一下,别那么胆小。朗文当代〔craven〕A coward.懦夫美国传统〔dastard〕A sneaking, malicious coward.懦夫:卑怯的、恶毒的懦夫美国传统〔despise〕He despised himself for being such a coward.他厌恶自己竟然如此懦弱。剑桥高阶〔despise〕Other boys despised him for a coward.其他男孩因他胆小而看不起他。英汉大词典〔disdain〕They disdained him for the coward he was.他们因为他如此怯懦而鄙视他。英汉大词典〔enough〕John was coward enough to agree.约翰真是个胆小鬼,竟然同意了。英汉大词典〔force〕Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project.贝蒂‧科沃德是这个项目的推动力。朗文当代〔give in to〕Only a coward gives in to his fate.只有懦夫才向命运屈服。21世纪英汉〔good〕He as good as called me a coward(= suggested that I was a coward without actually using the word ‘coward’).他就差说我是懦夫了。牛津高阶〔gutless〕By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.他攻击我,攻击我的妻子,这正证明他自己是个没出息的胆小鬼。柯林斯高阶〔gutless〕By attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.殴打我妻子证明他是一个没种的胆小鬼。外研社新世纪〔insult〕She insulted him by calling him a coward.她辱骂他是个胆小鬼。英汉大词典〔lie down〕They expected me to lie down like a coward.他们指望我像一个懦夫一样屈服。21世纪英汉〔lie〕He lay down like a coward.他像懦夫般地屈从。英汉大词典〔look〕The coward just stood looking on while an old woman was robbed.老妇人遭抢劫时,这个胆小鬼只是站在一旁观望。英汉大词典〔much〕He'd never act on his own – he's too much of a coward for that.他从来没有独立行动过,就那点来说他过于怯懦。麦克米伦高阶〔much〕He's too much of a coward to finish the relationship.他太懦弱了, 没法结束这段关系。外研社新世纪〔name〕He named them all cowards.他骂他们都是胆小鬼。英汉大词典〔nerveless〕He's nothing but a nerveless coward.他只不过是个懦弱的胆小鬼。外研社新世纪〔not〕A: John is a coward. B: Yes, but not me (或书but not I).甲:约翰是个胆小鬼。乙:不错。我可不是。英汉大词典〔philosophically〕Wiggins says he's not a coward, but that he's philosophically opposed to war.威金斯说他不是懦夫,只是从哲学上来说他是反战的。柯林斯高阶〔plebeian〕To the brave, there is but one sort of plebeian, and that is the coward.对于勇士来说,只有一种下贱的人,那就是懦夫。英汉大词典〔posturing〕Don't be fooled by his macho posturing. He's really a coward at heart.别被他装出来的男子气概欺骗了,他本质上是个胆小鬼。韦氏高阶〔quail〕The coward quai- led before the enemy.这个懦夫在敌人面前畏缩不前。21世纪英汉〔recreant〕A coward.懦夫:胆小鬼美国传统〔rotten〕She was a rotten coward.她是一个讨厌的胆小鬼。柯林斯高阶〔shame〕I was, to my shame, a coward.我很惭愧,我是个懦夫。柯林斯高阶〔shame〕I was, to my shame, a coward.让我觉得羞愧的是, 我是一个胆小鬼。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.她出演了一部诺埃尔•科沃德的戏, 在百老汇一炮而红。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.她因在百老汇出演了一部诺埃尔·科沃德的戏一炮而红。柯林斯高阶〔sniveling〕He's a sniveling, lying coward.他是个爱哭诉、爱撒谎的懦夫。韦氏高阶〔stardom〕In 1929 she shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.1929 年,她因出演诺埃尔·科沃德的一部剧而在百老汇一炮走红。柯林斯高阶〔teach〕I'll teach you to call me a coward.再称我为懦夫,我就要给你颜色看。文馨英汉〔untruthful〕He must not be untruthful, or a coward.他绝不是虚伪或胆怯之徒。外研社新世纪〔untruthful〕He must not be untruthful, or a coward.他绝不能是虚伪或胆怯之徒。柯林斯高阶〔vengeance〕He is a coward with a vengeance.他是个十足的胆小鬼。英汉大词典〔water〕The coward took water at once.那胆小鬼立刻溜走了。英汉大词典〔white feather〕To act like a coward.象个胆小鬼一样行动美国传统〔with〕With all his boasting, he is a coward.尽管他大吹大擂,但他还是个胆小鬼。21世纪英汉A coward is a reproach to an army. 懦夫是军队的耻辱。译典通He despised himself for being such a coward.他鄙视自己成了这样的懦夫。剑桥国际He is nothing but a chicken-hearted coward. 他只是一个胆怯的懦夫。译典通Only a coward would run from danger. 只有懦夫才临危脱逃。译典通The brand of a coward is a liability in a military career. 懦夫的污名对戎马生涯是不利的。译典通There was a coward silence when the stern principal came in. 严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢出声。译典通They are wretched cowards. 他们是讨厌的胆小鬼。译典通They branded her a coward for informing on her colleagues during the interrogation.她在审讯中告发了同事,因此他们骂她是胆小鬼。剑桥国际They goaded him into doing it by saying he was a coward. 他们说他是个胆小鬼,以此刺激他去做这事。译典通




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