

单词 depends
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BASIC〕the feature or part of something that everything else depends on 某事物为其他事物所依据的特点或部分朗文写作活用〔conditional〕a conditional offer(= that depends on particular conditions being met) 有条件的要约牛津高阶〔goody〕the thriller, a genre which depends on goodies and baddies.惊悚小说,一种依赖于好人和坏人之间矛盾冲突的文学类型柯林斯高阶〔head〕a crack-head (= someone who depends on the drug crack) 对强效可卡因上瘾的人剑桥高阶〔internalization〕a social order which depends on internalized feelings of what is right and wrong.依赖内化的是非观来维持的社会秩序柯林斯高阶〔livelihood〕people whose livelihood depends on the forest 靠森林生活的人们牛津搭配〔sobriety〕the values society depends upon, such as honesty, sobriety and trust.社会赖以维系下去的价值观,例如诚实、持重和信任柯林斯高阶〔sobriety〕the values society depends upon, such as honesty, sobriety and trust社会赖以维系的价值观, 如诚实、持重及信任外研社新世纪




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