

单词 discussing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕Many people have been shamed into silence when it comes to discussing their sex lives. 谈到性生活,许多人都羞于启齿。朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕Parents often shy away from discussing sex with their children. 父母往往羞于和孩子讨论性的问题。朗文写作活用〔Anglo-Saxon〕Debilly had no Anglo-Saxon shyness about discussing money.在谈到钱时,德比利毫无英国式的羞涩。柯林斯高阶〔Anglo-Saxon〕Debilly had no Anglo-Saxon shyness about discussing money.德比利谈论钱财时并无白人新教徒的那种羞涩。外研社新世纪〔BAD〕Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom. 家长们投诉说老师在课堂上讨论避孕和堕胎是在把学生引入歧途。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕The two men stood at the bar discussing the relative merits of various sports cars. 两个男人站在吧台处,谈论着各种赛车的相对优点。朗文写作活用〔Downing Street〕Downing Street and the White House are currently discussing the issue.唐宁街和白宫目前正在商讨此事。韦氏高阶〔ESPECIALLY〕This is a particularly good example of the problem we've been discussing. 在我们所讨论的这个问题当中,这个例子特别好。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕Tonight on Channel 4, young people will be discussing their experiences of racism. 今晚四频道将有年轻人一起讨论他们在种族歧视方面的经历。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕To be fair, these are complicated, serious issues, and the department has only been discussing them for a short time. 说句公道话,这些问题都很复杂、很严重,该部门才刚刚开始讨论。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Economic advisers in Washington have been discussing whether to downgrade foreign loans. 华盛顿的经济顾问在讨论是否减少对外国的贷款。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The opening scene of the movie features the gangsters discussing their next heist. 该影片一开始是匪徒们讨论下一次抢劫的场景。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Women are usually more interested in discussing relationships than men. 女性通常要比男性更有兴趣讨论人际关系。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕We spent hours discussing politics, religion, and poetry. 我们聊了好几个小时,大谈政治、宗教和诗歌。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕Belgian government officials are discussing the matter with their counterparts in France. 比利时政府官员正就此事和法国的同级官员进行磋商。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕We were discussing her new movie, and Jill made some interesting comments about it. 我们讨论了她的新电影,吉尔也作了一些有趣的评论。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕You've already decided, so what's the point of discussing it? 你已经决定了,讨论还有什么用?朗文写作活用〔WAY〕The team was busy discussing tactics for the game. 球队在忙着商讨比赛的战术。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕Scientists at an international conference have been discussing global warming and its possible effects. 科学家在一个国际会议上讨论全球气候变暖及其可能造成的影响。朗文写作活用〔absurdity〕It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。柯林斯高阶〔affair〕The Cabinet will be discussing certain affairs of state.内阁将就某些国事进行讨论。牛津搭配〔apropos〕Your remark is undoubtedly apropos to what we are discussing.你的话对我们正在进行的讨论无疑是切题的。英汉大词典〔arise〕Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? 我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议提出的问题开始?朗文当代〔around〕After breakfast the next morning they sat around for an hour discussing political affairs.第二天早饭后,他们闲坐着聊了一个小时政治话题。柯林斯高阶〔arrangement〕We are just discussing the final arrangements for the concert.我们只是在讨论音乐会最后的准备工作。牛津搭配〔attach〕They soon attached themselves to a group of women discussing the next day's activities.很快他们就和一群妇女在一起讨论第二天的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔bash〕He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.他已经准备好尽量巧妙地讨论这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔beside〕Let's stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all. The exact cost is beside the point.我们还是继续讨论这条路到底该不该建的问题吧。确切的造价不是问题的根本。剑桥高阶〔bilateral〕They have been discussing various bilateral issues.他们一直在商讨各种双方共同的问题。外研社新世纪〔bone up〕He'd also like to know which issues his guests might be interested in discussing so he can bone up beforehand.他还想知道客人们可能喜欢谈论哪些话题, 以便提前钻研一下。外研社新世纪〔business〕Okay, let's get down to business (=start doing or discussing something).好吧,我们干正事吧。朗文当代〔case〕Tom's career is a case in point (=a clear example of something that you are discussing or explaining) .汤姆的事业就是个明证。朗文当代〔cluck〕The seamstresses cluck around a dummy, discussing a tuck here and there.这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。柯林斯高阶〔coincidence〕By (sheer) coincidence, I met the person we'd been discussing the next day.真是巧了,我在第二天就遇见了我们一直在谈论的那个人。牛津高阶〔commonality〕They found a commonality in discussing their experiences.他们在讨论各自的经验时找到了共通性。剑桥高阶〔conceivable〕We were discussing the problems from every conceivable angle.我们正在从各个能想到的角度对问题进行讨论。朗文当代〔conciliatory〕She tried to sound conciliatory in discussing the current controversy.她尽量以和缓的口气讨论当前的争议。韦氏高阶〔confidentiality〕Patient confidentiality prevents me from discussing any specific medical case.病人隐私的保密原则不允许我讨论任何特定病例。外研社新世纪〔confine〕They confine themselves to discussing the weather.他们的谈话内容仅限于天气。外研社新世纪〔counterpart〕Belgian officials are discussing this with their French counterparts.比利时官员与法国同级官员正在讨论此事。朗文当代〔crop up〕We are discussing the problems that have recently cropped up.我们正在讨论最近出现的新问题。21世纪英汉〔deal〕She and Branson have been discussing a possible business deal together.她和布兰森在商讨一项可能达成的商业协议。朗文当代〔debate〕To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.辩论(通过讨论对立的观点)美国传统〔develop〕I'd like to fully develop my idea before discussing it.在讨论前我想充分阐述自己的看法。麦克米伦高阶〔develop〕If you develop the idea further,I will be interested in discussing it.如果你进一步阐述这个论点,我将有兴趣讨论它。21世纪英汉〔discuss〕I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow.明天我会和同事们讨论一下情况。柯林斯高阶〔discuss〕I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow.明天我会和同事们讨论一下这个情况。外研社新世纪〔discuss〕We are discussing yesterday's game.我们在谈论昨天的球赛。英汉大词典〔discuss〕We have been discussing what to do.我们一直在讨论该做些什么。外研社新世纪〔disturb〕Neither Baker nor Levy seemed eager to disturb the cordial atmosphere by discussing more sensitive issues.贝克和利维似乎都不愿谈及更为敏感的话题而破坏了友好的氛围。柯林斯高阶〔draw sth down〕The president is discussing how quickly we should draw down our troops in the area.总统正在讨论我们减少这一地区的军队数量的速度。剑桥高阶〔earshot〕We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.我们一直等到特德保准听不见时才讨论这事。牛津高阶〔enter〕After discussing the budget deficit, they entered on the problem of raising taxes.讨论过预算赤字之后,他们开始考虑增税问题了美国传统〔enter〕The rebels were prepared to enter negotiations (=start discussing something) .叛乱分子愿意参加谈判。朗文当代〔ever〕He made a point of not discussing them with anyone, ever.他打定主意不跟任何人讨论那些事,任何时候也不。英汉大词典〔excitedly〕They were excitedly discussing plans for a party at the weekend.他们正兴奋地讨论周末开派对的计划。文馨英汉〔explicit〕He used his most explicit language to date in discussing the danger of war.他用自己迄今最详尽的语言论及战争的危险。外研社新世纪〔fine〕We stayed up discussing the finer points of Marxist theory.我们讨论马克思主义理论的细微之处,直到三更半夜。朗文当代〔formula〕Politicians often resort to familiar formulas when discussing controversial issues.讨论有争议的问题时,从政者常常会讲些惯用的套话。韦氏高阶〔foster〕They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。剑桥高阶〔generality〕I noticed the generality of the language he used in discussing his plans.我注意到在讨论他的计划时他用的语言比较笼统。韦氏高阶〔get back〕Let's get back to the topic we were discussing yesterday.让我们回到昨天讨论的话题吧。韦氏高阶〔get〕After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of redundancies.午饭后我们开始认真讨论裁员问题。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕Let's go back to the subject we were discussing.让我们回到刚才讨论的题目上来。英汉大词典〔hardly〕This is hardly the time to start discussing finances.现在不是开始讨论资金问题的时候。麦克米伦高阶〔hectoring〕In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说, 他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。外研社新世纪〔hector〕In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说,他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。柯林斯高阶〔huddle〕Several aides huddled with the president, discussing strategy.几个助手围着总统商量对策。麦克米伦高阶〔humiliation〕She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.她面临提及她丈夫出轨一事的羞辱。外研社新世纪〔humiliation〕She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.她面临要谈及丈夫外遇的羞辱。柯林斯高阶〔inhibited〕Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.男孩子往往不如女孩子敢于谈论自己的问题。牛津高阶〔inhibited〕He was rather inhibited about discussing politics.对于讨论政治他相当不自在。牛津搭配〔inhibited〕Many people are inhibited about discussing sexual matters.很多人谈论性时都很拘束。朗文当代〔interrelate〕We will be discussing how the interests of state, parent and child interrelate.我们将讨论国家、父母和儿童之间的利益是如何相互关联的。朗文当代〔laden〕Try to avoid discussing emotionally laden subjects.尽量避免谈论充满感情色彩的话题。牛津搭配〔leave〕Could we leave that subject (= stop discussing that subject) for the moment and go on to the next item on the agenda? 我们不要再讨论那个题目了,进行议程中的下一项内容好吗?剑桥高阶〔literate〕Only highly literate people are capable of discussing these subjects.只有文化修养高的人才能讨论这些话题。牛津搭配〔malaise〕We were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.我们在讨论当前经济萎靡不振的根源。剑桥高阶〔matter〕I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop(= stop discussing it).我没打算把这件事搁下不提。牛津高阶〔mention〕We were discussing possible candidates, and your name was mentioned.我们正在商讨可能的人选, 你被提名了。外研社新世纪〔merit〕They are discussing the merits of the proposal.他们在讨论该提案的可取之处。外研社新世纪〔metaphysical〕A lot of scientists don't like discussing metaphysical matters.很多科学家不喜欢讨论形而上学的东西。朗文当代〔mind〕When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind.讨论现代有影响力的艺术家时,一下子有三个名字出现在脑海中。牛津高阶〔muted〕Everyone was sitting round discussing the accident in muted voices.大家围坐在一起压低声音讨论着这次事故。朗文当代〔necessity〕We were discussing the necessity of employing more staff.我们在讨论是否需要雇用更多员工。牛津高阶〔nothing〕That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。牛津高阶〔obesity〕The National Institute of Health is discussing ways of tackling the problem of childhood obesity.国立卫生研究院正在讨论应对儿童肥胖问题的方法。剑桥高阶〔old boy〕Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。柯林斯高阶〔old boy〕Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.外面, 两个老头儿在街角迟迟不走, 聊着牛的事情。外研社新世纪〔overhear〕I overheard two doctors discussing my case.我无意中听到两位医生讨论我的病情。柯林斯高阶〔overhear〕She overheard the management discussing pay rises.她无意中听到管理层在讨论加薪的事。朗文当代〔overhear〕They were overheard discussing the project.有人听到他们在讨论这个项目。韦氏高阶〔overhear〕We overheard their discussion of the project. = We overheard them discussing the project.我们偶然听到投影仪他们在讨论这个项目。韦氏高阶〔over〕They were discussing over the plan of investment.他们就投资规划展开了讨论。21世纪英汉〔part〕He wanted no part in discussing the issue.他拒绝参与讨论这个问题。韦氏高阶〔persiflage〕Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.插科打诨:讨论问题时持有轻松、戏弄的态度美国传统〔pertinent〕That is not pertinent to the matter we are discussing.那与我们正在讨论的问题全不相干。英汉大词典〔pick〕In tonight's programme we'll be discussing the pick of this month's new movies.在今晚的节目中我们将讨论本月的最佳新片。朗文当代〔point of reference〕The professor used the study as a point of reference for evaluating and discussing other theories.教授把这项研究当作评估和讨论其他理论的参照依据。韦氏高阶〔point〕I see little point in discussing this further.我看不出继续讨论还有什么意义。剑桥高阶〔point〕I see no point in discussing this any further.我觉得再讨论下去已经没有什么意义了。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕They spent the evening discussing the finer points of (=the small details of) world politics.那天晚上他们讨论了世界政治的微妙之处。朗文当代〔possible〕Her family is discussing a possible move to America.她的家人在讨论移居美国的可能。柯林斯高阶〔possible〕Her family is discussing a possible move to America.她的家人正在商讨移居美国的可能性。外研社新世纪〔prattle〕They prattled on into the night, discussing school, music, and friends.他们讨论学校、音乐及朋友,一直聊到深夜。韦氏高阶〔preclude〕His contract precludes him from discussing his work with anyone outside the company.合同中禁止他与公司外的人谈论工作。剑桥高阶〔principle〕Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles(= the most basic rules).一直谈这些细节不会有结果的;我们必须回到根本原则上来。牛津高阶〔profit〕There's no profit to be gained from endlessly discussing whose fault it was.没完没了地讨论谁是谁非是徒劳无益的。剑桥高阶〔relative〕The parents were discussing the relative merits of the local schools.父母正在讨论当地学校的相对好处。麦克米伦高阶〔repose〕The curtain fell, and the audience reposed while discussing the merits of the play.大幕落下,观众们边休息边谈论戏的成功之处。英汉大词典〔reticent〕He is reticent about discussing his past.他对自己的过去闭口不谈。韦氏高阶〔rhetoric〕A treatise or book discussing this art.修辞学著作:讨论这种艺术的论文或书籍美国传统〔right〕I don't want to spend ages discussing the rights and wrongs of all this.我不想浪费时间来讨论这一切的是与非。朗文当代〔right〕We sat discussing the rights and wrongs of the prison system.我们坐下来讨论监狱体制的利弊。牛津搭配〔shy from〕He shied away from discussing his divorce.他避而不谈自己离婚的事。韦氏高阶〔siting〕They are still discussing the siting of the new factory.他们还在讨论新工厂的选址。外研社新世纪〔skull session〕Informal A meeting, as of executives or advisers, for discussing strategy or policy.【非正式用语】 决策会议:为了讨论战略或政策而开的会议,如行政官员或顾问召开的会议美国传统〔society〕They were discussing the problems of Western society.当时他们正在讨论西方社会的问题。牛津高阶〔status〕Officials are now discussing the current status of the health reform laws.官员们正在讨论当前医疗卫生改革的状况。麦克米伦高阶〔subject〕We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing.我们似乎偏离了应当讨论的题目。牛津高阶〔substance〕We should be discussing matters of substance.我们应该讨论重大问题。朗文当代〔suppose〕This isn't what we're supposed to be discussing.这不是我们要进行讨论的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔tactlessness〕I’m surprised by his tactlessness in discussing her illness.他讨论她的病很不圆通,叫我诧异。牛津同义词〔tangential〕Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues.太多的时间花在了讨论那些无关紧要的问题上。外研社新世纪〔tangential〕Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues.太多的时间花在了讨论那些无关紧要的问题上。柯林斯高阶〔tarry〕Two old boys tarried on the street corner discussing cattle.两个大男孩在街角停留许久,一直在讨论牛。柯林斯高阶〔tarry〕Two old boys tarried on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老男孩在街角徘徊, 讨论牛的问题。外研社新世纪〔technicality〕I don't really want to get into discussing the technicalities of laser printing.我不想讨论激光打印的技术细节。朗文当代〔tersely〕He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.他发表了简短声明,称他正在和同事讨论他的未来,并将于星期一宣布他的决定。柯林斯高阶〔the dust settles〕We thought we'd let the dust settle before discussing the other matter.我们认为应该在形势明朗之后再讨论另一个问题。剑桥高阶〔the turn of the century〕We were discussing how Americans lived at the turn of the 19th/last century.我们正在讨论19/上个世纪初美国人是如何生活的。韦氏高阶〔this〕We have been discussing the project these five days.5天来我们一直在讨论这个方案。英汉大词典〔topic〕He is comfortable discussing a wide range of topics.他讨论多种话题时都感到轻松自如。韦氏高阶〔track〕I think we're getting off the track here - we're supposed to be discussing our advertising campaign.我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。剑桥高阶〔trivia〕We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia.我们整个晚上谈论家庭琐事。牛津高阶〔turn to〕After discussing the annual report, the board turned to the problem of recruitment.讨论完年度报告, 董事会开始考虑人员招聘的问题。外研社新世纪〔unconnected〕Her question was unconnected to anything they had been discussing.她的问题与他们正在讨论的事并无任何关系。麦克米伦高阶〔unity〕They are discussing church unity.他们在讨论教会的统一问题。英汉大词典〔up to〕Up to this point, we have been discussing our long-term goals.到现在为止,我们一直在讨论我们的长期目标。韦氏高阶〔up-front〕He's very up-front about discussing his family life.他很坦率地谈论他的家庭生活。文馨英汉〔vexed〕The conference spent days discussing the vexed question of border controls.会议花了几天的时间讨论边境管制这个难题。牛津高阶〔virtue〕They could see no virtue in discussing it further.他们看不到再讨论下去有什么用处。牛津高阶〔volume〕Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced.高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。柯林斯高阶〔watch〕We will be discussing street crime and what you should watch out for.我们将讨论街头犯罪以及你们应该提防的事项。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕The committee is discussing new ways and means of improving profits.委员会正在讨论提高利润的新方法。麦克米伦高阶〔weighty〕She didn't feel like discussing weighty matters.她不想讨论严肃问题。朗文当代〔work-in-progress〕Normally he adhered to the wise practice of never discussing work in progress.他通常都坚持不谈论未完成作品这种明智的做法。外研社新世纪〔workload〕They were discussing workloads.他们在讨论工作量的问题。外研社新世纪A consultant will go to extremes worthy of a secret agent to avoid betraying the identity of his client, such as refusing to give out telephone numbers and not discussing the job outside the office.医学专家会像特工那样极其小心,避免暴露其病人的身份,譬如拒绝透露电话号码及不在办公室外讨论工作。剑桥国际As usual the committee were discussing some trifling matter at great length.象往常一样,委员会正高谈阔论地讨论着某件微不足道的小事。剑桥国际Can you give me some specifics on/about what we'll be discussing in the meeting.你能否具体告诉我,在会议上我们将讨论什么问题。剑桥国际Don't keep complaining, just have it out with him once and for all (=solve the problem completely by discussing it).别老抱怨,和他讨论个水落石出。剑桥国际European Finance Ministers have been discussing whether to rejig the rates for several currencies inside the European Monetary System.欧洲财政部长们一直在讨论是否在欧洲货币体系内部调整几种货币的汇率。剑桥国际He found himself in a room full of intellectuals discussing philosophy and politics.他发现自己置身于一屋子讨论哲学和政治的知识分子中间。剑桥国际He's a man of action, not words (=he is more effective doing things than thinking about and discussing them).他是一个实干家, 而不是空谈家。剑桥国际His contract precludes him from discussing his work with anyone outside the company.他的合同使得他不能与公司外的人谈论工作。剑桥国际I see little point in discussing this further.我看继续讨论没有什么意义。剑桥国际I think we're getting off the track here (= talking about something that is not part of what we should be talking about) -- we're supposed to be discussing our advertising campaign.我想我们现在离题了----我们应该讨论的是广告活动。剑桥国际I want to find solutions to these problems instead of discussing the semantics (= detailed meanings) of bureaucratic terminology.我想找到这些问题的解决办法,而不是讨论官僚术语的详细含义。剑桥国际I'd like to return to the matter in hand and try to solve the problem that we're supposed to be discussing.我愿意回到当前这件事情上来并设法解决我们应当讨论的问题。剑桥国际I'd rather not be discussing one of my colleagues behind her back--it's a bit unprofessional.我宁愿不在背后议论我这位同事----有点违反职业道德。剑桥国际I'm fed up with discussing this and I wish we could just settle this argument once and for all.我厌倦了讨论这个问题,我希望我们能一劳永逸地解决这场争论。剑桥国际Just recently China has produced two best-selling novels discussing lupine characteristics. 中国最近出了两本讨论狼的本性的小说,非常卖座。译典通Many groups are discussing ways to help reduce unsolicited bulk mail.许多团体正在讨论有助于减少未经许可的群发邮件的方法。牛津商务She just dismissed my problem as too trivial to be worth discussing.她认为我的问题不值一谈。剑桥国际Teachers were discussing the parents they regarded as meddlesome (= tending to meddle).教师们正在讨论那些被他们认为是爱管闲事的父母们。剑桥国际The Government is discussing the proposal. 政府在讨论这一提议。译典通The United Nations Security Council is/are discussing the situation in the Middle East at a meeting in New York today.联合国安全理事会今天在纽约召开会议讨论中东形势。剑桥国际The burning issue (=what we are discussing at present) is whether we should buy a new car.燃眉之急是我们是否应该购买一辆新汽车。剑桥国际The children were discussing whether or not you go to heaven when you die.孩子们在讨论人死后是否会进天堂。剑桥国际The exact cost is beside the point (= not really connected with what is being talked about), I wish you'd stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all.确切的造价不是问题的根本,我希望你们能继续讨论这条路究竟该不该造。剑桥国际The presenter said, “After the break we will be discussing the relationships between parents and teenagers”.主持人说: “广告以后我们将讨论父母与少年子女之间的关系。”剑桥国际There's no profit to be gained from endlessly discussing where we went wrong.不停地讨论我们哪儿出错没有什么好处。剑桥国际They sit for hours, earnestly discussing the state of the economy.他们坐了几小时,严肃地讨论了经济状况的问题。剑桥国际They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in some countries.他们在讨论促进一些国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。剑桥国际They were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.他们正在讨论现今经济弊端的根源。剑桥国际They were excitedly discussing plans for the weekend. 他们兴奋地谈论著度周末的各种计划。译典通Unions are ready to return to the bargaining table (= start discussing again) today.工会今天准备返回谈判桌(重新开始谈判)。牛津商务We need to put this proposal to a vote/discussion (= make a decision about it by voting on it or discussing it).我们需要投票表决/ 讨论这项计划。剑桥国际We thought we'd let the dust settle before discussing the other matter with them.我们想在风波过后再与他们谈另外的事。剑桥国际




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