

单词 convert
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Barnabas〕Christian convert and missionary with Saint Paul to Cyprus and Asia Minor.巴拿巴:随同圣保罗去塞浦路斯和小亚细亚的基督教徒和使者美国传统〔Bessemer converter〕A large pear-shaped container in which molten iron is converted to steel by the Bessemer process.贝塞麦转炉:一种大型、梨状的容器,在其中熔化的铁通过贝塞麦炼钢法制成钢美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel. 瑞士一家公司已找到一种方法,可以把动物粪便转化为燃料。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Large numbers of people are converting to Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. 有很多人正改信东方宗教,如佛教和印度教。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕We've converted the basement to give the children more room to play. 我们改建了地下室,以便给孩子更多游戏空间。朗文写作活用〔Christianity〕He converted to Christianity that day.他在那天皈依了基督教。外研社新世纪〔Christianity〕He converted to Christianity that day.那天,他皈依了基督教。柯林斯高阶〔Christianize〕To convert (another) to Christianity; make Christian.使成基督徒:皈依基督教转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督徒美国传统〔Islamize〕To convert to Islam.使…皈依伊斯兰教美国传统〔LED〕A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in digital displays, as of a calculator.发光二极管:一种半导体二极管,可将实用电压转变成亮光,用于数字显示,如计算器美国传统〔MONEY〕Local banks give better rates for converting your traveler's checks into foreign currency. 当地银行把你的旅行支票兑换成外币时提供更优厚的兑换率。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕The plan involves converting the old canteen into a sports hall. 这项计划包括把一间旧食堂改造成体育馆。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Alpha is a religious programme that aims to change your life, not just convert you. 阿尔法是一项宗教计划,目的是要帮助你改变生活,而不仅仅是要转变你的宗教信仰。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕The space between the old building and the Morgan mansion has been converted into a marble-paved court, with plantings and a fountain. 旧楼和摩根大厦之间的那块地方已经被改建成了一个庭院,地面上铺着大理石,有花草树木,有喷泉。朗文写作活用〔USE〕They have been given a grant to convert the disused church into luxury flats. 他们得到授权将这座废弃的教堂改建成豪华公寓。朗文写作活用〔acetify〕To convert or become converted to acetic acid or vinegar.使变酸,使醋化:变成或使变成乙酸或醋美国传统〔afforest〕To convert (open land) into a forest by planting trees or their seeds.造林,绿化:通过植树或播撒树种变(荒地)为森林美国传统〔amylase〕A group of enzymes that are present in saliva, pancreatic juice, and parts of plants and help convert starch to sugar.淀粉酶:唾液、胰液及部分植物中存在的一组酶,可以促使淀粉转换成糖美国传统〔analog〕It receives an analog video signal and converts it to a digital signal.它接收模拟视频信号,并将其转换为数字信号。韦氏高阶〔arterialize〕To convert (venous blood) into bright red arterial blood by absorption of oxygen in the lungs.动脉血转化:通过在肺部吸氧将(静脉血)转变为鲜红的动脉血美国传统〔at someone's pleasure〕The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼。韦氏高阶〔automate〕To convert to or make use of automation.使变为或利用自动化美国传统〔barn〕They live in a converted barn(= a barn that has been turned into a house).他们住在由谷仓改成的房子里。牛津高阶〔battery〕Two or more connected cells that produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy.电池组:两个或更多的相联电池组,它能把化学能转变化电能并产生直流电美国传统〔buy up〕The company has bought up the old factories along the river and will convert them into apartments.这家公司将沿河一带的旧工厂全部收购了,打算将它们改造成公寓。韦氏高阶〔buy〕Developers have been buying up old theatres and converting them into cinemas.开发商已买下所有的旧剧院,把它们改建为电影院。麦克米伦高阶〔capitalize〕To convert (debt) into capital stock or shares.将(债务)折算为股本或股票美国传统〔caramelize〕To convert or be converted into caramel.熬成焦糖:熬…使成为焦糖或被熬成焦糖美国传统〔carbonize〕To reduce or convert a carbon-containing substance to carbon, as by partial burning.使炭化:把含碳物质分解或转化为碳,如通过不完全燃烧美国传统〔castle〕A fortified stronghold converted to residential use.城堡改装的住宅:转变为居住用的一个坚固的城堡美国传统〔catholicize〕To convert or be converted to Catholicism.使信仰天主教:转变为或被转变为天主教信条美国传统〔coalition〕He hoped to convert his party members to a belief in coalition.他希望能改变党内成员的观点,让他们相信组成联盟是有用的。朗文当代〔collection〕Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex.“怀河草地”是一处由农舍改造而成的赏心悦目的建筑群。柯林斯高阶〔communalize〕To convert into communal property.把…收归公有:转变成公社财产美国传统〔communize〕To convert to Communist principles or control.使共产化:转变到共产主义原则或控制美国传统〔compiler〕The program can be entirely converted into machine code and saved before it is run, using a compiler.通过计算机编译, 程序在运行前可完全转化为机器码并保存起来。外研社新世纪〔containerize〕To convert to the use of containerized cargo.集装箱化:转变成用集装箱装运货物美国传统〔conversion〕The act of converting.转变:使…转变的行为美国传统〔conversion〕The state of being converted.被转变:被转变后的状态美国传统〔converter〕An electronic device that converts one frequency of a radio signal to another.变频器:将无线电讯号从一种频率转换成另一种频率的电子装置美国传统〔converter〕One that is employed in converting raw products into finished products.加工者:被雇佣来将半成品加工成成品的人美国传统〔convertible〕Something that can be converted.可被改变用途的东西美国传统〔convert〕By converting the loft, they were able to have two extra bedrooms.把阁楼改造一下,他们就可以多出两间卧室。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕Energy is converted from one form to another.能源从一种形式转变成另一种形式。外研社新世纪〔convert〕He converted from Christianity to Islam.他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。牛津高阶〔convert〕He converted to Catholicism in 1917.他于1917年皈依天主教。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He converted to Islam.他改信了伊斯兰教。韦氏高阶〔convert〕He is living in a converted barn.他住在一个改造过的仓库里。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing.他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕I didn't think I'd like paying my bills online, but now I'm a convert.我原以为我不会喜欢上网支付账单,但现在我改变了看法。韦氏高阶〔convert〕I've converted to organic food.我改吃有机食物了。牛津高阶〔convert〕Let sadness convert to joy.让悲化为乐。英汉大词典〔convert〕Mr Gates was a relatively late convert to the Internet.盖茨先生是较晚投身于互联网事业的人。外研社新世纪〔convert〕Mr White has converted to Buddhism.怀特先生已改信佛教。21世纪英汉〔convert〕Once a communist, he is now a convert to capitalism.麦克米伦高阶〔convert〕Pope Clement was a convert from paganism.克雷芒教皇是来自异教的皈依者。牛津搭配〔convert〕Save money by converting your car to unleaded.将车改装一下,使用无铅汽油,这样可以省钱。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕Save money by converting your car to unleaded.汽车改用无铅汽油可以省钱。外研社新世纪〔convert〕She converted her Renminbi into pound sterling.她把她的人民币兑换成英镑。21世纪英汉〔convert〕She converted her son to the pleasures of poetry.她使儿子开始品尝诗歌之乐。英汉大词典〔convert〕She converted to Catholicism.她改信了天主教。朗文当代〔convert〕She was soon converted to the socialist cause.她不久便转而献身于社会主义事业了。牛津高阶〔convert〕She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.她也皈依了天主教。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕The explanation converted him to our point of view.经作说明他转而支持我们的观点。英汉大词典〔convert〕The factory converted to newer machinery.这家工厂更新了机器设备。韦氏高阶〔convert〕The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。牛津高阶〔convert〕The missionaries converted the native people to Christianity.那些传教士使当地居民皈依了基督教。韦氏高阶〔convert〕The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕The signal will be converted into digital code.信号将被转换成数字码。外研社新世纪〔convert〕The sofa converts easily into a bed.这沙发很容易变成床。韦氏高阶〔convert〕The sofa converts into a double bed.这只沙发可改为双人床。英汉大词典〔convert〕The subsidies are to enable farmers to convert to organic production methods.补贴是为了让农民改用有机农业生产方法。麦克米伦高阶〔convert〕The treasurer converted the club's money to his own use.司库挪用俱乐部经费。英汉大词典〔convert〕They converted an old stable into a comfortable house.他们把一个牲口棚改建成一个很舒适的房子。21世纪英汉〔convert〕They converted the old school into luxury flats.他们把旧学校改建成了豪华公寓。麦克米伦高阶〔convert〕They converted the spare bedroom into an office.他们把备用卧室改成了办公室。朗文当代〔convert〕They converted to Buddhism.他们改信了佛教。英汉大词典〔convert〕They had chances to score but couldn't convert.他们有机会得分,但没有把握住。韦氏高阶〔convert〕They had many chances to score but they couldn't convert their opportunities.他们有很多得分机会,但都没有把握好。韦氏高阶〔convert〕They tried to convert us to their way of thinking.他们试图让我们的思维方式跟他们的一致。韦氏高阶〔convert〕This article converted him to our point of view.这篇文章使他倾向我们的观点。21世纪英汉〔convert〕We converted the attic to a games-room.我们把顶楼改为游戏室。牛津同义词〔convert〕We've converted from oil to gas central heating.我们已经把中央供热系统由燃油改成了燃气。牛津高阶〔convert〕What's the formula for converting pounds into kilograms? 把磅换算成公斤的公式是什么?剑桥高阶〔convert〕Williams scored a try but failed to convert it.威廉斯达阵得分, 但未能追加射门得分。外研社新世纪〔convert〕You convert the baht into dollars.你把泰铢兑换成美元。外研社新世纪〔crypto-Jew〕A member of a Jewish community forced to convert to another religion and outwardly embracing it while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.秘密犹太人:犹太群落的成员,被迫要改信其它宗教,在外在要信奉它,然而还是秘密地维持犹太教习规美国传统〔currency〕You can convert sterling into the local currency.你可以把英镑换成当地货币。牛津搭配〔debate〕Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert.学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。柯林斯高阶〔decode〕To convert from code into plain text.译码:把密码改译成明了清楚的原文美国传统〔devise〕They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.他们发明了一个将阳光转化为电能的新方法。韦氏高阶〔diastase〕An amylase or a mixture of amylases that converts starch to maltose, found in certain germinating grains such as malt.淀粉酶:一种把淀粉或麦芽糖的淀粉酶或淀粉酶的混合物,可在某些发芽的谷物比如麦芽中找到美国传统〔digital recording〕A method of recording in which portions of sound waves are converted into numbers and stored for later reproduction.数字录音法:将声波的各部分转换成数字并保存下来以便以后复制的记录方法美国传统〔electromotive force〕The energy per unit charge that is converted reversibly from chemical, mechanical, or other forms of energy into electrical energy in a battery or dynamo.电动势:在电池或发电机里由化学、机械或其它形式的能转化成电能的每单位电荷的能美国传统〔enterokinase〕An enzyme secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa that converts the inactive trypsinogen to the digestive enzyme trypsin.肠激酶:上肠粘膜分泌出的一种酶,将不活跃的胰蛋白酶原转化为消化性胰蛋白酶美国传统〔etherify〕To convert (an alcohol) into an ether.醚化:使(一种醇)转化为醚美国传统〔evangelize〕To convert to Christianity.使皈依基督教:使信奉基督教美国传统〔farmer〕A lot of conventional farmers have converted to organic.许多用传统方法耕作的农民已改为有机耕作。牛津搭配〔fax machine〕A device that sends and receives printed pages or images over telephone lines by converting them to and from electronic signals.传真机:将影像数据转换为电子讯号,藉由电话线传送或接收打印出来的文件或是影像的机器美国传统〔fix〕Biology To convert (nitrogen) into stable, biologically assimilable compounds.【生物学】 固氮:把(氮)转变成稳定的、能被生物吸收的化合物美国传统〔flat〕Many large old houses have been converted into flats.许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。牛津高阶〔flat〕The house has now been converted into flats.这幢房子现已被改建为公寓楼了。牛津搭配〔flat〕They converted two rooms of their house into a granny flat for Tony's elderly mother.他们将自己房子的两个房间改成了独立套房给托尼的老母亲住。牛津搭配〔float〕Computer Science To convert (data) from fixed-point notation to floating-point notation.【计算机科学】 浮动:把(数据)从定点数表示法改为浮点数表示法美国传统〔garrison〕To occupy as or convert into a military post.占领或占用一军事驻地美国传统〔gasify〕To convert into or become gas.气化:使转化成或变成气体美国传统〔gas〕He heated these metals to convert them into a gas.他将这些金属加热, 使之转为气态。外研社新世纪〔graphitize〕To convert into graphite, as by a heating process.使…石墨化:使转化为石墨,如通过加热过程美国传统〔heat of fusion〕The amount of heat required to convert a unit mass of a solid at its melting point into a liquid without an increase in temperature.熔解热:将每单位固态物质在熔点变成液态而不升高温度所需的热量美国传统〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手使异教徒皈依。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手劝说不信教之人皈依。外研社新世纪〔idle〕The machinery could not be converted, and so stood idle.机器不能改装, 因此闲置着。外研社新世纪〔impose〕I made no effort to impose myself on Tissie, to convert her to my attitude.我没有利用蒂西, 让她和我态度一致。外研社新世纪〔impulse〕The eye converts light signals to nerve impulses.眼睛把光信号转变成神经冲动。朗文当代〔integral〕The integral garage had been converted to make another bedroom.内置车库被改造成了另一个卧室。剑桥高阶〔inverter〕A device used to convert direct current into alternating current.反用换流器:用于变直流电为交流电的仪器美国传统〔keratinize〕To convert (something) into keratin.使(某物)角质化美国传统〔lap〕To convert (cotton or other fibers) into a sheet or layer.将(棉花,纤维)变成薄片:将(棉花或其它纤维)梳成一块或一层美国传统〔lock〕To invest (funds) in such a way that they cannot easily be converted into cash.套牢(资本):资本无法轻易转为现金的投资美国传统〔loft〕He rents a converted loft.他租了一套楼顶改建而成的公寓。韦氏高阶〔loft〕Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio.顶楼:用作单元住宅或艺术家工作室的这种楼层美国传统〔loft〕We would like to convert the loft into another bedroom.我们想把阁楼改建成另一间卧室。外研社新世纪〔loft〕We would like to convert the loft into another bedroom.我们想把阁楼改造成又一间卧室。柯林斯高阶〔loudspeaker〕A device that converts electric signals to audible sound.扩音器:把电子信号转变为可听见的声音的一种装置美国传统〔machine-readable〕Please convert this book into machine-readable form.请将此书改换成可供电脑阅读的形式。文馨英汉〔metric〕They are converting metric measurements to U.S. equivalents.他们正将公制计量单位换算为美制计量单位。外研社新世纪〔metrify〕To convert into or adopt the metric system.采用公制:转成或采用公制美国传统〔mew〕A group of buildings originally containing private stables, often converted into residential apartments.马厩,马车房;马厩改建的住房:一组原为私家马车房的建筑,多已改建为住房美国传统〔mill〕The mill has been converted into apartments.磨坊已经被改建成公寓了。牛津搭配〔mill〕We were living in a converted watermill.那段时间我们一直住在一座改建过的水磨磨坊里。牛津搭配〔ministry〕Converted in his early teens, he entered the ministry (=started working as a church leader) in 1855.他十来岁皈依基督教,1855 年成为一名牧师。朗文当代〔monetize〕To convert (government debt) from securities into currency that can be used to purchase goods and services.使货币化:把(政府债务)由证券改变为可购买的商品和服务的流通货币美国传统〔nebulize〕To convert (a liquid) to a fine spray; atomize.雾化:使(液体)化为细的喷雾;喷为雾状美国传统〔nitrate〕Nitrogen is converted into nitrates in the soil which plants can then use.氮转化为土壤中的硝酸盐,可被植物吸收。剑桥高阶〔office〕We've converted the spare bedroom into an office.我们把那间空闲的卧室变成了书房。麦克米伦高阶〔one to one〕They now see their dollar-linked prices converted one to one into pesos.他们现在发觉他们那些与美元对应的价格被一一转换成了比索。外研社新世纪〔on〕The system could be used to ensure that cars are converted to run on unleaded petrol.这一系统可以用来确保汽车得以改用无铅汽油。柯林斯高阶〔optical scanner〕A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by graphics software.光学扫瞄器:可将印刷图像与文字转化为数字数据并储存成计算机文件以供影像软件进行处理的装置美国传统〔ossify〕To convert (a membrane or cartilage, for example) into bone.使骨化:使(如细胞膜、软骨等)变为骨头美国传统〔ozonize〕To convert (oxygen) to ozone.使臭氧化:把(氧气)变成臭氧美国传统〔pathway〕A sequence of enzymatic or other reactions by which one biological material is converted to another.酶促反应:一连串催化反应或其他反应,通过它一种生物物质被转化成另一种生物物质美国传统〔pepsinogen〕The inactive precursor to pepsin, formed in the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid during digestion.胃蛋白酶原:胃蛋白酶的一种不活跃原,在胃粘膜细胞中形成并在消化的过程中通过盐酸转化为胃蛋白酶美国传统〔peptonize〕To convert (protein) into a peptone.胃蛋白胨化:使(蛋白质)转化成胨美国传统〔petrify〕To convert (wood or other organic matter) into a stony replica by petrifaction.使石化:使(木头或其它有机物)通过石化作用转变成为石质复制品美国传统〔power pack〕A usually compact, portable device that converts supply current to direct or alternating current as required by specific equipment.电源组,动力单元:通常能折叠手提的装置,能按照具体设备的要求将供给的电流转化为直流电或交流电美国传统〔preach to the converted〕You needn't bother telling us how recycling helps the environment, because you're preaching to the converted.你不必费口舌告诉我们回收利用对环境有什么好处,因为我们早就知道了。剑桥高阶〔prodrug〕An inactive precursor of a drug, converted into its active form in the body by normal metabolic processes.药物前体,潜药:药物的静止性前体,通过正常的新陈代谢过程在体内转化成其活性形态美国传统〔proinsulin〕A single-chain polypeptide that is the precursor of insulin, converted into insulin by enzymatic action.胰岛素原:单健的多酞,是胰岛素的前体,通过酶的作用变成胰岛素美国传统〔proselyte〕A new convert to a doctrine or religion.新改变宗教信仰的人:新改变教义或宗教者美国传统〔proselytize〕Christians were arrested for trying to convert people, to proselytise them.基督徒因为试图改变他人信仰而被捕。柯林斯高阶〔proselytize〕To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.劝诱…改宗:劝诱某人皈依自己的宗教信仰美国传统〔prothrombin〕A plasma protein that is converted into thrombin during blood clotting.凝血原酶:一种血浆蛋白质,在血液凝聚时转化成凝血酵素美国传统〔rag〕Cloth converted to pulp for making paper.造纸用布:制成浆状用于造纸的布美国传统〔rate〕East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark.东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。柯林斯高阶〔reduction〕The converting of a fraction to its decimal equivalent.分数化成小数:把分数写成与之相等的小数美国传统〔robotize〕To convert (a system, for example) to automation by the application of advanced scientific technology.使自动化:通过运用先进的科学技术把(例如,一个系统)转变成自动装置美国传统〔sail〕A piece of fabric sewn together and fitted to the spars and rigging of a vessel so as to convert the force of the wind into forward motion of the vessel.帆布:缝在一起置于船的圆材和索具上的一块布,用来使风力转化为船向前的动力美国传统〔saponify〕To convert (a fat or an oil) into soap.使(脂肪或油)成肥皂美国传统〔scan〕Documents are scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form.文件被扫描进计算机,然后转换成了电子格式。麦克米伦高阶〔silicify〕To convert into or impregnate with silica.使硅化:使…转变成硅或用硅浸渍…美国传统〔silicify〕To become converted into or impregnated with silica.硅化:转变成硅或用硅浸渍美国传统〔speculate〕Her account has so successfully converted imagination into reality that there is little room for the reader to speculate, question or wonder.她的描述已成功地从想象变为现实, 读者没有多少猜测、质疑或好奇的空间。外研社新世纪〔steam boiler〕A closed tank in which water is converted into steam under pressure.蒸汽锅炉:封闭的缸罐,在其中水在压力下被转化为蒸汽美国传统〔steam engine〕An engine that converts the heat energy of pressurized steam into mechanical energy, especially one in which steam drives a piston in a closed cylinder.蒸汽机:一种将加压蒸汽的热能转化为机械能的机器,尤指蒸汽在封闭汽缸中带动活塞美国传统〔straddle〕He straddles two cultures, having been brought up in Britain and later converted to Islam.他具有两种文化背景,先是在英国长大,后又皈依了伊斯兰教。柯林斯高阶〔tan〕To convert (hide) into leather, as by treating with tannin.鞣(革):将(生皮)变为皮革,如通过用丹宁酸来处理美国传统〔telephone receiver〕The part of a telephone in which incoming electrical impulses are converted into sound.听筒:将接收到的电脉冲转换成声音的装置,是电话机的一部分美国传统〔tissue plasminogen activator〕An enzyme that converts plasminogen to plasmin, used to dissolve blood clots rapidly and selectively, especially in the treatment of heart attacks.组织血纤维蛋白酶原激活蛋白:一种把血纤维蛋白酶原转变成血纤维蛋白酶,用于迅速地或有选择地溶解血团,特别是在治疗心脏病时美国传统〔to〕The old barn had been converted to a house.旧谷仓被改建成了一套住房。外研社新世纪〔transmitter〕The portion of a telephone that converts the incident sounds into electrical impulses that are conveyed to a remote receiver.送话器:电话的一个部件,它把入射的声音转化为电脉冲,并传到一个远方的接收者那里美国传统〔trover〕A common-law action to recover damages for property illegally withheld or wrongfully converted to use by another.侵占物赔偿的诉讼:要求赔偿因他人非法滞留或不正当强占而造成的财产损坏的民法诉讼美国传统〔turn〕To convert to a religion.改变信仰美国传统〔weekender〕He converted his barns into cottages for weekenders.他把他的谷仓改造成了供周末旅行者居住的小屋。柯林斯高阶〔westernize〕To convert to the customs of Western civilization.使西化:使转变为西方文明的风俗习惯美国传统〔zealous〕He was a recent Catholic convert, and very zealous.他最近才皈依天主教, 心中充满了热忱。外研社新世纪Because of falling sales the company has decided to convert its tobacco division (= department) to paper production.由于销售额的降低,公司已决定将烟草部改成纸品生产部门。剑桥国际He converted to (=starting believing in) his wife's religion when he got married.他结婚时改信了他妻子信仰的宗教。剑桥国际He converted to Catholicism. 他改信天主教。译典通He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日币。译典通He was sent out to convert the heathens. 他被派去教化那些异教徒。译典通Information coming from the camera is converted to digital format and stored on disc for later retrieval.来自摄影机的信息被转换成数字格式,存在磁盘上,以备以后的检索。剑桥国际Many TV companies are converting to digital.许多电视公司都转为生产数字电视。牛津商务Most church schools are nevertheless open to unbelievers, whom they do not attempt to convert.大多数教会办学校依然向无宗教信仰者开放, 对这些人他们不期望去改变。剑桥国际She made an earnest attempt to convert me to her point of view.她坚决试图要我转而认同她的观点。剑桥国际The bonds can be converted into common shares.债券可转换为普通股。牛津商务The case has been converted from Chapter 11 to Chapter 7.这案件已从破产法第 11 章的情况变为破产法第 7 章的情况。牛津商务The company had developed a process for converting coal into petrol.这家公司已开发出将煤炭转换成汽油的工艺流程。牛津商务The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal.计算机以二进制进行运算,然后将计算结果转换为十进制。牛津商务The docklands were derelict for many years before they were converted into a marina.这个码头在改造成游艇停泊港前曾废置多年。剑桥国际The group has been buying up smaller independents and converting them into brands.这集团一直在收购小型独立企业并把他们转变为品牌企业。牛津商务The museum has been converted into offices and is now inhabited by a motley assortment of architects, designers and artists.这座博物馆被改造成办公楼,现居住着建筑师,设计师和艺术家等各色人物。剑桥国际The pagan festival of Eostre was converted into the Christian festival of Easter, celebrating Christ's Resurrection.始新世节这个异教的节日被改变成基督教的复活节,庆祝耶稣的复活。剑桥国际The software converts files from Macintosh format to Windows format.这软件将文件由麦金托什机格式转变为视窗操作系统格式。牛津商务They converted the garage into a theater. 他们将车库改成戏院。译典通They converted the old barn into a small theatre seating (= with enough seats for) 250 people.他们把旧粮库改成了可以容纳250人的小剧场。剑桥国际They meet in an old house, whose basement has been converted into a chapel.他们在一座旧房子里见面,房子的地下室已被改建成了小教堂。剑桥国际Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death.那些企图使异教徒皈依的人都被处死了。剑桥国际We are trying to convert some of our clerical staff from pen-pushers to hands-on managers.我们在努力将一些办公室工作人员从文书转变成亲自参与管理的经理。牛津商务What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros? 如果我将美元兑换成欧元,按甚么汇率兑换?牛津商务




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