

单词 cremation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burial〕The family chose cremation rather than burial.那个家族选择火葬而不是土葬。麦克米伦高阶〔cremains〕The ashes that remain after cremation of a corpse.骨灰:尸体火化后留下来的灰烬美国传统〔cremate〕At Miss Garbo's request there was a cremation after a private ceremony.应嘉宝小姐的要求,在私人悼念仪式结束后将进行火葬。柯林斯高阶〔cremate〕Half of California's deceased opt for cremation.加利福尼亚州有一半的亡故者选择火葬。柯林斯高阶〔cremate〕Some religions do not allow cremation.有些宗教不允许火葬。韦氏高阶〔cremation〕At Miss Garbo's request there was a cremation after a private ceremony.应嘉宝小姐的要求, 在举行私人葬礼之后遗体就火化了。外研社新世纪〔cremation〕Half of California's deceased opt for cremation.加利福尼亚州的亡故者有一半选择火葬。外研社新世纪〔crematory〕Of or relating to cremation.火葬的:火葬的或与之相关的美国传统〔funeral home〕An establishment in which the dead are prepared for burial or cremation and in which wakes and funerals may be held.殡仪馆:为死者准备葬礼或火化并举行葬礼或守灵的场所美国传统〔funeral〕The ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person.葬礼:与死者土葬或火化有关而举行的仪式美国传统〔mortuary〕A place, especially a funeral home, where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation.太平间:一种在埋葬或火化之前存放尸体场所,尤指殡尸房美国传统In his will, he stated that he desired the cremation of his body.他在遗嘱里表明,希望死后能火葬。剑桥国际My Dad's cremation was a sad affair.火葬我爸爸的那个场面真叫人悲伤。剑桥国际Nowadays many people prefer cremation to burial.同土葬相比,许多人现在情愿火葬。剑桥国际




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