单词 | anticipate |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEAL WITH〕People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances. 能成功应付困境的人一般都会向前看,预计未来情况。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕I think we've fixed everything, and I don't anticipate finding any more problems. 我想,我们一切都搞定了,我不认为还会有什么问题。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕The journey took a lot longer than we had anticipated. 这旅程花的时间比我们想的长了很多。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕We had anticipated that interest rates would have fallen further by now. 我们原以为这个时候利率会降得更厉害。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕By looking ahead, management are then in a good position to anticipate potential problems. 向前看,那么管理层就处于一个有利位置,可以防患未然。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕US investors anticipate that the Deutschmark will, in the long term, depreciate relative to the dollar. 美国投资者预计从长远看,德国马克兑美元会贬值。朗文写作活用〔activate〕The President did not anticipate any need to activate the allies' rapid reaction force.总统不曾预见到需要动用盟军快速反应部队。外研社新世纪〔anticipant〕One who anticipates.预期者,期望者美国传统〔anticipatable〕Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?是北欧海盗在哥伦布之前就发现美洲的吗?21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕I anticipated that he would be late.我预料他会迟到。21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕Many modern inventions were anticipated by Leonardo da Vinci.列奥纳多达芬奇早于许多现代创作之前就创作成功了。21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕She anticipated each of my orders.未等下达她便执行我的每道命令。21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕The author anticipated the question in a preceding chapter.作者在前一章就预先考虑到这问题。21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕The bank staff anticipated his dismissal by stealing money.那名银行职员因偷钱而遭提前开除。21世纪英汉〔anticipatable〕We anticipated her winning first prize.我们期望她获得第一名。21世纪英汉〔anticipate〕A good football player anticipates his opponent's moves.一个优秀的足球运动员会先发制人,使对手无所施其技。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience's needs and concerns.好的演讲者能够预先考虑到听众的需求以及他们关注的事。朗文当代〔anticipate〕As anticipated, the hall was crowded.不出所料, 礼堂里挤满了人。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning.那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。柯林斯高阶〔anticipate〕At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen.在这个阶段我们真的无法预料会发生什么。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America.北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕Copernicus anticipated in part the discoveries of the 17th and 18th centuries.17 和 18 世纪的发现中有一部分早为哥白尼所发现。朗文当代〔anticipate〕Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?你认为你的配偶应该预先考虑到你的需要并去满足它们吗?外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕Don't anticipate the climax of the story.别抢先把故事的高潮抖出来。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕He anticipated that this would happen.他料到会发生这样的事。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕He anticipated the fall in value by selling early.他提前抛售, 避免了贬值的损失。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕He eagerly anticipated her arrival.他热切盼望她的到来。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕His use of composition anticipated later Renaissance paintings. = He anticipated later Renaissance painters in his use of composition.他的创作手法开启了后来文艺复兴绘画的先河。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕I anticipate that the result will be a draw.我预料结果会打成平局。牛津同义词〔anticipate〕I anticipated his blow and fended it off.我预知他要一拳打来,所以能挡开他的一击。牛津同义词〔anticipate〕I did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket.我没有预料到得出钱给你买票。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕I didn't anticipate having to do the cooking myself! 我没有料到要自己做饭!朗文当代〔anticipate〕I don't anticipate it being a problem.我不认为它会成为一个问题。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s.上世纪50年代时,劳申伯格就早早地预见到了80年代的概念艺术运动。柯林斯高阶〔anticipate〕It is anticipated that 192 full-time jobs will be lost.据预测, 192个全职工作岗位将被裁撤。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%.据预测,通货膨胀将稳定在 3%。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost.预计将失去相当于192份全职工作的岗位。柯林斯高阶〔anticipate〕It is anticipated that the research will have many different practical applications.这项研究预计会有许多不同的实际用途。朗文当代〔anticipate〕It is widely anticipated that she will resign.大家都预料她会辞职。牛津搭配〔anticipate〕It's always best to anticipate a problem before it arises.防患于未然永远都是最明智之举。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕Luckily we had anticipated the question.很幸运的是,我们预先考虑到了这个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔anticipate〕Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30.我们预计抵达的时间是 8:30。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕Our service comes from the heart and anticipates your every need.我们衷心为您服务,且会预先考虑到您的各种需要。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕Sales are better than anticipated.销量比预期的要好。朗文当代〔anticipate〕She anticipated her salary in buying a house.她提前支取工资用来买房。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕She stirred in bed as if to anticipate the alarm clock.她在床上动了动身子,仿佛是要赶在闹钟铃声之前起来。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕She was trying – since she knew how dangerous it was to anticipate – not to feel excited.她尽量抑制住兴奋的心情——因为她知道提前走漏风声有多危险。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕The anticipated inflation figure is lower than last month's.预计中的通货膨胀数字低于上月。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder.中国人早于欧洲人发明了火药。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕The army anticipated (= took action in preparation for) the explosion by evacuating the town.这支军队预料会发生爆炸,已疏散了镇上居民。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕The author anticipated objections to his theory.作者预料到他的理论会招来异议。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕The building will be completed around six months earlier than anticipated.大楼将比预期提前6个月左右完工。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕The businesses that will survive will be those that anticipate changes in technology.生存下来的将是那些预先为科技变化做好准备的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕The cost turned out to be higher than anticipated.结果表明,费用比预期的要高。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕The director fished in his pocket for cigarettes. His secretary anticipated him by clicking open a cigarette case and holding it toward him.主任在衣袋里摸烟卷。秘书抢在他前面啪地打开了烟盒,递了过去。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕The directors anticipated a fall in demand (或that demand would fall).董事们预料市场需求将下降。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month.那出观众翘首企盼的电影将于下月上映。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕The film, due to be released in the spring, is being eagerly anticipated by the critics.评论家正急切盼望着这部预计春季上映的影片。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕The lazy boy anticipated his dismissal by stealing stamps.那个懒孩因偷窃邮票而遭提前开除。英汉大词典〔anticipate〕The more I anticipated arriving somewhere, the more disappointed I was.我越期盼在某方面有所成就,就越失望。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕The organizers hadn't anticipated the huge interest there was in the event.组织者没有预料到这一活动会引起人们这么大的兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕The organizers of the fair anticipate a large crowd.这个交易会的主办单位预料会有很多人前来。韦氏高阶〔anticipate〕The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.日程没有最后定下来,但是我们预料不会有许多变化。朗文当代〔anticipate〕The spread of nationalism anticipated the decline of the Empire.民族主义的蔓延加速了帝国的衰落。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕They anticipate having several applicants for the job.他们预计会有几个人来应聘这份工作。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕They anticipate that they will have several applicants for the job 他们预计会有几个人来应聘这份工作。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕This year, we anticipate that our expenses will be 15% greater.今年,我们预计支出会增加 15%。朗文当代〔anticipate〕Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.尽量设想面试主持者会提出什么问题。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕We anticipate that sales will rise next year.我们预料明年销售量将会增加。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕We anticipate that the river level will rise very slowly.我们预计江水水位会缓慢上涨。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕We couldn't have anticipated this result.我们不可能预见到这样的结果。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕We don't anticipate any major problems.我们预料不会发生什么大问题。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕We don't anticipate any problems.我们预料不会有问题。朗文当代〔anticipate〕We don't anticipate any trouble.我们不希望出现任何问题。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕We don't anticipate this causing any difficulties.我们认为这不会引起任何困难。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipate〕We eagerly anticipated the day we would leave school.我们迫切地期盼着毕业离校的那一天。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't anticipate.在进行的过程中,我们遇到一两个没有预料到的难题。剑桥高阶〔anticipate〕We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并做相应安排的人。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.杰夫所做的就是胸有成竹地等着我提问下个问题。外研社新世纪〔anticipate〕What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题。柯林斯高阶〔anticipate〕When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him.斯科特到达南极时发现阿蒙森已先到过那里。牛津高阶〔dimension〕The dimensions of the market collapse were certainly not anticipated.股市崩盘的严重程度的确是没有预料到的。柯林斯高阶〔dimension〕The dimensions of the market collapse were not anticipated.股市崩盘的严重程度是出乎意料的。外研社新世纪〔discount〕To anticipate and make allowance for; reckon with in advance.预期,事先考虑:预料并减轻其影响;提前考虑到美国传统〔eventuality〕We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for all eventualities/every eventuality.我们已尽力去预见最可能出现的问题,但是要对所有可能出现的情况做到有备无患是不可能的。剑桥高阶〔exacerbate〕An anticipated bad harvest will exacerbate social tensions.预料的坏收成将加剧社会紧张形势。英汉大词典〔explosion〕Every time they met, Myra anticipated an explosion.他们每次见面,迈拉都预料到会发火。柯林斯高阶〔fallout〕Exposure to radioactive fallout would be much worse than previously anticipated.暴露于辐射落尘之害,远超过原所预期者。文馨英汉〔farm〕We anticipate our overall farm production next year to be lower.我们预计明年的农业总产量会降低。牛津搭配〔fewer〕Fewer have come than we anticipated.来的人较我们预料的少。21世纪英汉〔fill-in〕Stores are urged to anticipate normal requirements and avoid last minute fill-ins.有关方面力促各商店预测顾客的正常需要,以免到了最后一分钟才临时补充缺货。英汉大词典〔forestall〕To deal with or think of beforehand; anticipate.先人一着,预料:抢在…的前面行动或考虑;比…先采取行动美国传统〔forestall〕Try to anticipate what your child will do and forestall problems.尽量预见你的孩子会干什么,并预先阻止问题发生。牛津高阶〔game〕He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略,并以其人之道还治其人之身,从而打败他们。柯林斯高阶〔game〕He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略, 然后以彼之道击败他们。外研社新世纪〔intensely〕The attack was anticipated but its intensity came as a shock.攻击是预料之中的,但攻势之猛烈令人震惊。柯林斯高阶〔intensity〕The attack was anticipated but its intensity came as a shock.攻击是预料之中的, 但是攻势之猛却使人震惊。外研社新世纪〔lick〕To anticipate delightedly.高兴地期待美国传统〔materialize〕None of the anticipated difficulties materialized.预想中的困难全都没有出现。柯林斯高阶〔materialize〕None of the anticipated difficulties materialized.预期的困难都没有出现。外研社新世纪〔materially〕The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated.公司的实际结果与那些所预期的可能相差巨大。外研社新世纪〔misread〕The general misread the enemy's intentions, and didn't anticipate the attack.将军对敌人的意图判断错误,没有预见到那次进攻。21世纪英汉〔miss〕To fail to achieve the anticipated result.未达到预期的目标美国传统〔net〕The net is significantly lower than we had anticipated.纯利润大大低于我们的预期。韦氏高阶〔nonevent〕An anticipated or highly publicized event that does not occur or proves anticlimactic or boring.被期望但未实现的事:预期要发生或普遍知道而没有发生或证明是不合时宜的或不受欢迎的事件美国传统〔offensive〕We studied their offensive maneuvers and anticipated the attack.我们研究了他们的进攻策略,预料到了这次进攻。韦氏高阶〔outguess〕To anticipate correctly the actions of.猜透:正确猜出…的行为美国传统〔preparation〕The dissonant tone so anticipated.准备调音美国传统〔prepunch〕To punch computer data cards or tape before an anticipated use.预先在…上穿孔:在预定使用之前在计算机信息卡上或磁带上打孔美国传统〔prevent〕Archaic To anticipate or counter in advance.【古语】 预先应付:事先预料或遇到美国传统〔price〕Building material dealers and manufacturers not only priced themselves out of the market but also priced the country out of an anticipated increase of $2bn of national income.建筑材料商人和制造商通过漫天讨价的方式,不仅使他们自己失去了市场,而且使国家损失了原先预计增长的20亿美元国民收入。英汉大词典〔probing〕He anticipated some probing questions.他预料会有一些犀利的问题。外研社新世纪〔problem〕I don't anticipate any future problems in that regard.我不期望将来在那方面出现任何问题。牛津搭配〔prophylactic〕The prophylactic nap is a nap taken ahead of a period of anticipated sleep deprivation, such as a late night or a long journey.预防性小睡是指在熬夜、长途旅行等影响睡眠的事情之前的小睡。外研社新世纪〔rehearse〕Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers.预先考虑可能遇到的各种棘手问题,并且自己练习回答。柯林斯高阶〔return〕The cooperative anticipates a return to profitability later in the year.该合作企业预计今年晚些时候会重新开始赢利。牛津搭配〔rightly〕She rightly anticipated a decline in the value of the stock.她准确预料到那只股票价值的下跌。韦氏高阶〔roaring〕The show was not the roaring success he anticipated.演出没有像他预计的那样大获成功。麦克米伦高阶〔satisfactory〕Results are less satisfactory than had been anticipated.结果没有预期的那么令人满意。韦氏高阶〔snag〕We don't anticipate any snags in/with the negotiations.我们预料谈判不会出现任何麻烦。剑桥高阶〔take〕To consider as true, real, or forthcoming; anticipate correctly.想当然:认为…是真实的、正确的或会要发生的;料想…是正确的美国传统〔title〕He has no title to anticipate our support.他没有资格期望我们的支持。英汉大词典〔unstuck〕Where economics comes unstuck is when it doesn't take account of the anticipated actions of human beings.经济学若无视人的预期行动的话, 注定是行不通的。外研社新世纪〔unstuck〕Where economics comes unstuck is when it doesn't take account of the anticipated actions of human beings.经济学若无视人的预期行动的话,注定是行不通的。柯林斯高阶〔wild〕In all their wildest dreams the boys could never have anticipated a room so full of chocolate.孩子们连做梦也没有想到过会有这样一间满屋子都是巧克力的房间。英汉大词典At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen. 在目前阶段我们还无法预料会发生什么。剑桥国际He should have anticipated that this would happen and tried to prevent it.他本该预料到会发生这种情况,应该采取预防措施的。剑桥国际It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen. 不可能预料这事何时发生。译典通It's always better to anticipate a problem before it arises than to search for a solution afterwards.防患于未然总是比事后想法补救要好。剑桥国际My wife anticipates all my needs each time I come back from a business trip. 我每次出差回家,妻子总会预先考虑到我的全部需要而作好安排。译典通No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary. 这家商行不允许雇员提前支用薪金。译典通She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated. 她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。译典通The anticipated inflation figure is lower than last month's.预计的通货膨胀数字低于上个月。剑桥国际The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder. 中国人先于欧洲人发现火药。译典通The army anticipated (=took action in preparation for) the explosion by evacuating the town.这支军队预计会发生这次爆炸而提前撤出该城。剑桥国际The first question is one which Jason has anticipated. 第一个问题是杰森料到的。译典通The president anticipated a worldwide economic slowdown.总统预期一次全球性的经济减缓。剑桥国际The research is now in progress, but the going (= starting and continuing with it) has been slower than anticipated owing to a reduction in government funding.研究正在进行,但由于政府资金的削减,进度比预期的要慢。剑桥国际The visits of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredations. 应该预料到这些抢劫者的侵袭,并制定防范他们抢劫的措施。译典通They anticipate having several applicants for the job. 他们估计会有好几个人来申请这份工作。剑桥国际They anticipate that they will have several applicants for the job 他们估计会有好几个人来申请这份工作。剑桥国际We don't anticipate any snags in the negotiations.我们预料谈判中不会遇到任何意外麻烦。剑桥国际We had one or two difficulties along the way that we couldn't have anticipated.在进行过程中,我们遇到了一两个未能预见到的困难。剑桥国际We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for all eventualities/every eventuality.我们试图预见最可能发生的问题,但不可能防备到所有的意外。剑桥国际 |
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