

单词 delivery
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Later that day, whites retaliated by killing a young black delivery driver. 那天稍后白人出手报复,杀了一个年轻的黑人送货司机。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕A hospital is usually the best place for a safe delivery. 医院通常是安全分娩的最佳地方。朗文写作活用〔CBD.〕Cash before delivery.现款交货美国传统〔COST〕If your order comes to over $30, we will not make a delivery charge. 如果订单超过30美元,我们不收取送货费。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕The cost is £45 plus £5 for delivery. 价格45英镑,再加5英镑的运费。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕It is important to ensure prompt delivery of goods that customers order. 确保将顾客所订的货及时送到,这是很重要的。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Due to rising costs and delays in the delivery of equipment, losses are already foreseeable on the new tunnel project. 由于成本上升、设备运送延误,人们已经预见到新隧道工程必将出现亏损。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕His first year in business was so successful that John could afford to buy a delivery van with the proceeds. 约翰开业后的第一年里就取得很大成功,收入足以使他买一辆货车了。朗文写作活用〔RD〕Rural delivery.郊区免费投递美国传统〔ad-lib〕To engage in improvisation, as during delivery of a speech.临时插入:临时插入,如在演讲过程中美国传统〔advise〕We'll advise you of any changes in the delivery dates.发送日期若有变化,我们会通知你的。朗文当代〔agreed〕The delivery was four days later than agreed.交货比商定的日期晚了四天。外研社新世纪〔airdrop〕A delivery, as of supplies or troops, by parachute from aircraft.空投,空降:用降落伞从飞机上运送物品或部队美国传统〔allow〕Please allow 28 days for delivery.请留出28天的送货时间。麦克米伦高阶〔await〕I'm just awaiting delivery of a new Rover convertible.我正在等待路虎敞篷新车的到货。外研社新世纪〔balance〕They were due to pay the balance on delivery.他们应该在货到时支付余额。柯林斯高阶〔balance〕They will pay the balance on delivery.他们会在收到货物时给付余额。外研社新世纪〔batter〕Opposing batters are fooled by Madsen's delivery.对方击球手上了马德森的投球的当。牛津搭配〔bill of lading〕A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery.提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期美国传统〔bowl〕To hurl a cricket ball from one end of the pitch toward the batsman at the other, keeping the arm straight throughout the delivery.掷球:从球场的一端将板球猛掷给在另一端的击球手,在整个过程中保持手臂平直美国传统〔boy〕The nurse in the delivery room said, “It's a boy!” 产房的护士说:“是个男孩!” 英汉大词典〔candygram〕A delivery of candy or other sweets along with a personalized message.蜜糖寄语,蜜糖传情:递送附有私密留言的糖果或甜食美国传统〔cash-and-carry〕Sold for cash, usually without delivery service.现购自运的:现款购买的,通常没有运输服务美国传统〔cash-and-carry〕The policy of selling goods for cash, usually without delivery service.现购自运政策:现款购买,通常不附加运输服务的政策美国传统〔charge〕Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。牛津高阶〔charge〕They agreed to waive the delivery charges.他们同意免收递送费。牛津搭配〔charge〕We don't charge for delivery.我们免费送货。牛津搭配〔charge〕We won't charge for delivery if you pay now.如果现在付款,我们就免费送货上门。朗文当代〔chase〕Chase up the contractor and get a delivery date.找到那个承包商要他定一个交货的日子。英汉大词典〔clear〕Allow three clear days for delivery.给送货留出整整三天的时间。朗文当代〔conditional〕Payment is conditional upon delivery of the goods(= if the goods are not delivered the money will not be paid).货到方付款。牛津高阶〔convenience〕Delivery times are arranged at your convenience.交货时间安排在你方便的时候。外研社新世纪〔convenience〕Delivery times are arranged at your convenience.送货时间会安排在您方便的时候。柯林斯高阶〔crisp〕The speaker has a crisp style of delivery.演讲者说话干净利落。英汉大词典〔definite〕Fix a definite date for the delivery of your computer.请为你的计算机定个确切的交货日期。朗文当代〔delivery〕Delivery times are only available on the day of delivery.只有在送货日才有送货服务。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕All goods must be paid for before delivery.所有货物在递送之前必须付款。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕Digital content delivery, especially music and video, is the next big business.数码内容的传送,特别是音乐和视频,是下一项大业务。牛津搭配〔delivery〕Ensure all material is properly packed and sent by recorded delivery.确保把所有材料包装妥当并挂号寄出。牛津搭配〔delivery〕For a delivery to be fair, the ball must be bowled, not thrown.为了保证投球公平, 球必须是滚出而非扔出。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。牛津搭配〔delivery〕His delivery was clear and pleasant to listen to.他的演讲条理清晰, 听起来非常顺畅。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless.他的发言稿写得非常精彩,但他的演讲风格真是无可救药。柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless.他的讲稿写得非常精彩, 但他的演讲风格却是无药可救。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕I got a delivery of fresh eggs this morning.我今天早上收到了送来的新鲜鸡蛋。柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕I need to work on my delivery before I give the speech.我需要在演说前好好练习一番。韦氏高阶〔delivery〕Is there a postal/mail delivery on Saturdays? 星期六送邮件吗?牛津高阶〔delivery〕Liz was taken to the delivery room (=a room in a hospital for births) immediately.莉兹立即被送进产房。朗文当代〔delivery〕Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery.大多数印度餐馆都提供免费外送。朗文当代〔delivery〕Mrs Howell had an easy delivery.豪厄尔太太顺产。朗文当代〔delivery〕Order by 30 November to ensure delivery by Christmas.在 11 月 30 日之前下单以确保圣诞节之前能送达。牛津搭配〔delivery〕Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal.双胞胎的早产率要比一般的高出两倍,在36到38周之间分娩很正常。柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕She had a difficult delivery.她的分娩过程非常艰难。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕She had a very easy delivery with her second child.她第二胎分娩很顺利。牛津搭配〔delivery〕Someone has to be home to accept/receive delivery of the package.需要有人在家接收送达的包裹。韦氏高阶〔delivery〕That was a good delivery from Thompson.那是汤姆森投出的一个好球。剑桥高阶〔delivery〕The delivery of the lecture took two hours.讲座延续了两个小时。英汉大词典〔delivery〕The baby weighed almost seven pounds at the time of delivery.这个婴儿出生时差不多有七磅重。韦氏高阶〔delivery〕The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。牛津高阶〔delivery〕The cuts will inevitably impact on service delivery.资金的削减必然会影响服务的提供。牛津搭配〔delivery〕The firm stopped free home delivery.公司停止了免费送货上门的服务。英汉大词典〔delivery〕The government has now taken delivery of the new fighter planes.政府已接收交付的新战斗机。牛津搭配〔delivery〕The historic speech required but two minutes in delivery.这次历史性的讲演只需要两分钟美国传统〔delivery〕The joke was funny, but his delivery was terrible.这笑话本身很有趣,但他讲得太糟糕了。韦氏高阶〔delivery〕The last delivery was damaged.最后一批运送的货物受损。麦克米伦高阶〔delivery〕The mother (child) had an easy delivery.母亲 (孩子) 分娩顺利。英汉大词典〔delivery〕The restaurant pays cash on delivery for fish, which the local fishermen like.这家饭店买鱼采用货到付款的方式,受到当地渔民的欢迎。朗文当代〔delivery〕We expect to take delivery of (= receive) our new car next week.我们预计下周能拿到新车。剑桥高阶〔delivery〕We expect to take delivery of the aircraft sometime in June.我们预期 6 月份提取飞机。朗文当代〔delivery〕We guarantee delivery before 9 a.m. the next day.我们保证第二天上午 9 点前交货。牛津搭配〔delivery〕We have invested to improve service delivery.我们已经投资改进递送服务。牛津搭配〔delivery〕We have recently taken delivery of two new computers.我们最近已收到两台新计算机。麦克米伦高阶〔delivery〕We need more efficient delivery of humanitarian aid.我们需要更加有效地送达这些人道主义援助。牛津搭配〔delivery〕We offer free home delivery.我们免费送货上门。牛津搭配〔delivery〕We pray for our delivery from this oppression.我们祈祷能从这种压迫中解脱出来。外研社新世纪〔delivery〕We receive only one delivery of books per week.我们每星期只进一次书。牛津搭配〔delivery〕When can you take delivery of(= be available to receive)the car? 你何时能提取那辆汽车?牛津高阶〔delivery〕You can expect delivery in a week to ten days.你将可以在一周至十天内收到送货。朗文当代〔delivery〕You can pay for the carpet on delivery (= when it is delivered).地毯可以货到付款。剑桥高阶〔deposit〕A £50 deposit is required when ordering, and the balance is due upon delivery.订货时需要交50英镑的订金,货到后余款结清。柯林斯高阶〔dispatch〕Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery.赠品是分别派发的, 所以请留出28天的送货期。外研社新世纪〔effort〕In an effort to avoid further delays, the delivery process has been simplified.投递过程被简化以免再耽搁。韦氏高阶〔elocution〕The art of public speaking in which gesture, vocal production, and delivery are emphasized.演讲艺术:在公众演讲中强调风度、用词和表达的艺术美国传统〔escrow〕Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.契约,合同:指钱、权利、契据或契约等暂交第三者保管,待某种条件实现后再交付受让人或权利人美国传统〔express〕A rapid, efficient system for the delivery of goods and mail.快递系统:一种用来投递货物和邮件的快速高效的投递系统美国传统〔fast〕I suppose delivery in two days is pretty fast, really.我认为两天内送到确实是相当快了。牛津搭配〔few〕Few of the retail firms are offering a home delivery service.很少有零售商店提供送货上门的服务。麦克米伦高阶〔fix〕A delivery date has not yet been fixed.交货日期尚未确定。麦克米伦高阶〔fluff〕Informal An error, especially in the delivery of lines, as by an actor or announcer.【非正式用语】 失误:尤指如演员或报幕员的台词错误美国传统〔forceps〕Sometimes, forceps are placed on the baby's head to assist delivery.有时会用产钳夹住婴儿头部两侧来助产。外研社新世纪〔franchise〕Much of the milk delivery service has been franchised in recent years.近年来很多牛奶递送都成了特许经营的服务。麦克米伦高阶〔free alongside ship〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery to the point of loading aboard ship.船边交货:免费把货物运送到船的载货部位美国传统〔free on board〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board or into a carrier at a specified point or location.船上交货:货物免费由船载运并在指定时间或地点交给运输公司美国传统〔gestate〕To carry within the uterus from conception to delivery.孕育,怀胎:从怀孕到分娩的子宫内孕育美国传统〔go〕That letter should go by special delivery.那封信应该用快递寄出。朗文当代〔gutbucket〕An early type of jazz characterized by a strong beat and rollicking delivery, similar to barrelhouse.低级爵士乐:一种早期的爵士乐,节奏强劲,表演喧闹,与低级酒店爵士乐类似美国传统〔indicate〕We'll monitor closely in case early delivery of the baby is indicated.一旦出现婴儿早产的迹象,我们将密切监控。麦克米伦高阶〔inefficient〕The delivery system was very inefficient.这一传送系统十分低效。韦氏高阶〔inform〕I've been reliably informed that the delivery will arrive tomorrow.得到可靠消息麦克米伦高阶〔lapse〕The usual time lapse between request and delivery is two days.由订购到交货一般需要两天时间。朗文当代〔lay〕To put aside and hold for future delivery.收藏:搁置并保留至以后交付美国传统〔lead〕Baseball To advance a few paces away from one's base toward the next while the pitcher is in the delivery. Used of a base runner.【棒球】 离垒:投球手在掷球过程中,跑垒者从自己所处的垒向下一垒稍前进几步。用于指棒球跑垒者美国传统〔lead〕The brochure led me to believe that the price included home delivery.这本小册子诱使我相信价格中包含送货费。剑桥高阶〔light〕The delivery of potatoes was several kilos light.送货送来的土豆少了好几公斤。牛津高阶〔livery〕Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.【法律】 财产所有权让渡:官方的财产让渡,尤指把土地让渡给新主人美国传统〔mail drop〕A receptacle or slot for the delivery of mail.投信口:放邮信的容器或者长孔美国传统〔negotiate〕To transfer title to or ownership of (a promissory note, for example) to another party by delivery or by delivery and endorsement in return for value received.让渡:为取得价值,通过交货或交货并担保把权力或所有权(比如一张期票)转交给另一方美国传统〔next-day〕Standard next-day delivery of your order is included.标准的隔日投递服务已包括在你的订单中。剑桥高阶〔note〕I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note.我的卡车里装着半吨沙砾,但他不给我签收送货单。柯林斯高阶〔note〕The buyer has to sign a delivery note as proof of receipt.购买者必须签收送货单表明货已收到。牛津高阶〔note〕You have to sign a delivery note as proof of receipt.你得在一张交货票据上签名作为收到的凭证。麦克米伦高阶〔obstetrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the recuperative period following delivery.产科医学:医学的一个分支,处理妇女怀孕、分娩及产后恢复阶段的医护工作美国传统〔outage〕A quantity or portion of something lacking after delivery or storage.减耗量:物品的储运损耗部分或损耗量美国传统〔overhand〕An overhand throw, stroke, or delivery.高手扔球、划水或发球美国传统〔post〕A delivery of mail.邮递:邮件的投递美国传统〔post〕Archaic One of a series of relay stations along a fixed route, furnishing fresh riders and horses for the delivery of mail on horseback.【古语】 驿站:一系列沿固定路线设立的中转站,用来装备骑马投递邮件的新骑手及马匹美国传统〔promise〕The post office has promised to resume first class mail delivery to the area on Friday.邮局承诺周五对这个地区恢复一级邮件投递。外研社新世纪〔query〕We have a number of queries regarding delivery.我们对交货有一些疑问。麦克米伦高阶〔recitation〕Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.背书:小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来美国传统〔recitation〕The class period within which this delivery occurs.背书课:一段用于让小学生背书的课内时间美国传统〔recorded delivery〕I sent the package by recorded delivery.我挂号邮寄了包裹。韦氏高阶〔recorded delivery〕I'd like to send this (by) recorded delivery.这个邮件要挂号。牛津高阶〔remainder〕I'll pay you a hundred dollars deposit and the remainder on delivery.我将付你100元定金,其余款项在交货时付讫。英汉大词典〔router〕One that routes, especially one who prepares shipments for distribution and delivery.规定路线的人:尤指为分发和装送设备而规定运送路线的人美国传统〔route〕A fixed course or territory assigned to a salesperson or delivery person.供应线:推销员或送货人的固定路线或地区美国传统〔run〕The delivery man finished his run early.送货员很早就送完了这条线路上的货物。英汉大词典〔rural free delivery〕Free government delivery of mail in rural areas.农村免费投递:农村地区政府免费投递邮件美国传统〔same〕It costs the same with or without home delivery.不管是否要求送货上门, 花费都是一样的。外研社新世纪〔service〕Datapost offers a delivery service to over 160 countries.Datapost 数据邮政公司的递送服务范围覆盖 160 多个国家。朗文当代〔sidearm〕The pitcher has a sidearm delivery.投手侧身投球。韦氏高阶〔snap up〕Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.每当我们新进一批衣服, 人们就排队抢购。外研社新世纪〔snap up〕Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.每次新到一批服装时,人们都在排起长队来抢购。柯林斯高阶〔special delivery〕The delivery of a piece of mail, for an additional charge, by a special messenger rather than by scheduled delivery.特种快递:由专门信差传递的、而不按固定时间传递的收取额外费用的邮件快递美国传统〔steal〕Baseball To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.【棒球】 偷垒:在一次投球后,没有击球员、游击手、传球手或外野手的帮助而安全跑入(另一垒 )美国传统〔stipulate〕A delivery date is stipulated in the contract.合同中规定了交货日期。牛津高阶〔surrender〕The delivery of a prisoner, fugitive from justice, or other principal in a suit into legal custody.引渡:罪犯、逃犯或一案件中的首犯从司法审判到合法监护的转移美国传统〔tap〕A valve and spout used to regulate delivery of a fluid at the end of a pipe.龙头:在一个管道的末端用来控制其中液体流量的一个阀门和喷嘴美国传统〔term〕Delivery is within the terms of this contract.合同规定要送货。朗文当代〔time〕There is a long lead time between order and delivery of the product.该产品在订货和交货之间有很长一段备货时间。牛津搭配〔time〕We have reduced the delivery time from four days to two.我们已把交货时间从4天减到两天。麦克米伦高阶〔underarm〕With an underarm motion or delivery.下手运动或击出地美国传统〔usual〕It's usual to charge a fee for delivery.送货通常要收费。韦氏高阶〔variability〕Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable.购买决定可能会基于价格、送货日期、售后服务以及其他可变因素。柯林斯高阶〔version〕Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.胎位倒转:为了生育把子宫内的胎儿弄到有利的位置美国传统〔wagon〕A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle.小型客车:一种轻型交通或运货汽车美国传统〔wait about〕I was expecting a delivery and had to wait around at home all day.有人会来送货, 所以我只能整天在家干等着。外研社新世纪〔wait around〕I was expecting a delivery and had to wait around at home all day.有人会来送货, 所以我只能整天在家干等着。外研社新世纪〔wait in〕I can't go out. I've got to wait in for a delivery.我不能出去,我要等个送货上门的物品。韦氏高阶〔wait〕I have to wait in for a delivery this morning.今天早上我必须在家等着人来送货。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕The new delivery service has taken off in a big way.新的递送服务迅速走红。牛津高阶〔working day〕Allow two working days(= not Saturday or Sunday)for delivery.送货需两个工作日。牛津高阶Delivery vans with heavy loads always drive slowly up this hill.装有重物的货车总是缓缓地驶上山丘。剑桥国际Delivery will take place at the seller's place of business.将在卖方的营业地点接收货物。牛津商务A couple of letters came for you in the second post (= the second delivery of the day).第二次投递中有你的两封信。剑桥国际A large delivery van has just stopped outside the house next door.一辆大型送货车刚刚停在邻家门口。剑桥国际After the delivery of her baby, she was walking on air.生下小孩之后,她兴奋不已。剑桥国际Allow 28 days for delivery.交货需要 28 天。牛津商务Allow 28 days for delivery.请留出 28 天送货时间。牛津商务Free delivery has increased online sales.免费送货提高了网上销售量。牛津商务I'd like this parcel sent (by) special delivery (= by a delivery which is faster than the usual one, for which you have to pay extra).我想用特种快递来寄这个包裹。剑桥国际Is there a delivery charge? 要收送货费吗?牛津商务JIT delivery of products to customers 产品适时交付给顾客牛津商务Most of our products are available by overnight delivery.我们大部分的产品都是次日交货。牛津商务Our delivery terms are FCA Stockholm airport.我们按货交承运人价在斯德哥尔摩机场交货。牛津商务Our efforts to improve quality and speed up delivery have paid off and profits have doubled.我们提高质量和加快交货速度的努力取得了成功,同时利润翻了一番。牛津商务Payment is conditional upon/on delivery of the goods.付款是以交货为前提的。牛津商务Picketing miners halted the delivery vans.担任纠察的矿工阻止了送货的卡车。剑桥国际Please send this parcel by express delivery. 请用快递寄送这个包裹。译典通Prices are inclusive of all packaging and delivery.价格包括所有的包装和交付费。牛津商务Record any shortages on the delivery note before signing it.签收之前将不足额记录在交货单上。牛津商务That was a good delivery from Thompson.汤姆森投了个漂亮的球。剑桥国际The delivery date for the futures contract is 30 June.期货合约的交割日期是 6 月 30 日。牛津商务The delivery van was purchased for €40 000, and after five years will have a salvage value of approximately €5 000.这辆送货车以 4 万欧元的价格购得,五年后的残值约为 5 000 欧元。牛津商务The delivery was short by 540 pairs of shoes.所交货物少了 540 双鞋子。牛津商务The delivery will be on a freight collect basis.按运费到付交货。牛津商务The U.S. and Canada are zoned for postal delivery. 美国和加拿大划分了邮区。译典通The actor's delivery (= the way he spoke) was so faint that he couldn't be heard at the back of the theatre.演员道白如此之轻,剧院后部的观众都听不见。剑桥国际The company has no factories, no inventory, no delivery trucks and no sales force.这家公司没有工厂、没有库存、没有送货卡车、没有销售人员。牛津商务The cost of the washing machine is $449 incl delivery charges.这台洗衣机的价格是449美元包括送货费。剑桥国际The employment of airplanes sped up delivery. 使用飞机加快了投递的速度。译典通The goods must be collected within 7 days of the receipt of the delivery order.在收到提货单 7 天之内必须提货。牛津商务The mother had a difficult delivery. 那位母亲难产。译典通The original documents were sent by recorded delivery.文件正本是挂号邮寄的。牛津商务The pitcher is famous for the speed of his delivery.该投手以其投球速度闻名。剑桥国际The plant missed the delivery date on two new aircraft (= it did not deliver them at the agreed time).这厂没有在交货日期交付两架新飞机。牛津商务The store receives one delivery of books a week.这店每周收到一批书。牛津商务There is a time lag between invoicing a client and delivery of the goods.给顾客开出发票到交货之间有一段时间。牛津商务They offer free home delivery on all their products.他们对所有产品提供免费送货上门服务。牛津商务They offer guaranteed next-day delivery to any home in the UK.他们担保次日送到英国的任何一户人家。牛津商务This box of groceries is for delivery to Mrs Doyle.这箱蔬菜是要交付多伊尔夫人的。剑桥国际Traditionally in our industry the key performance indicators were price, quality and delivery.我们行业的传统关键绩效指标是价格、品质和交付。牛津商务We expect to take delivery of (= receive) our new car next week.我们期望下周收到新车。剑桥国际We guarantee prompt delivery of goods. 我们保证立即交货。译典通We have a good record for on-time delivery.我们有准时交货的良好记录。牛津商务We have informed the consignee of the delivery date.我们已通知收货人交货日期。牛津商务We need a firm delivery date.我们需要一个确定的交货日期。牛津商务We offer an express delivery service.我们提供快递服务。牛津商务We regarded the delivery service as incidental to our main business.我们把送货服务作为主要业务的附带服务。牛津商务You can pay for the carpet on delivery (= when it is delivered).你可以在地毯送上门时付款。剑桥国际You pay a little extra for their overnight delivery service.他们的隔夜交货服务需要额外收取少许费用。牛津商务




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