

单词 costs
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COST〕to calculate how much something costs 计算某物的成本或给某物定价朗文写作活用〔allowance〕to cut costs by allowancing its sales representatives通过给销售代表发津贴来削减成本外研社新世纪〔balloon〕the ballooning costs of education 不断攀升的教育成本韦氏高阶〔clean-up〕liability for clean-up costs 承担清洁费用的责任麦克米伦高阶〔clean-up〕millions of dollars in clean-up costs 数百万美元的清除费用朗文当代〔clothe〕the costs of feeding and clothing a family 一家人的衣食费用牛津高阶〔controllable〕controllable costs 可控制成本麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕labour/production costs 人工╱生产成本牛津高阶〔cost〕the costs and benefits of this strategy 这一战略的代价和好处牛津搭配〔cost〕the costs associated with buying and selling property 与资产买卖有关的开支牛津搭配〔cost〕the social costs of unemployment 失业的社会成本麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕measures that are designed to cut costs = cost-cutting measures 降低成本的措施韦氏高阶〔efficiency〕the search for lower costs and greater efficiency 对更低成本和更高效率的追求麦克米伦高阶〔equivalent〕a new car that costs the equivalent of a whole year's salary 一辆价格相当于一年工资收入的新车英汉大词典〔escalate〕policies that escalate their own costs 促使他们自身成本增加的政策朗文当代〔evaluation〕subjective evaluations of the costs 成本的主观评估牛津搭配〔ever〕ever-rising costs and prices 不断上涨的费用和物价英汉大词典〔flyaway〕flyaway living costs 飞涨的生活费用英汉大词典〔fringe〕fringe costs (demands) 附加成本(要求)英汉大词典〔groan〕an economy groaning under the heavy burden of defence costs 给国防开支压得透不过气的经济英汉大词典〔health care〕the costs of health care for the elderly 老年人的医疗费用牛津高阶〔hidden〕the hidden costs of being in hospital 住院产生的一些隐性费用麦克米伦高阶〔interstate〕interstate road transport costs 州际公路运输成本剑桥高阶〔irrecoverable〕irrecoverable costs 无法收回的成本牛津高阶〔landfill〕the environmental costs of landfill垃圾填埋的环境代价外研社新世纪〔legal〕legal costs 律师费用牛津高阶〔loss〕run/operate etc at a loss (=to earn less money from something you sell than it costs you to produce it) 亏本经营朗文当代〔maintenance〕the costs of routine car maintenance 汽车日常保养的费用韦氏高阶〔modest〕a modest increase in costs 费用上的略微增加朗文当代〔motoring〕motoring costs 养车费用剑桥高阶〔mountainous〕mountainous costs 巨额费用韦氏高阶〔overall〕the overall costs of medical care.医疗保健的总花销美国传统〔overburden〕an overburden of costs 花销过大英汉大词典〔overhead〕overhead costs 营运开支牛津高阶〔passalong〕a passalong to customers of increased costs 增加的成本转嫁给顾客文馨英汉〔production〕increases in production costs 生产成本的增加麦克米伦高阶〔production〕production costs 生产成本牛津高阶〔prohibitive〕prohibitive costs 难以承受的费用牛津高阶〔purse〕health costs funded by the public purse 政府资金麦克米伦高阶〔reconstruction〕reconstruction costs following the cyclone 飓风过后重建家园的费用牛津搭配〔recoup〕recoup rising costs of materials and labour 扣除材料费及人工费的上涨部分英汉大词典〔relocate〕relocation costs 搬迁费用牛津高阶〔socialsecurity〕the long term costs of the social-security system 社会保障体系的长期支出牛津搭配〔squeeze〕a business squeezed by high costs and reduced sales 因开支大销售额减少而困难重重的企业英汉大词典〔start-up〕high start-up costs 初期的高成本英汉大词典〔stop out of〕the costs stopped out of the gains从收益中扣除的费用21世纪英汉〔study〕a comparative study of the environmental costs of different energy sources 有关不同能源的环境代价的比较研究牛津搭配〔tack〕tack on new costs for improvements in plant safety 增加改进工厂安全措施的费用英汉大词典〔tight〕tight control of costs 严格的成本控制麦克米伦高阶〔transportation〕rising transportation costs 不断上涨的运输费用麦克米伦高阶〔undesirable〕costs are undesirably high 费用高得让人难以接受韦氏高阶〔warehousing〕warehousing costs 仓储成本朗文当代a $300 million reduction in costs 成本降低 3 亿元牛津商务a serious underestimation of the costs 对成本的严重低估牛津商务job-hunting costs 求职成本牛津商务moves to cut handling costs 削减贮运成本的措施牛津商务mushrooming costs 迅速增加的成本牛津商务the costs associated with launching a new line of clothing 与推出新系列服装有关的成本牛津商务the high transaction costs of buying property 购买房地产高昂的交易成本牛津商务the prohibitive costs of entry into media ownership 贵得让人难以承受的媒体所有权价格牛津商务




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