

单词 cuts
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abrasion〕minor cuts and abrasions轻微的割伤和擦伤外研社新世纪〔battle〕do battle over the budget cuts 就削减预算问题进行斗争英汉大词典〔beef〕cuts of beef that are suitable for roasting 适合烤制的牛肉切块牛津搭配〔bruise〕cuts and bruises 伤口和瘀伤牛津高阶〔bruise〕minor cuts and bruises 小小的伤口和瘀伤朗文当代〔budget〕budget cuts 预算削减牛津高阶〔budget〕tax cuts in this year's budget 本年度政府预算中的税收削减牛津高阶〔carrot〕the electoral carrot of early tax cuts 早期减免税的选举承诺麦克米伦高阶〔commitment〕the cuts in British forces and commitments 英国驻军和财政义务的缩减英汉大词典〔cudgel〕a politician who is being cudgeled in the press for his failure to support tax cuts 因为没有支持减税而备受媒体抨击的从政者韦氏高阶〔cut〕cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.在舞台上展现美好的姿态美国传统〔cut〕cuts and bruises.割伤和擦伤柯林斯高阶〔cut〕cuts in public spending 公共开支的紧缩牛津搭配〔cut〕a development that cuts across all strata of society 影响遍及所有社会阶层的一项事态发展 英汉大词典〔cut〕a tool that cuts metal easily 可轻易切割金属的工具麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕an issue that cuts across party lines 超越党派界线的有争议问题英汉大词典〔cut〕cheap cuts of stewing lamb 廉价的炖羊肉块牛津高阶〔cut〕draw cuts 拈阄英汉大词典〔cut〕personnel cuts and a wage freeze 裁员和工资冻结 英汉大词典〔cut〕price/tax/job cuts 减价;减税;裁员牛津高阶〔cut〕proposed tax cuts 减税建议牛津搭配〔cut〕soap that cuts grease and grime 能去除油垢和污垢的肥皂韦氏高阶〔cut〕tax cuts 减税 英汉大词典〔deep〕deep cuts in the budget.大幅度的财政预算上的裁减美国传统〔defense〕cuts in the defense budget 削减国防预算韦氏高阶〔demonstration〕mass demonstrations against cuts in the health service 反对公共医疗卫生服务经费削减的群众示威游行牛津搭配〔disability〕a protest against cuts in disability benefits 残疾补贴/抚恤金麦克米伦高阶〔drill〕a drill bit (= the sharp part of the drill that cuts the hole) 钻头剑桥高阶〔expenditure〕huge cuts in public expenditure (=the amount of money a government spends on services for the public) 公共开支的大幅度削减朗文当代〔expenditure〕public expenditure cuts 公共开支削减牛津搭配〔figure〕cuts a dashing figure.雕刻成雄赳赳的模样美国传统〔impinge〕the cuts in defence spending that have impinged on two of the region's largest employers.已经冲击到该地区两个最大就业制造者的防御开支削减柯林斯高阶〔investment〕tax cuts aimed at stimulating investment and expanding the economy 旨在刺激投资、发展经济的税收减免朗文当代〔lay-up〕budget cuts that forced the lay-up of several ships.预算削减使得几条船被搁置不用美国传统〔midyear〕midyear budget cuts 年中预算削减韦氏高阶〔opponent〕a leading opponent of the budget cuts 带头反对削减预算的人英汉大词典〔preference〕the government's preference for tax cuts over greater public spending 政府较愿意减少税收而不是增加公共支出牛津搭配〔prepared〕be prepared for power cuts by buying a lot of candles 买了许多蜡烛准备断电时用英汉大词典〔professorial〕the cuts which have led to 36 per cent of professorial posts remaining unfilled导致36%的教授职位保持空缺的经费削减外研社新世纪〔public service〕staff cuts in the public service 政府部门的裁员朗文当代〔revolt〕a revolt over the proposed spending cuts 对缩减开支建议的反对朗文当代〔round〕the Government's latest round of expenditure cuts 政府最近一次的削减支出朗文当代〔savage〕savage cuts in education spending 教育开支的大幅度削减剑桥高阶〔scrape〕suffer a few cuts and scrapes 有几处给割破和擦伤英汉大词典〔spending〕spending cuts 削减开支剑桥高阶〔squeeze〕cuts due to the squeeze on public sector spending 由于公共部门开支紧缩引起的削减朗文当代〔steep〕steep cuts in benefits 救济金的大幅度削减朗文当代〔swingeing〕swingeing cuts in pay 工资大幅削减韦氏高阶〔swingeing〕swingeing cuts in public services 公用事业支出的大幅度削减麦克米伦高阶〔swingeing〕swingeing cuts in public spending 公共开支的大幅削减朗文当代〔tell〕notices telling of the proposed job cuts 公布拟裁员的通知牛津高阶〔underprivileged〕the hideous effects of government cuts on underprivileged families.政府削减支出给贫困家庭带来的巨大影响柯林斯高阶〔underprivileged〕the hideous effects of government cuts on underprivileged families政府削减支出给贫困家庭带来的负面影响外研社新世纪〔wage〕wage cuts 减薪牛津高阶cuts in social security benefits 社会福利的削减牛津商务cuts in the rate of income tax 所得税率的削减牛津商务a programme of tax cuts for working families (= families where at least one person is employed) 工作家庭减税方案牛津商务selective price cuts 选择性降价牛津商务tax cuts in this year's Budget 本年度政府预算中的税收削减牛津商务the stimulative effect of the tax cuts 减税的刺激效应牛津商务




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