

单词 conversion
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Catholicism〕her conversion to Catholicism.她改信天主教柯林斯高阶〔Catholicism〕her conversion to Catholicism她对天主教的皈依外研社新世纪〔asset〕conversion of industrial waste from liability to asset 工业废料由废变益的转换英汉大词典〔conversion〕conversion from analogue / analog to digital data 从模拟数据转换成数字数据牛津搭配〔conversion〕conversion of union funds 对工会经费的侵吞英汉大词典〔conversion〕a conversion from Catholicism to Judaism 由天主教改信犹太教韦氏高阶〔conversion〕a conversion kit that lets your vehicle run on non-polluting fuel 使车辆依靠无污染燃料运行的转换装备牛津搭配〔conversion〕a conversion of water into ice 水成冰之变英汉大词典〔conversion〕a conversion to vegetarianism 改为奉行素食主义朗文当代〔conversion〕a 2-point conversion 两分转换韦氏高阶〔conversion〕a barn/factory conversion 谷仓/厂房改建的房屋剑桥高阶〔conversion〕a housing conversion scheme 住房改建计划英汉大词典〔conversion〕a metric conversion table(= showing how to change metric amounts into or out of another system) 公制换算表牛津高阶〔conversion〕a third-down conversion 第三次进攻成功推进10码。韦氏高阶〔conversion〕currency conversion 货币兑换麦克米伦高阶〔conversion〕her conversion from Islam to Christianity 她由伊斯兰教改信基督教牛津搭配〔conversion〕her overnight conversion to market economics 她突然转到了市场经济学牛津搭配〔conversion〕his conversion from Judaism to Christianity 他由犹太教改信基督教牛津高阶〔conversion〕his conversion to Christianity.他皈依基督教柯林斯高阶〔conversion〕his conversion to Christianity他皈依基督教外研社新世纪〔conversion〕power-plant conversion to coal 发电厂改用煤作燃料的变化英汉大词典〔conversion〕the conversion from communism to capitalism 我们认为委员会正在调查的这个问题对于我国至关重要。麦克米伦高阶〔conversion〕the conversion of an office building into a block of flats 办公楼改建为公寓楼麦克米伦高阶〔conversion〕the conversion of chemical energy into electricity化学能转化为电能外研社新世纪〔conversion〕the conversion of disused rail lines into cycle routes.将废弃的铁路线改成自行车道柯林斯高阶〔conversion〕the conversion of disused rail lines into cycle routes将一些废弃的铁路线改造成自行车道外研社新世纪〔conversion〕the conversion of farm buildings into family homes 农场建筑物改建为家庭住宅牛津高阶〔conversion〕the conversion of feet into inches 英尺换算为英寸英汉大词典〔conversion〕the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons by Christian missionaries 基督教传教士使盎格鲁 – 撒克逊人的信仰改变牛津高阶〔conversion〕the conversion of the English system to the metric system 改英制为公制的做法英汉大词典〔conversion〕the conversion of waste into usable products 把废物变成可用的产品朗文当代〔conversion〕the company's conversion to war production 公司改营军工生产的转变英汉大词典〔conversion〕the forced conversion of Jews during the Inquisition 宗教法庭对犹太人的强迫皈依牛津搭配〔conversion〕the improper conversion of public funds to one's own use 非法挪用公款英汉大词典〔conversion〕word building by conversion 藉词类转换的构词英汉大词典〔occupation〕the conversion of big old buildings to multiple occupation 庞大的老建筑改建成为多户合住房牛津搭配〔redundant〕the conversion of redundant buildings to residential use.将空置大楼改造为住宅柯林斯高阶〔thence〕the conversion of sunlight into heat and thence into electricity.将太阳能转化成热能,然后再转化成电能柯林斯高阶a profit margin of 3% on direct materials cost and $10 on conversion cost 直接原料成本的 3% 利润边际和加工成本的 10 元利润边际牛津商务calculating the cash conversion cycle (= the number of days that this process takes) 计算现金转换周期(现金转换过程所需的天数)牛津商务the conversion of dollars to pesos 将美元兑换成比索牛津商务the conversion of the business into a public company 这企业成为一家上市公司的转变牛津商务




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