

单词 a great deal
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Delphic〕made a great deal of Delphic pronouncements.作出大量含糊的声明美国传统〔appropriate〕appropriate a great deal of government money 挪用大量公款英汉大词典〔color〕a story with a great deal of color in it.有声有色的故事美国传统〔correspondence〕have a great deal of correspondence to deal with 有许多信要处理英汉大词典〔deal〕has a great deal of experience.有丰富的经验美国传统〔deletion〕the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material删除大量不相关的资料外研社新世纪〔energy〕a project requiring a great deal of time and energy.一项需要耗用大量时间和精力的方案美国传统〔gaff〕a fabric that can take a great deal of gaff 经久耐磨的纺织品英汉大词典〔handling〕a child who needs a great deal of handling 需要费心费力照看的孩子英汉大词典〔have〕has a beard; had a great deal of energy.蓄着胡子;精力充沛美国传统〔hold〕holds a great deal of property.拥有一大批财富美国传统〔impart〕impart a great deal of instruction to sb.给某人以大量的教导英汉大词典〔offer〕a young man with a great deal to offer(= who is intelligent, has many skills, etc.) 一个多才多艺的年轻人牛津高阶〔overtime〕work a great deal of overtime 加班甚多英汉大词典〔personal〕a business that requires a great deal of personal contact.经常需要本人亲自联系、打理的生意柯林斯高阶〔personal〕a business that requires a great deal of personal contact大部分都需要亲自过问的生意外研社新世纪〔produce〕produce a great deal of laughter 引起大笑英汉大词典〔ramble〕an essay that rambles a great deal 一篇散漫芜杂的文章英汉大词典




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