

单词 degradation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Roman holiday〕A violent public spectacle or disturbance in which shame, degradation, or physical harm is intentionally inflicted on one person or group by another.骚乱的野蛮场面:一种某人或群体有意使另一人或群体遭受羞耻、耻辱或身体上的伤害的暴力的公开表演或骚乱美国传统〔bargain-basement〕He shudders at the prospect of presiding over the degradation of the U. S. into a bargain-basement superpower.在美国沦为次等超级大国之际当美国总统的前景使他不寒而栗。英汉大词典〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔biofouling〕The impairment or degradation of something, such as a ship's hull or mechanical equipment, as a result of the growth or activity of living organisms.生物毁损:因活生物体的繁殖或活动而使物体(如船体或机械设备)受到损坏或退化美国传统〔biogas〕A mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by bacterial degradation of organic matter and used as a fuel.生物气:有机物质经细菌降解而产生的甲烷与二氧化碳混合物,用作燃料美国传统〔bioprocess〕Production of a commercially useful chemical or fuel by a biological process, such as microbial fermentation or degradation.生物制品:用生物学过程生产商用化学药品或燃料,如微生物发酵或降解过程美国传统〔degradation〕I feel this signals the degradation of American culture.我觉得这标志了美国文化的没落。柯林斯高阶〔degradation〕I feel this signals the degradation of American culture.我认为这预示着美国文化的堕落。外研社新世纪〔degradation〕She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.她描述了自己被迫经受的屈辱。外研社新世纪〔degradation〕She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.她描述了自己被迫经受的屈辱。柯林斯高阶〔degradation〕There are serious problems of land degradation in some arid zones.在一些干旱地带存在严重的土地退化问题。外研社新世纪〔degradation〕There are serious problems of land degradation in some arid zones.在一些干旱地带存在严重的土地退化问题。柯林斯高阶〔degradation〕They live in degradation.他们过著堕落的生活。文馨英汉〔degradation〕They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象, 他们感到心里极不舒服。外研社新世纪〔degradation〕They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象,他们感到心里极不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔degradation〕Years of strain and worry caused a steady degradation of his health.多年的压力和忧虑一直损害着他的健康。英汉大词典〔degrade〕To cause (an organic compound) to undergo degradation.使退化:使(有机化合物)进行降解美国传统〔depravity〕Moral corruption or degradation.堕落:道德败坏,堕落美国传统〔essential〕The degradation had not yet destroyed her essential beauty.堕落的生活尚未毁及她的美貌。外研社新世纪〔humiliation〕The act of humiliating; degradation.羞辱:使(别人)丢脸的行动;降格美国传统〔indestructible〕Whatever the degradation, the human spirit can be indestructible.人不管多么落泊,其精神是打不垮的。剑桥高阶〔self-abasement〕Degradation or humiliation of oneself, especially because of feelings of guilt or inferiority.自卑,自贬,自我菲薄:自我贬低或羞辱,尤指出于负罪感或自卑感美国传统〔slough〕A state of deep despair or moral degradation.绝望,道德的堕落:深深的绝望或道德堕落的状态美国传统〔wallow〕A condition of degradation or baseness.堕落:堕落或下贱的状态美国传统An increasing number of people are being reduced to the degradation of having to beg on the streets.越来越多的人被迫沦落到沿街乞讨的地步。剑桥国际He believed there were inextricable links between poverty, environmental degradation and military activity.他相信贫困、环境恶化和军事行动之间存在着无法分开的联系。剑桥国际He said that environmental degradation should be a matter of concern to us all.他说环境的恶化应是我们大家都要关注的问题。剑桥国际




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