

单词 curious
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔anomaly〕a curious anomaly in the regulations 条例中古怪异常的部分麦克米伦高阶〔baa〕the curious baaing sound that young seals make 幼海豹发出的怪叫声英汉大词典〔curiously〕a group of curious villagers.一群好奇的村民柯林斯高阶〔curious〕curious investigators; a trap door that made me curious.好学的研究者;会上下活动的门使我惊奇不已美国传统〔curious〕curious notions 奇特的想法英汉大词典〔curious〕curious questions.因好奇而提出的问题。牛津同义词〔curious〕curious to know / see / hear etc Mandy was curious to know what happened.曼迪很想知道发生了什么事。朗文当代〔curious〕a curious coincidence 奇怪的巧合朗文当代〔curious〕a curious fact.奇怪的事实美国传统〔curious〕a curious mixture of reality and fiction现实与虚构的离奇混合外研社新世纪〔curious〕a curious person who searches into things under the earth and in heaven 欲把地下天上之事都探个明白的人英汉大词典〔curious〕a curious piece of 19 th century art 一件19世纪的艺术珍品英汉大词典〔curious〕a curious smell.古怪的气味。牛津同义词〔curious〕a set of curious kitchen implements 一套稀奇的厨房用具麦克米伦高阶〔curious〕a slightly curious statement 有点儿奇怪的声明牛津搭配〔curious〕before the curious gaze of some 50 spectators在大约50名观众好奇的注视之下外研社新世纪〔curious〕the curious inquiries of science 对科学的严谨探究英汉大词典〔fashion〕played the violin in his own curious fashion.以他独有的奇特方式演奏小提琴美国传统〔form〕stalactites of curious forms; 形状奇异的钟乳石;美国传统〔innately〕innately curious 天性好奇的韦氏高阶〔innocent〕a curious but innocent explorer 好奇而无知的探险者英汉大词典〔insatiable〕an insatiably curious student 好奇永无止境的学生韦氏高阶〔peruse〕peruse sb. with a curious eye 用好奇的眼光仔细打量某人英汉大词典〔prick〕a curious pricking sensation 一种不寻常的刺痛感朗文当代〔prurience〕the prurience of curious ears 爱听奇闻的癖好英汉大词典〔rendering〕a painter very skilful in his rendering of curious effects of light 极善于处理光的奇崛效果的画家 英汉大词典〔shaped〕curious vases shaped like birds and animals 鸟状和兽状的怪异花瓶牛津搭配〔tick〕machines ticking away; curious about what makes people tick.正常运行的机器;对人们行事的动机很好奇美国传统〔turn〕a curious and speculative turn of mind.生性好奇,爱冒险美国传统




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