

单词 curia
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Holy Office〕A Roman congregation of the Curia that deals with protection of the faith and morals.宗教法庭:保护信仰及道德标准的罗马教庭美国传统〔Roman congregation〕Any department of the Curia dealing with rites, legal and administrative problems, questions of faith and morals, and other ecclesiastical matters.天主教圣会:古罗马元老院的一个处理各种仪式、法律和行政事务、信仰和道德及其它教会问题的部门美国传统〔congregation〕A division of the Curia.罗马教廷的一个分支美国传统〔consultor〕An adviser to a congregation of the Curia.教廷顾问:罗马教廷红衣主教委员会的顾问美国传统〔curia〕Often Curia Roman Catholic Church The central administration governing the Church. 常作 Curia 【罗马天主教】 罗马教廷:统治罗马天主教会的中央管理机构美国传统〔penitentiary〕A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions.宗教裁判所:罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭美国传统




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