

单词 creed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Creed〕We, the congregation, were saying the Creed, 'I believe in God, the Father'.我们全体会众齐诵信经:“我信上帝, 全能的父。”外研社新世纪〔RELIGION〕Give everybody an equal chance, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender. 给每个人以平等的机会,不必考虑其种族、肤色、信条或性别。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Mother Teresa offered her service and love to people of every caste and creed. 特雷莎修女为各社会阶层和信条的人服务,奉献自己的关爱。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Our church welcomes people of various races, colors, and creeds. 我们的教会欢迎各种不同种族、肤色和信条的人。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The belief in Jesus as a prophet is a major part of several world creeds. 耶稣是先知这个信念是世界几大宗教信条的一个重要组成部分。朗文写作活用〔Tridentine〕A Roman Catholic who rigorously conforms to the Tridentine Creed formulated at that council.正统派天主教教徒:皈依特兰特会议颁布的教义的罗马天主教教徒美国传统〔act up to〕She acted up to her creed.她按照她的意志办事。21世纪英汉〔adherence〕They were mocked for their adherence to a worn-out creed.他们因为坚持一个陈腐信条而遭到讥笑。外研社新世纪〔churchy〕Conforming or adhering rigorously to the practices or creeds of a church.固守教义的:严格坚信或追随教会的习俗或教义美国传统〔clamp〕Creed opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut .克里德张口想要说话,然后又闭口不说了。朗文当代〔confession〕A church or group of worshipers adhering to a specific creed.基督教团体(派别):一群坚持特定教义的崇拜者或教堂美国传统〔confession〕An avowal of belief in the doctrines of a particular faith; a creed.信条:对特定宗教教义信仰的声明;教义美国传统〔credo〕The Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed.信经:基督教徒经或尼西亚信经美国传统〔credo〕The musical setting for the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed, as in a choral Mass.圣乐:为基督教徒信经或尼西来信经配的乐曲,如弥撒合唱曲美国传统〔creedal〕Of or relating to a creed.信条的:属于或关于信条的美国传统〔creed〕Other countries have adopted this political creed enthusiastically.其他国家都狂热地接受了这一政治信条。牛津搭配〔creed〕People of all races, colours, and creeds have to live together.不同种族、不同肤色和不同信仰的人们不得不生活在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔creed〕The centre is open to all, no matter what race or creed.该中心向所有人开放, 不论种族或信仰。外研社新世纪〔creed〕The centre is open to all, no matter what race or creed.该中心向所有人开放,不论种族和宗教信仰如何。柯林斯高阶〔discrimination〕The applicants were judged without discrimination as to race, colour or creed.评审申请者时不因种族、肤色或信仰而加以歧视。英汉大词典〔epitomize〕His political creed was epitomized in this report.他的政治信念就概括在这篇报告中了。英汉大词典〔irrespective〕Schools are open to all irrespective of race, colour or creed.不分种族、肤色或信仰,学校大门向所有的人敞开。英汉大词典〔orthodox〕Adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds.信奉早期基督教教义的:如早期基督教宗教信条所表达的那样坚持基督教信条美国传统〔regardless〕It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入。柯林斯高阶They hold no religious creed. 他们没有任何宗教信仰。译典通




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