

单词 devoted to
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔amour〕memoirs devoted to accounts of his amours 记述他风流韵事的回忆录韦氏高阶〔biography〕a career entirely devoted to biography.主要从事传记创作的职业美国传统〔center spread〕a four-page center spread devoted to the championship playoffs.一页专用于刊登冠军总决赛的四页跨页版面美国传统〔conference〕a conference devoted to the topic of peace 以和平为主题的会议牛津搭配〔devoted〕a life devoted to the people 全心全意为人民的一生英汉大词典〔devoted〕a major touring exhibition devoted to the work of disabled artists.专门展出残疾人艺术家作品的一个重要巡回展柯林斯高阶〔devoted〕a museum devoted to photography 摄影博物馆朗文当代〔devoted〕a quarterly devoted to culture and the arts 文化艺术季刊英汉大词典〔devoted〕an exhibition devoted to Rembrandt's etchings 伦勃朗蚀刻画专题展览麦克米伦高阶〔devote〕a temple devoted to Apollo.一座奉献给阿波罗的庙宇美国传统〔devote〕land devoted to mining.土地留做采矿用美国传统〔exhibition〕an exhibition devoted to female painters 专门展出女画家作品的展览牛津搭配〔family〕a good family man, completely devoted to his wife and kids 全身心投入到妻儿身上的居家好男人牛津搭配〔history〕a museum devoted to local history 专门介绍当地历史的博物馆朗文当代〔idyll〕a heritage site devoted to the idyll of pre-automotive America一处专门展示汽车时代之前美国旖旎风光的遗址外研社新世纪〔institute〕an elite research institute devoted to computer software.致力于计算机软件开发的精英研究机构柯林斯高阶〔institute〕an elite research institute devoted to computer software致力于计算机软件研发的高端研究机构外研社新世纪〔journal〕an academic journal devoted to military history 一份专门研究军事史的学术期刊牛津搭配〔lifework〕a scholar whose lifework had been devoted to education 一位曾将毕生事业投注于教育的学者文馨英汉〔magazine〕a magazine devoted to country life 专门介绍乡村生活的杂志牛津搭配〔museum〕a museum devoted to children's toys 专门收藏儿童玩具的博物馆牛津搭配〔newsprint〕the acres of newsprint devoted to celebrities' personal lives.报纸对名流私人生活的大篇幅报道柯林斯高阶〔oddity〕a shop devoted to oddities: rubber fruit, explosive cigars专卖稀奇古怪东西的商店, 如橡胶水果、炸弹香烟外研社新世纪〔pagan〕pagan temples devoted to the Greek and Roman gods 供奉希腊和罗马诸神的多神教神殿麦克米伦高阶〔page〕web pages devoted to people's cats 专讲宠物猫的网页牛津搭配〔preservation〕an organization devoted to the preservation of historic buildings 致力于维护历史建筑的组织麦克米伦高阶〔site〕a free site devoted to tropical fish 有关热带鱼的免费网站牛津搭配〔site〕a site devoted to health issues 专注于健康问题的网站牛津搭配〔tribalism〕a nationalist movement opposed to “tribalism” and devoted to national consolidation 反对“宗族主义”并致力于巩固民族团结的民族主义运动英汉大词典〔website〕a website devoted to Rufus Wainwright 专门介绍鲁弗斯・温赖特的网站牛津搭配




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