

单词 cost-effective
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bean counter〕It looked like the project was going to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.眼看这个项目就要获批准了,但会计师们认为它不划算。剑桥高阶〔blended learning〕Blended learning is a cost-effective way of delivering training.混合式学习是一种划算的培训方式。牛津高阶〔cost-effectively〕The bank must be run in a cost-effective way.银行的经营必须追求成本效益。柯林斯高阶〔cost-effective〕In the eyes of the intelligence agency terrorism can be a cost-effective undertaking.在该情报局看来,恐怖主义可以成为一种有利可图的活动。英汉大词典〔cost-effective〕It wouldn't be cost-effective to buy an expensive new computer when all you want to do is store your photos.只为保存照片而买一台昂贵的新电脑并不划算。剑桥高阶〔cost-effective〕It's just not cost-effective for us to have two cars.拥有两辆车对我们来说不划算。韦氏高阶〔cost-effective〕The bank must be run in a cost-effective way.银行必须以一种追求成本效益的方式经营。外研社新世纪〔overhaul〕The government wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost-effective.政府想要彻底改革就业培训计划, 以实现低成本高效益。外研社新世纪Improving energy efficiency is regarded as the most cost-effective way to reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation.为减少发电对环境的影响,提高能源效率被认为是最有成本效益的。剑桥国际It looked like the project was sure to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.这一方案看似可以通过,然而统计专家却认为它不够经济。剑桥国际It wouldn't be cost-effective to bring him over from New York just to give the seminar.把他从纽约接来主持研讨会并不合算。剑桥国际Printing the books locally is not cost-effective.在当地印书是不划算的。牛津商务Using a phonecard can be a very cost-effective way of making calls abroad.用电话卡打国际电话非常省钱。牛津商务We need a more cost-effective way to distribute our products.我们需要一种更具成本效益的方法来销售我们的产品。牛津商务




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