

单词 cords
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clew〕clews The cords by which a hammock is suspended. clews 缚牢吊床的绳美国传统〔cord〕cords Trousers made of corduroy. cords 灯芯绒裤:灯芯绒做的裤子美国传统〔cord〕cords of discipline (affection) 纪律(感情)的约束英汉大词典〔cord〕cords of love 爱情的纽带英汉大词典〔cord〕a pair of cords 一条灯芯绒裤子牛津高阶〔cord〕gilded cords and tassels.镀金的绳子和流苏柯林斯高阶〔cord〕gilded cords and tassels金色的带子和流苏外研社新世纪〔cord〕straining against the cords of poverty and disadvantage同束缚人的贫穷和劣境抗争外研社新世纪〔cord〕the cords of love 爱的束缚文馨英汉〔cord〕the cords which bind these states together in one common Union使这些州结成一个联邦的约束因素外研社新世纪〔cord〕the vocal cords 声带文馨英汉〔rope〕ropes Sports Several cords strung between poles to enclose a boxing or wrestling ring. ropes 【体育运动】 围绳:系在柱子上围住拳击台或摔跤台四周的绳子美国传统〔web〕a web of electrical cords 纠缠交错的电线韦氏高阶




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