

单词 deserts
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bedouin〕An Arab of any of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian, Syrian, Nubian, or Sahara deserts.贝都因人:阿拉伯、叙利亚、努比亚或撒哈拉沙漠的游牧部落中的阿拉伯人美国传统〔DESERVE〕This is a movie in which everyone gets their just deserts in the end. 这部影片中所有人最终都得到了应有的下场。朗文写作活用〔DESERVE〕Tobin finally got his just deserts, and was sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment. 托宾最终得到了应有的下场,被判了八年徒刑。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕The Spanish were the first to keep cattle in the American deserts. 西班牙人是首先在美洲的沙漠上养牛的人。朗文写作活用〔Saracen〕A member of a pre-Islamic nomadic people of the Syrian-Arabian deserts.撒拉逊人:叙利亚-阿拉伯沙漠地区伊斯兰时代以前的游牧民族的一支美国传统〔aeon〕Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.很久很久以前, 现在肥沃的土地曾是沙漠。外研社新世纪〔aeon〕Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.现在是肥沃土地的地方在很久很久以前曾是一片片沙漠。柯林斯高阶〔belief〕Contrary to popular belief, deserts are not always hot.与大家的看法相反,沙漠并不总是炎热的。牛津搭配〔deserted〕After the show, the audience deserts the Blackpool streets.演出结束后,观众从布莱克浦的大街上消失了踪迹。柯林斯高阶〔deserted〕At the end of the book the child's true identity is discovered, and the bad guys get their just deserts.在书的结尾,那个孩子的真实身份大白于世,坏人则得到了应有的惩罚。柯林斯高阶〔deserts〕I have been blessed with an astonishing number of wonderful friends, far beyond my deserts.我有幸结交了一大群非常优秀的朋友, 远超我所应得的。外研社新世纪〔deserts〕I'd say he got his just deserts for not sticking around to help with the kids.他没有留下来帮助照料孩子们,我看他是罪有应得。剑桥高阶〔deserts〕I've got no sympathy for him, he got his just deserts.我一点也不同情他, 他自作自受。外研社新世纪〔deserts〕Offenders should receive their just deserts.罪犯理应受到应有的惩罚。朗文当代〔deserts〕The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life.受害者家属说杀人犯被判终身监禁是得到了他应有的惩罚。牛津高阶〔deserts〕We all want to see this criminal get/receive his just deserts.我们都想看到这个罪犯受到应有的惩罚。韦氏高阶〔desert〕He'll get (或 receive) his just deserts one day! 他总有一天会得到应有的惩罚!英汉大词典〔desert〕They got their just deserts when the scheme was finally uncovered.当阴谋最终被揭露时,他们得到了他们应得的惩罚美国传统〔dwell〕Shiva is a dark god; he dwells in the mountains and deserts.湿婆神匿影藏形于深山和沙漠之中。柯林斯高阶〔expedition〕The expedition will take nine weeks, taking Adam through the deserts of Utah and Nevada, over the Rockies, and across the Great Plains.整个探险将花九周时间, 期间亚当将穿越犹他、内华达两州的沙漠, 翻越落基山脉并穿越大平原。外研社新世纪〔fervor〕Deserts whose fervor scarcely allowed a bird to live 炎热得使鸟难以生存的沙漠文馨英汉〔inhospitable〕The natives were driven to the inhospitable deserts of the interior.当地土著居民被赶到荒凉的内陆沙漠地带去。英汉大词典〔just〕I hope that he's caught and gets his just deserts (=is punished in the way he deserves) .我希望他被抓住并受到应有的惩罚。朗文当代〔just〕We love watching the villain get his just deserts.我们乐见歹徒得到应得的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔precipitation〕Deserts have little or no precipitation.沙漠地区降水极少甚或不降水。英汉大词典〔productive〕In order to turn the deserts into fertile and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile canal.为了把沙漠变成肥沃富饶的农田,工程师们修建了一条800英里长的运河。剑桥高阶〔ratter〕Slang One who betrays or deserts another.【俚语】 出卖他人者,抛弃他人者美国传统〔represent〕Brown areas represent deserts on the map.地图上的褐色区域代表沙漠。朗文当代〔south〕They explored the deserts of the South.他们勘探了南部的沙漠。英汉大词典〔starve〕Reptiles often live in deserts where other animals would starve.爬行动物常生活在荒漠地区,而那里的其它动物就会饿死。英汉大词典He got his just deserts (= Unpleasant things happened to him, which he deserved because he had behaved badly).他罪有应得。剑桥国际In order to turn the deserts into fertile and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile canal.为了把沙漠变成肥沃富饶的土地,工程师们建了一条800英里长的运河。剑桥国际The Gobi, Kalahari and Sahara Deserts are all deserts, but they don't all have the same features.戈壁沙漠,卡拉哈利沙漠和撒哈拉沙漠皆为沙漠,但它们不都具有相同的特征。剑桥国际We all get our deserts in the end.我们最终都得到自己应得之物。剑桥国际




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