

单词 court of law
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISADVANTAGE〕People with previous convictions are always at a disadvantage when on trial in a court of law. 在法庭受审时,有前科的人总是处于不利地位。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕My lawyer told me there was no point in starting the case, because it wouldn't stand up in a court of law. 我的律师说提出这宗诉讼没有意义,因为它在法庭上站不住脚。朗文写作活用〔alienist〕A physician who has been accepted by a court of law as an expert on the mental competence of principals or witnesses appearing before it.精神病学家:作为鉴定法庭上主犯或证人思维能力的专家而被允许出庭的医生美国传统〔cite〕To summon before a court of law.传唤(某人)出庭美国传统〔claim〕You will have to prove your claim to the property in a court of law.你必须在法庭上证明你对这项财产拥有所有权。牛津搭配〔conciliation〕It is a conciliation process, not a court of law.这是调解程序, 不是法庭。外研社新世纪〔confront〕I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law.我希望和控告我的人当庭对质美国传统〔contempt〕Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.藐视:对法庭或立法机构的权威有公然不敬或故意违抗行为美国传统〔coordinate〕Citizens are coordinates in a court of law.公民在法庭上是平等的。英汉大词典〔court of law〕We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证。柯林斯高阶〔court of law〕We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law.我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证。外研社新世纪〔court of law〕You have the right to a fair trial in a court of law.你有权得到法庭的公正审判。韦氏高阶〔court〕I don't think that argument would stand up in a court of law.我认为那个论据在法庭上是站不住脚的。牛津搭配〔court〕It could not be proved in a court of law .在法庭上无法证明这一点。朗文当代〔crier〕An official who announces the orders of a court of law.庭吏:在法庭上宣布指示的官员美国传统〔dock〕An enclosed place where the defendant stands or sits in a court of law.被告席,犯人栏:法庭上圈起来让被告站或坐的地方美国传统〔evidence〕Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law.【法律】 证词,证据:法庭上作为证据的文件或口头形式的陈述和实物美国传统〔forensic〕Relating to, used in, or appropriate for courts of law or for public discussion or argumentation.法庭的,论争的:与法庭或公众论争有关的;用于或适于法庭或公众论争的美国传统〔gravity〕They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.他们被要求在法庭上表现出应有的严肃态度。牛津高阶〔it〕She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born.如果她愿意,她可以通过法庭强制他在孩子出生以后抚养孩子。柯林斯高阶〔judge〕Abbr. J.,j.Law A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law.缩写 J.,j.【法律】 法官,审判员:在法庭上听审并审判案子的政府官员美国传统〔judicature〕A court or system of courts of law.法庭,司法系统美国传统〔judiciary〕A system of courts of law for the administration of justice.司法系统:司法的法庭系统美国传统〔modernity〕It's the sort of thing that would be very difficult to prove in any modern court of law.这属于那种任何现代法庭都很难证明的事情。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕In a U.S. court of law, a witness must swear under oath to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” 在美国的法庭上,证人必须宣誓“说实话,说全部的实话,只说实话”。韦氏高阶〔on〕You've got nothing on me and you know it. Your theory would never stand up in a court of law.你手里没有对我不利的证据,这一点你很清楚。你的揣测在法庭上是绝对站不住脚的。柯林斯高阶〔oyez〕Used three times in succession to introduce the opening of a court of law.肃静:连续叫三次以示法庭的开庭美国传统〔practice〕Law The methods of procedure used in a court of law.【法律】 程序法:用于法庭的诉讼程序方法美国传统〔procedural〕Of or concerning procedure, especially of a court of law or parliamentary body.程序的:程序的或有关程序的,尤指法庭或议会机构的程序的美国传统〔procedure〕A set of established forms or methods for conducting the affairs of a business, legislative body, or court of law.程序:一套处理商业事务、立法事务或法庭团体的既定模式或方式美国传统〔prothonotary〕The principal clerk in certain courts of law.首席书记官:某些法院中的最高书记官美国传统〔return〕To render or deliver (a writ or verdict, for example) to the proper officer or court of law.呈递,提出:向有关官员或法庭提供或传送(例如,一份令状或裁决)美国传统〔stand ... up〕He knew clearly that the evidence he offered would stand up in the court of law.他清楚地知道,他所提供的证据经得住法庭的检验。21世纪英汉〔stand〕I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.恐怕这份文件在法庭上是根本站不住的。牛津高阶〔suable〕Subject to suit in a court of law.可控告的,可起诉的美国传统〔sub judice〕Under judicial deliberation; before a judge or court of law.在审理中的,在法官或法庭面前的美国传统〔summation〕A concluding part of a speech or an argument containing a summary of principal points, especially of a case before a court of law.总结:讲话或论证的结论部分,包括要点的总结,尤指法庭上辩论的总结美国传统〔trial〕In the process of being tried, as in a court of law.在试用中、试验性地、在受审中,如在法庭上进行的美国传统〔up-and-up〕The deal is on the up-and-up and should stand scrutiny in any court of law.这笔交易是光明正大的,应当经得起任何法庭的缜密审查。英汉大词典Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。译典通He was declared a bankrupt (= stopped by a court of law from managing his own financial matters) in 1991.他在1991年宣告破产。剑桥国际They should be put on trial in a court of law.他们应该在法庭受审。牛津商务When was he adjudicated bankrupt (= judged by a court of law to be unable to pay the money he owed)? 他是甚么时候被宣布破产的?牛津商务You can only be forced to leave your home by a court of law.根据法院判决,你只能被迫离开自己的家。牛津商务




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