

单词 consumer spending
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Slow economic growth and low consumer spending affected sales last year. 缓慢的经济增长和低消费影响了去年的销售。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕The rise in consumer spending is an encouraging sign that the economy may be recovering. 消费者支出的增长是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,说明经济可能复苏了。朗文写作活用〔acutely〕Retail sales have been acutely affected by slower consumer spending.零售受到了消费力降低的严重影响。外研社新世纪〔affect〕Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.贸易受到消费支出回落的不利影响。朗文当代〔amount〕Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to £9.75 billion.消费者在体育相关产品上的花费共计97.5亿英镑。柯林斯高阶〔buffer〕Consumer spending is buffering the effects of the recession.消费支出缓解了经济衰退造成的影响。朗文当代〔buoyancy〕The buoyancy of the housing market should help to offset the impact of the share price plunge on consumer spending.房地产市场的繁荣有助于抵消股价暴跌对消费支出带来的影响。外研社新世纪〔choke off〕Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending.上涨的利率可能抑制消费性开支。韦氏高阶〔consumer〕Consumer spending is increasing.消费支出在逐渐增加。韦氏高阶〔consumer〕Consumer spending was down by 0.1% last month.上个月消费支出下降了 0.1%。朗文当代〔determinant〕Social class is a major determinant of consumer spending patterns.社会等级是消费者消费模式的主要决定因素。朗文当代〔dispute〕Some economists disputed whether consumer spending is as strong as the figures suggest.一些经济学家怀疑消费性开支是否如数据所显示的那么大。柯林斯高阶〔driving〕Consumer spending was the driving force behind recent economic growth.消费性支出是最近经济增长的强大推动力。外研社新世纪〔driving〕Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.顾客消费是夏季经济增长的强大推动力。柯林斯高阶〔feel-good〕With consumer spending picking up, it appears that the feel-good factor (= a happy and positive feeling felt by people generally) has returned.随着消费者购买力上升,那种积极乐观的气氛似乎又回来了。剑桥高阶〔gauge〕Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending.零售额是衡量消费支出的一个尺度。朗文当代〔index〕Consumer spending is often a good index of public confidence in the economy.消费支出经常是显示公众对经济的信心的有效指标。剑桥高阶〔mark sth up〕Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rose last month.上个月消费支出增加的消息带动了零售业股价的上升。剑桥高阶〔raft〕This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。柯林斯高阶〔raft〕This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。外研社新世纪〔reflect〕The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.消费支出的下降反映出人们对经济的担忧。朗文当代〔reinvigorate〕Lower interest rates could reinvigorate consumer spending and the struggling housing market.更低的利率可能会重振消费和疲软的住房市场。剑桥高阶〔restrain〕Price rises should restrain consumer spending.价格上涨会抑制消费支出。朗文当代〔slow〕Several factors combined to slow consumer spending last month.上个月几种因素合在一起抑制了消费者的花销。麦克米伦高阶〔spending〕Consumer spending has more than doubled in the last ten years.消费者的支出在过去10年中增加了一倍多。剑桥高阶〔suck〕Continued rapid growth in consumer spending will suck in (= encourage) more imports.消费支出的持续迅速增长将会刺激进口。剑桥高阶〔treasury〕The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending.财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。柯林斯高阶〔trigger〕The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending.目前的经济衰退是由消费者支出下滑引发的。外研社新世纪Consumer spending dropped off sharply in February.消费开支二月份急剧下降。牛津商务Consumer spending follows a regular seasonal pattern.消费开支具有季节性规律。牛津商务Consumer spending has been one of the main drivers of economic growth.消费开支一直是经济增长的主要驱动力之一。牛津商务Consumer spending has hit the buffers.消费开支突然转弱。牛津商务Consumer spending has more than doubled in the last ten years.在最近十年以来,消费者的开支增加了一倍多。剑桥国际Consumer spending rose by 4.5% over the year.全年消费开支上升 4.5%。牛津商务Consumer spending showed a 6% month-on-month drop in January.消费者支出一月份环比下降 6%。牛津商务Consumer spending will be up 2.4% this year.消费支出今年将上升 2.4%。牛津商务Although consumer spending improved, there was no corresponding increase in manufacturing activity.虽然消费者支出改善了,但生产活动并没有相应增加。牛津商务Higher interest rates would slow overheated consumer spending.提高利率会压缩过热的消费支出。牛津商务Retailers are hoping for a pickup in consumer spending.零售商指望消费者开支能有所增长。牛津商务Sales at larger stores are more sensitive to changes in consumer spending.大型商场的销售对消费者开支的变化更为敏感。牛津商务Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rose last month.上月消费支出增加的消息带动了零售业股价的上涨。剑桥国际She predicts a sharp correction in consumer spending.她预测消费支出会大幅回落。牛津商务The UK economy is highly exposed to consumer spending (= it is likely to suffer if people stop spending).英国经济极易因消费者开支遭受经济损失。牛津商务The government's high interest rate is squeezing (= reducing) all areas of consumer spending.政府的高利率使各方面的消费支出都很拮据。剑桥国际The recent report showing economic growth doesn't jibe with an earlier report that showed a fall in consumer spending.最近表明经济增长的报告与先前表明消费下降的报告不符。剑桥国际The report cast doubt on the sustainability of consumer spending.这份报告对消费支出的可持续性提出质疑。牛津商务The retail sector is closely watched as a key gauge of consumer spending.零售行业作为衡量消费者支出的关键标准正受到密切关注。牛津商务There has been a slight decrease in consumer spending this year.今年的消费开支略有减少。牛津商务There is evidence that consumer spending may be easing off.有证据表明消费支出可能下降。牛津商务We have seen a sharp deceleration in consumer spending.我们已注意到消费支出的急剧减缓。牛津商务




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