

单词 disparity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DIFFERENT〕the disparity in wealth between the highest and the lowest employees 最高级与最低级职员之间在财富上的巨大差距朗文写作活用〔LONG〕the disparity in the longevity of the sexes 男女寿命的差异朗文写作活用〔disparity〕a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男女工资的差异朗文当代〔disparity〕a disparity of resources 资源差异牛津搭配〔disparity〕a growing disparity between rich and poor 贫富的日趋悬殊英汉大词典〔disparity〕the disparity in their salaries 他们在工资上的差异牛津搭配〔disparity〕the great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries.贫富国家间的财富鸿沟柯林斯高阶〔disparity〕the great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries富国和贫国在财富上的巨大差距外研社新世纪〔disparity〕the growing disparity between rich and poor 正在加剧的贫富悬殊剑桥高阶〔disparity〕the issue of gender disparity in the student population 学生群体中的性别差异问题牛津搭配〔disparity〕the region's increasing income disparity 这一地区不断加剧的收入差距韦氏高阶〔disparity〕the wide disparity between rich and poor 贫富悬殊牛津高阶〔disparity〕their disparity in age and lack of any real common ground他们在年龄上的差距以及真正共同点的缺乏外研社新世纪〔distribution〕a disparity in age distribution between groups 群体间年龄分布的差异牛津搭配




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