

单词 disorganize
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ORGANIZE〕Graham's far too disorganized to be a good teacher. 格雷厄姆太缺乏条理了,当不好老师。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕Her files were completely disorganized - she could never find anything she wanted. 她的文件乱七八糟—她从来都找不到自己要的东西。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕I'm sorry I'm so disorganized - I just haven't had time to get everything ready. 不好意思,我太没有计划了—我根本没有时间作好一切准备。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized. 叫她做事有什么用—一她这人一点条理都没有。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕She gave a long disorganized speech that left everyone confused. 她发表了一个毫无条理的长篇演说,弄得大家糊里糊涂。朗文写作活用〔bless〕Our cousin, bless his heart, is just so disorganized.我们的表兄,哎呀,就是太缺乏条理性了。韦氏高阶〔brutal〕The government instituted the reforms in a brutal and disorganized manner.政府的改革毫无条理且不受欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔day〕I know we seem a bit disorganized now, but we'll be all right on the day.我知道我们现在似乎有点混乱,但到那天我们会将一切搞定的。韦氏高阶〔disorganization〕The secretary's sudden departure disorganized the whole company.该秘书的突然离去使全公司陷入混乱。21世纪英汉〔disorganization〕Their betray disorganized the party.他们的背叛瓦解了该党。21世纪英汉〔disorganized〕He has transformed the party from a disorganized rabble into a force which must again be taken seriously.他把这个党从一帮组织涣散的乌合之众改造成了一支不容小觑的力量。外研社新世纪〔disorganized〕He is very disorganized.他是个很没条理的人。韦氏高阶〔disorganized〕He never gets anywhere on time. He's hopelessly disorganized.他从不准时,做事毫无头绪,简直无可救药。牛津搭配〔disorganized〕He's an extremely disorganized person.他是个极为缺乏条理的人。朗文当代〔disorganized〕He's impossible to work for - he's so disorganized.没办法给他干活——他做事太没章法。剑桥高阶〔disorganized〕I'm completely disorganized.我做事毫无条理可言。外研社新世纪〔disorganized〕It was a hectic disorganized weekend.这个周末忙乱得一塌糊涂。牛津高阶〔disorganized〕She's so disorganized.她太缺乏条理了。牛津高阶〔disorganized〕She's very disorganized.她很没有条理。文馨英汉〔disorganized〕The conference was completely disorganized.会议的安排一片混乱。朗文当代〔disorganized〕The lecturer was just a bit disorganized towards the end.讲课人在快结束时讲得有点凌乱。英汉大词典〔disorganized〕The lectures were very disorganized.这些讲座极其杂乱无章。外研社新世纪〔disorganized〕The meeting was very disorganized.这次会议组织得杂乱无章。韦氏高阶〔disorganized〕The whole conference was totally disorganized - nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.整个会议毫无计划性——没有人知道该干什么。剑桥高阶〔disorganize〕Heavy shelling by the enemy disorganized the army's retreat.敌人的火炮猛轰,打乱了部队的撤退步骤。英汉大词典〔dispirited〕The troops were dispirited and disorganized.部队士气低落,纪律涣散。剑桥高阶〔get your act together〕She's so disorganized - I wish she'd get her act together.她做事很没有条理——我希望她能够做到有条不紊。剑桥高阶〔in short〕He's disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him - in short, the man's a pain.他这个人既没有条理,又没有效率,你需要他的时候他从来不在——简而言之,这个人就是个讨厌鬼。剑桥高阶〔infiltrate〕The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。英汉大词典〔muddle〕To push on to a favorable outcome in a disorganized way.胡乱应付过去:以毫无组织的方式应付过去而得到一个还不错的结果美国传统〔run〕We were all running around like headless chickens (=trying to do a lot of things, in an anxious or disorganized way) .我们都像无头苍蝇似的瞎忙一通。朗文当代〔scatterbrain〕A person regarded as flighty, thoughtless, or disorganized.轻率浮躁的人:多变,没有思想或没有条理的人美国传统〔unorganized〕Lacking order, system, or unity; disorganized.无组织的:缺乏秩序,系统性,或统一性的;无组织的美国传统First he messed up my work and then he had the cheek to accuse me of being disorganized.他先是弄乱了我的工作,然后厚着脸皮指责我头绪混乱。剑桥国际He's disorganized, he's inefficient, he's never there when you want him--in short, the man's hopeless.他没有条理,没有效率,当你需要他时他从不在场----简而言之,那个人无可救药。剑桥国际He's impossible to work for -- he's so disorganized.没法为他干事----他这样没章法。剑桥国际The train service was disorganized by fog. 火车交通因雾无法正常运作。译典通The whole conference was totally disorganized -- nobody knew where they were supposed to be or what they were supposed to be doing.整个会议安排得一团糟----没人知道该坐哪里,也没人知道该做什么。剑桥国际




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