

单词 cordage
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bowstring hemp〕The fibers of any of these plants, used for bowstrings, cordage, mats, and nets.虎尾兰麻纤维:任一种这类植物的纤维,用于制作弓弦、绳索、席子和网美国传统〔fox〕Nautical Small cordage made by twisting together two or more strands of tarred yarn.【航海】 杂用的绳:两股或多股浸了焦油的纱搓成的小绳索美国传统〔hemp〕The tough, coarse fiber of the cannabis plant, used to make cordage.大麻纤维:大麻植物的坚韧而粗的纤维,用于制造绳索美国传统〔pita〕The fiber of any of these plants, used in making cordage and paper.龙舌兰纤维:这些种类植物的纤维,用来制作绳索和纸张美国传统〔ramie〕The flaxlike fiber from the stem of this plant, used in making fabrics and cordage.苎麻纤维:从这种植物的茎里提取出来的亚麻状纤维,用于制织物或绳索美国传统〔sennit〕Nautical Braided cordage formed by plaiting several strands of rope fiber or similar material.【航海】 缏绳:通过编结若干股绳纤维或相似材料而形成的缏绳美国传统〔sunn〕A tough fiber obtained from the stems of this plant, used for cordage.粗麻:由这种植物茎中提取的粗硬纤维,用于制造绳索美国传统




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