

单词 deliver
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔airlift〕an emergency airlift to deliver supplies to the famine victims 向饥民运送生活供给的紧急空投韦氏高阶〔blast〕deliver a now familiar blast at the President 发表现已为人所熟知的对总统的猛烈抨击英汉大词典〔damnedest〕did my damnedest to deliver the term paper on time.尽我所能按时交上这学期的论文美国传统〔deliver from〕to deliver the people from tyranny把人民从暴政统治下解救出来21世纪英汉〔deliver to〕to deliver a speech to the crowd向群众发表演说21世纪英汉〔deliver to〕to deliver an arrow to the centre of the target一箭射中了靶心21世纪英汉〔deliver〕deliver a flashing smile 投以甜笑英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver a hooligan to the police 把小流氓扭送警察局英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver a lecture.发表演讲美国传统〔deliver〕deliver a stab in the back of sb.在某人的背上戳一刀英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver groceries; deliver the mail.运送食品;投递邮件美国传统〔deliver〕deliver oneself of some careful words 小心谨慎地说了一些话英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver real power to sb.把实权交给某人英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver sb. from slavery (ignorance) 把某人从奴役 (无知) 中解救出来英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver the mail 投递邮件英汉大词典〔deliver〕deliver the necessary votes 拉必需的选票英汉大词典〔deliver〕products that deliver on customer expectations 达到顾客期望值的产品牛津搭配〔deliver〕proving they could deliver the vote in their areas.证明他们能够得到自己选区的选票柯林斯高阶〔deliver〕proving they could deliver the vote in their areas证明他们在自己的地盘可以拉选票。外研社新世纪〔deliver〕the failure of some services to deliver the goods (=do what they have promised) 一些服务机构未能按承诺提供服务朗文当代〔deliver〕to deliver a baby生孩子21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver a blow at one's enemy给予敌人一个打击21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver a blow.打出一拳。牛津同义词〔deliver〕to deliver a bond交出契约21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver a package投递包裹21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver a prisoner to the court把囚犯移交给法庭21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver letters or goods to an address.按地址投递信件或货物。牛津同义词〔deliver〕to deliver mails投递邮件21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver on one's pledge (or promise)履行诺言21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver oneself of an opinion发表意见21世纪英汉〔deliver〕to deliver someone from slavery.把某人从奴役中拯救出来。牛津同义词〔deliver〕to deliver someone from the tiresome people把某人从讨厌的人那儿解救出来21世纪英汉〔deliver〕use ultrasound techniques to deliver heat to the local tumour 运用超声波技术将热量传递到肿瘤部位英汉大词典〔effectively〕a system that could deliver services to local communities more effectively 可以更有效地为地方社区提供服务的制度麦克米伦高阶〔get-tough〕deliver a get-tough airport speech 在机场发表强硬的讲话英汉大词典〔harangue〕deliver an angry hour-long harangue against sb.发表长达1小时愤怒谴责某人的讲话英汉大词典〔hypnosis〕deliver babies under hypnosis 在催眠术之下生产婴儿文馨英汉〔invocation〕deliver an invocation 念祷文英汉大词典〔judgment〕deliver harsh judgments on sth.对某事提出苛责英汉大词典〔lecture〕deliver a fierce lecture 狠狠教训一顿英汉大词典〔mercy〕a mercy mission to deliver medical supplies and equipment 运送医疗用品和设备的救助任务牛津搭配〔message〕deliver a message 带信(或捎口信) 英汉大词典〔mot〕deliver a mot 说一句妙语英汉大词典〔panegyric〕deliver a panegyric 发表颂扬的演说英汉大词典〔paper〕deliver (read) a paper on disturbances in the earth's magnetic field 发表(宣读)一篇关于地球磁场干扰的论文英汉大词典〔postprandial〕deliver a postprandial speech at the State Banquet 在国宴后发表演说英汉大词典〔present〕deliver (accept) a birthday present 赠送(接受)生日礼物英汉大词典〔product〕the people who create and deliver the products and services 创造产品及送货和提供服务的人牛津搭配〔right〕deliver a right hook to the jaw 往下颌打去一记右钩拳 英汉大词典〔servitude〕deliver a country from servitude 把一个国家从奴役中解救出来英汉大词典〔sharp〕deliver a sharp warning to sb.对某人发出严厉的警告英汉大词典〔shipment〕a contract to deliver large shipments of bananas 大批香蕉的运送合同牛津搭配〔shipshape〕to deliver the goods shipshape井然有序地发货外研社新世纪〔sort〕sort and deliver mail 把邮件分类并投递英汉大词典〔speech〕deliver (或make) one's policy speech 发表施政演说英汉大词典〔takeout〕deliver takeout orders for a restaurant 替一家餐馆送熟食到订货客户英汉大词典〔thee〕when Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man当你自己要救人的时候21世纪英汉〔time〕worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞美国传统〔uppercut〕deliver a short uppercut to the jaw 朝(对手的)下巴猛击一上钩拳英汉大词典〔welcome〕deliver a welcome 致欢迎辞英汉大词典




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