

单词 dismiss
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕The American desire for material goods caused Europeans to dismiss them as philistines. 美国人的物欲使欧洲人对他们不屑一顾,认为他们不懂艺术。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕The courts have imposed limits on school officials’ power to dismiss teachers. 法庭限制了学校高级职员解雇教师的权力。朗文写作活用〔Luddite〕We should not ignore or dismiss the Luddites, because sometimes they are right.我们不应无视或鄙视那些反对工业革新的人, 因为有时候他们是对的。外研社新世纪〔SHOW〕It is a serious indictment of a medical profession so arrogant that it dismisses out of hand any ‘alternative’ forms of therapy. 这是对狂妄自大的医学界的严正指控,他们把所有的“替代性”治疗方法都拒之于门外。朗文写作活用〔authority〕The court held that school officials have the authority to dismiss teachers.法庭认为学校领导有权开除教师。朗文当代〔concession〕The Unionists dismiss the accord as a package of concessions to the IRA.统一党党员不接受该协定, 认为是对爱尔兰共和军的一揽子让步。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕They stood up. She made a movement to dismiss the courtesy.他们站起身来。她示意他们免礼。英汉大词典〔demit〕Archaic To dismiss.【古语】 解职美国传统〔discipline〕It's unfair to dismiss somebody for a single breach of discipline.一次违纪就开除,这不公平。牛津搭配〔dismiss from〕He tried to dismiss her from his mind.他试图不再去想她。21世纪英汉〔dismissive〕Serving to dismiss.表示拒绝或放弃美国传统〔dismiss〕I don't think we should dismiss the matter lightly.我认为,对于这件事我们不应该轻率地否决。韦氏高阶〔dismiss〕I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.对于工党指责我行为不正当,我当然不会理会。柯林斯高阶〔dismiss〕I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.我不会不假思索地摈弃它。柯林斯高阶〔dismiss〕Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about.别去管那些想法了——那些想法太离谱,不值得考虑。剑桥高阶〔dismiss〕She tried to dismiss the idea from her mind.她试图把这种想法从头脑中赶出去。牛津搭配〔dismiss〕We should not dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar.我们不应该由于不熟悉这些观点而拒绝予以考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔economically〕They dismiss the idea that high tax rates are economically harmful.他们对那种认为高税率对经济有害的观点不予理会。麦克米伦高阶〔en bloc〕You cannot dismiss these stories en bloc.你不能把这些说法一股脑儿全给否定了。朗文当代〔explain〕To dismiss or get rid of by or as if by explaining.辩护:用解释或类似的办法消除或摆脱美国传统〔flippant〕He now dismisses that as a flippant comment.他现在把那当作轻率的随口一说不再理会了。柯林斯高阶〔hopelessly〕A doctor is there to treat and to cure, not to dismiss anyone as a hopeless case.医生的职责是治病救人,任何人都不能被看作是无药可救而打发走。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕To throw out; dismiss.开除,撵走美国传统〔milk〕Fryer dismisses the report as 'milk and water'.弗赖尔认为这篇报告里的观点不痛不痒,不值一读。柯林斯高阶〔navel-gazing〕She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing.她对这场改革嗤之以鼻,认为只是无实际行动的集体空想而已。柯林斯高阶〔navel-gazing〕She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel-gazing.她对这场改革嗤之以鼻, 认为只是无实际行动的集体空想而已。外研社新世纪〔nonsense〕Most doctors dismiss this as complete nonsense.大多数医生认为其荒谬至极。外研社新世纪〔nonsense〕Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.但大多数传统的医生认为此说法完全是胡说八道。柯林斯高阶〔off-screen〕They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.他们迅速否认了两人在现实生活中是情侣关系的传言。柯林斯高阶〔off-screen〕They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.他们迅速否认了两人在现实生活中是情侣关系的传言。外研社新世纪〔one-man band〕Pointing to the calibre of the board, he dismisses the notion that he is a one-man band.他强调委员会的能力, 不接受他单枪匹马、肩挑多责的说法。外研社新世纪〔option〕After her appalling behaviour, we had no option but to dismiss her.鉴于她的恶劣行为,我们别无选择,只能解雇她。剑桥高阶〔out of hand〕Moving to London is certainly a possibility - I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.搬到伦敦去当然也是一种可能的选择——我不会断然拒绝考虑。剑桥高阶〔prompt〕She was prompt to dismiss any suspicions I might have had.她很快就打消了我可能存有的疑虑。英汉大词典〔release〕To dismiss, as from a job.免除:开除,如从工作中解雇美国传统〔remove〕To dismiss from office.开除职务美国传统〔send〕To suspend or dismiss from a university.开除:从大学中停止学籍或开除美国传统〔shelve〕To cause to retire from service; dismiss.辞职:使从服务中退出;解雇美国传统〔snub〕To dismiss, turn down, or frustrate the expectations of.拒绝:摒除、拒绝或使…的期望遭受挫折美国传统〔statute〕Under the statutes of the university they had no power to dismiss him.按大学的规章制度,校方无权开除他。牛津高阶〔tempting〕It's tempting to dismiss these allegations out of hand.人们很想断然驳斥这些说法。麦克米伦高阶〔unthink〕To dismiss from the mind; disregard.忽视:把…置于脑后;忽视美国传统〔warning〕They can't dismiss you just like that - they have to give you a written warning first.他们不能那样就把你解雇了——他们必须事先给你一份书面通知。剑桥高阶I have been chained to the oars of this company for over 20 years, and now you dare to dismiss me in this way. 我在本公司辛辛苦苦干了二十多年,现在你竟敢就这么把我开除了。译典通It would be easy, but facile, to dismiss this as a problem which industry should be left to solve.把这个问题留作工业上应解决的问题而草草了事是容易的,但这是偷懒省力气。剑桥国际Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind -- they're crazy and not worth thinking about.就别理会你脑中的那些念头吧----都是些疯狂的想法,不值得考虑。剑桥国际She dismisses the idea that the university takes in a lot of Oxbridge rejects (= students who have not been offered a place at the universities of Oxford or Cambridge).她打消了大学录取许多没被牛津或剑桥录取者的念头。剑桥国际The sovereign has the power to dismiss the Government in Britain.英国的最高统治者有权解散政府。剑桥国际They can't dismiss you just like that--they have to give you a written warning first.他们不能就那样把你辞退了----他们应当事先给你一个书面警告。剑桥国际We have no alternative but to dismiss you. 我们只好辞退你,别无其他办法。译典通




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