

单词 evergreen
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Christmas tree〕An evergreen or artificial tree decorated, as with lights and ornaments, during the Christmas season.圣诞树:在圣诞节时用灯和饰物装饰的常青树或人工树美国传统〔INTERESTING〕Evergreen plants with interesting leaves, berries or flowers add variety to a window box throughout the year. 常绿植物长着有趣的叶子、果实或花朵,一年四季都给窗台花盆添几分情趣。朗文写作活用〔cedar〕Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, such as the Alaska cedar, incense cedar, or red cedar.雪松科植物:一种常绿松柏科树木或灌木,如阿拉斯加雪松、香雪松或红雪松美国传统〔conifer〕Any of various mostly needle-leaved or scale-leaved, chiefly evergreen, cone-bearing gymnospermous trees or shrubs such as pines, spruces, and firs.针叶树:任一种生针状或鳞状叶常绿的、结球果的裸子树木或灌木,例如松树、云杉和冷杉美国传统〔conifer〕Most conifers are evergreen.大多数针叶树终年常青。韦氏高阶〔evergreen〕All of them are evergreen.这些都是常青植物。外研社新世纪〔evergreen〕Holly, like ivy and mistletoe, is an evergreen.冬青像常春藤和槲寄生一样是常绿植物。外研社新世纪〔evergreen〕Holly, like ivy and mistletoe, is an evergreen.冬青和常春藤、槲寄生一样,都是常绿植物。柯林斯高阶〔evergreen〕Madonna the evergreen pop star流行歌坛的常青树麦当娜外研社新世纪〔evergreen〕Most pine trees are evergreens.大部分松树都是常青树。韦氏高阶〔evergreen〕Most pines are evergreen trees.大部分松树都是常青树。韦氏高阶〔evergreen〕Plant evergreen shrubs around the end of the month.在月末前后种植常绿灌木。柯林斯高阶〔lax〕This plant has a lax habit, making it useful for a hanging basket or evergreen ground cover.这种植物是蔓生的, 可用作吊篮或常青地被植物。外研社新世纪〔prune back〕Lightly prune back the overgrown shoots of evergreens.对常青树长势过猛的嫩枝稍加修剪。外研社新世纪〔screen〕Security guards formed a screen around the President. A screen of evergreens afforded privacy from our neighbors.保安人员在总统周围形成了一个屏障。由常青树形成的围栏避免了我们邻居干扰我们清静的生活美国传统〔taiga〕A subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest of northern Eurasia located just south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces.泰加群落, 西伯利亚针叶林:欧亚大陆北部冻土地带以南的亚寒带常绿针叶林,主要树种为杉树和柏树美国传统〔tend〕He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.他打理着他栽在车道两旁的花坛和常青树。柯林斯高阶〔tend〕He tends the flower beds and evergreens.他打理着花坛和常青树。外研社新世纪〔the〕The pine is an evergreen tree.松树是常青树。英汉大词典〔variety〕All varieties are evergreen and all are good growers.所有品种都是常绿的,而且都是容易生长的植物。英汉大词典A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。译典通All species of citrus are evergreen trees or shrubs.柑橘属植物的所有种类都是常青树或常青灌木。剑桥国际Pines, firs, and hollies are evergreen trees. 松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。译典通The juniper is an evergreen plant with red berries. 杜松是一种长青树,有红色的果实。译典通The light green valley pastures contrast dramatically with the dark evergreen trees on the hilltops.浅绿色的山谷牧草地和山顶上常绿树的深绿色形成强烈对比。剑桥国际




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