

单词 consultants
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Beltway〕The political establishment of Washington, D.C., including federal officeholders, lobbyists, consultants, and media commentators.环城快道人:华盛顿特区的政治权贵,包括联邦官员、说客、顾问以及媒体评论员美国传统〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming. 为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The company is bringing in a team of consultants to oversee the reorganization. 公司请来顾问小组监管改组过程。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Our financial consultants can advise the small investor. 我方的财务顾问能够向小额投资者提供咨询。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The proposal will be carefully examined by a committee of executives, planners and consultants. 这项提议将由一个管理人员、策划人员和顾问组成的委员会仔细审核。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The consultants have made several very good and valid recommendations. 顾问提出了几个非常好的有效建议。朗文写作活用〔back door〕HMI is to be privatised by the back door because the half of HMI who will not be employed by it will have to go and set up as private consultants.皇家教育监督局其实是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式私有化,因为那部分不再被雇用的人员将不得不自立门户成为私人顾问。剑桥高阶〔buzzing〕Top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas.高级时尚顾问会使你的头脑充满新鲜想法。柯林斯高阶〔consultant〕The review was carried out last year by independent consultants.这项审查是由独立顾问在去年进行的。牛津搭配〔consultant〕They work as consultants to a software company.他们担任一家软件公司的顾问。牛津搭配〔dime〕Business consultants are a dime a dozen here.商业顾问在这儿根本不稀罕。外研社新世纪〔farm out〕They've tended to farm out work to consultants.他们往往把工作分包给顾问。外研社新世纪〔farm out〕They've tended to farm out work to consultants.他们经常把业务分包给顾问。柯林斯高阶〔female〕Only 13 per cent of consultants are female.高级顾问中只有13%是女性。外研社新世纪〔female〕Only 13 per cent of consultants are female.高级顾问医师中只有 13%是女性。柯林斯高阶〔finish〕The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。柯林斯高阶〔hire〕They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.他们请了一家咨询公司来设计新的系统。牛津高阶〔manage〕Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.顾问可以帮助学术机构更有效地使用他们的资源。朗文当代〔no〕I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问挣不到一分钱。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕Consultants were brought in to provide some outside advice.请来顾问提供一些外界的建议。朗文当代〔outside〕Management consultants were brought in from outside the company.从公司外面请来了管理顾问。朗文当代〔outside〕The company now makes much greater use of outside consultants.该公司现在对外聘顾问的利用更加充分。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕We plan to use an outside firm of consultants.我们计划利用外面的咨询公司。牛津高阶〔pigeonhole〕Consultants found the experience frustrating - their reports were only partly implemented, or, worse still, just pigeonholed.顾问们感到相当沮丧——他们的报告只是被部分实施,或更糟糕地只是束之高阁。剑桥高阶〔pool〕Special consultants have pooled their talents and knowledge.特别顾问们已经把他们的才能和智慧贡献给共同的事业。21世纪英汉〔prepare for〕The Party is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election.该党正在管理顾问的助力下为下一次选举做准备。外研社新世纪〔sharp〕The consultants were a group of men in sharp suits.顾问都是些衣着入时的男人。牛津高阶〔side〕Most consultants do private work on the side.大多数顾问医生都另外干私活。朗文当代〔spurn〕He spurned the advice of management consultants.他不屑地拒绝了管理顾问们的建议。外研社新世纪〔spurn〕He spurned the advice of management consultants.他拒绝了管理顾问们的建议。柯林斯高阶〔wisdom〕Consultants are too often seen as the source of all wisdom.咨询人员往往被看成是无所不知的智者。牛津搭配Consultants found the experience frustrating -- their reports were only partly implemented, or, worse still, just pigeonholed.顾问们灰心丧气----他们的报告只执行了一部分,或更糟,被束之高阁。剑桥国际Consultants may be able to help with business planning.顾问可以帮助制订商业计划。牛津商务Consultants should have a college degree and at least 10 years' business experience.顾问应该具有大学学位和至少 10 年的业务经验。牛津商务A team of consultants has been asked to prepare a detailed costing for the plan.已要求咨询小组为该计划作详细的成本估算。牛津商务He has dispensed with the services of management consultants.他已经不再需要管理顾问的服务了。牛津商务IT consultants and staff who provide internal consultancy 提供内部咨询服务的资讯技术顾问和职员牛津商务She hired a firm of management consultants to study the problems.她聘请了一家管理顾问公司来研究这些问题。牛津商务She works for a firm of public relations consultants.她在一家公关顾问公司工作。剑桥国际The CEO brought in a team of consultants to sort out the company's problems.总裁请来一个顾问小组来解决公司的问题。牛津商务The company has hired dozens of academics as consultants on a variety of matters.公司已经聘请了几十位学者当顾问,磋商各种问题。剑桥国际The cost of bringing in consultants needs to be balanced against the benefits.需要衡量聘用顾问的成本与其带来的效益。牛津商务The management consultants are carrying out a review of the company's corporate strategy.这些管理顾问正在对公司的经营策略进行评估。牛津商务There are two consultants to the governor on environmental protection. 州长有两个环保问题顾问。译典通They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.他们临时雇用了一家顾问公司来设计这套新系统。牛津商务We called in Ernst & Young as consultants.我们请了安永国际会计公司作顾问。牛津商务




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