

单词 creativity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EMPHASIZE〕a new range of children's toys with the accent on creativity 注重创造性的一系列新的儿童玩具朗文写作活用〔admixture〕an admixture of aggression and creativity 进取精神和创意的结合牛津高阶〔cousin〕the popular idea that creativity and madness are kissing cousins 认为创造力和疯狂存在着密切关系的流行观点牛津搭配〔creativity〕artistic creativity 艺术创造力朗文当代〔creativity〕her intelligence and artistic creativity 她的灵性和艺术创造力韦氏高阶〔explosion〕a great explosion of creativity 创造力大爆发牛津搭配〔expression〕the highest expression of human creativity 人类创造力的最高表现牛津搭配〔go〕creativity that made the advertising campaign really go.使广告获得成功的创造力美国传统〔innovation〕companies that reward creativity and innovation 鼓励创造与革新的公司麦克米伦高阶〔outlet〕an outlet for creativity 发挥创造力的一种途径朗文当代〔paradox〕the paradox in the relationship between creativity and psychosis 创造力和精神病二者关系中的矛盾牛津搭配〔throttle〕policies that throttle creativity 扼杀创造力的政策韦氏高阶




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