

单词 created
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Achaean〕One of a Hellenic people believed to have inhabited the Peloponnesus and to have created the Mycenaean civilization.亚加亚人:据说是居住在伯罗奔尼撒半岛上的一希腊人种,创造了迈锡尼文明美国传统〔Arianism〕The doctrines of Arius, denying that Jesus was of the same substance as God and holding instead that he was only the highest of created beings.阿里乌斯教义:阿里乌斯创导的教义,否认耶稣和神一样,而认为他只是最高的被造物美国传统〔BOAST〕During the campaign, he made a ridiculous boast that 30 million new jobs would be created if he won the election. 竞选期间他夸下海口说,如果他当选就会创造3,000万个新的就业机会。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕Margot's outburst created an unpleasant atmosphere and most of the guests left early. 玛戈突然大发雷霆使气氛变得很不愉快,多数客人都提早离去了。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕The government has created an underclass who do not feel they have any rights in society. 这届政府造成了一个下层社会,他们感觉不到在社会中有任何权利。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕The state of Israel was created in 1948. 以色列国建于1948年。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Cutting down vast areas of the rainforests has created serious ecological problems. 大量砍伐雨林已经造成严重的生态问题。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The drop in the birth rate 20 years ago has created a severe shortage of workers. 20年前出生率的降低造成工人严重短缺。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Intense heat had created a completely barren landscape, almost like the moon. 酷热造成了一片不毛之地,几乎就像月球上一样。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕Agatha Christie created the character Hercule Poirot. 阿加莎·克里斯蒂创造出了赫尔克里·波洛这个角色。朗文写作活用〔Loki〕A Norse god who created discord, especially among his fellow gods.洛基:斯堪的纳维亚一个制造混乱的神,尤指在其同类神之间美国传统〔MAKE〕This dish was created by master chef Marco Pierre White. 这道菜是由名厨马可·皮埃尔·怀特创制的。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕He had created a broad consensus among different groups of Americans. 他已使不同的美国人团体达成了共识。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕The most compelling work in the modern British theater is being created in the smaller and non-profit theaters. 现代英国戏剧最扣人心弦的作品正在一些非营利的小剧场中诞生。朗文写作活用〔Purusha〕The primeval man, considered to be the soul of the universe, which was created out of his body.神灵:一位远古时代的人,被认为是宇宙的灵魂,宇宙从他的身体中创造出来美国传统〔RISK〕In 1972, NBC took a gamble and created a show featuring Redd Foxx, a black comic whose stage routines were somewhat off-color. 1972年美国全国广播公司冒了个险,制作了一档以台风有点不正经的黑人喜剧演员雷德·福克斯为主角的节目。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕Men have created a social and economic position of advantage for themselves over women.男性已经为自己创造了优于女性的社会和经济上的有利地位。柯林斯高阶〔alignment〕New alignments have been created within the political party.新的组合已经在这个政党内部形成。韦氏高阶〔ample〕The design of the ground floor created ample space for a good-sized kitchen.底层的设计为建一个大厨房提供了充足的空间。柯林斯高阶〔anxiety〕A high level of anxiety was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory.工厂安装了摄像头后引起了工人们高度不安。朗文当代〔appearance〕Their expensive home created a false appearance of success and happiness.他们的豪宅营造出一种成功和幸福的假象。韦氏高阶〔arbitrate〕A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions.已成立一个委员会在资方与工会之间进行仲裁。牛津高阶〔architect〕The architects created an elevated lake.建筑师们创造了一片高出地面的湖。牛津搭配〔army〕He created an army of loyal customers.他培养出一个忠诚的消费群体。牛津搭配〔art〕He created cover art and illustrations for the magazine.他为这家杂志创作封面和插图。牛津搭配〔backdrop〕Worsening economic conditions have created an unfavorable backdrop for global markets.每况愈下的经济情况使全球市场环境不妙。牛津搭配〔baronet〕Born in 1860, the son of a weaver, Barrie was created a baronet in 1913.1860年出生于一个织工家庭的巴里于1913年被封为准男爵。柯林斯高阶〔batik〕A design that is created by this method.蜡染印花式图案:用这种方法染出的图案美国传统〔boom〕The boom has created job opportunities.经济繁荣创造了就业的机会。朗文当代〔bulge〕The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨美国传统〔bureaucrat〕He said the laws were created by interfering bureaucrats.他说法律是由爱管闲事的官僚主义者设立的。麦克米伦高阶〔carve up〕He has set about carving up the company which Hammer created from almost nothing.他已经开始分割这家几乎是哈默白手起家创办起来的公司。外研社新世纪〔chance〕We created far more chances than they did in the first half.我们在上半场创造的破门机会比他们多得多。外研社新世纪〔chaos〕His brave leadership has created order out of chaos.他无畏的领导使混乱中再现秩序。牛津搭配〔climate〕The new policies have created a climate of fear.新政策造成了一种恐怖的气氛。牛津搭配〔close-knit〕Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.去年发生的一些事让整个社会紧密团结在一起。柯林斯高阶〔close-knit〕Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.过去一年发生的各种事件使社区紧密团结起来。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.将其与其他化合物结合,就制造出杀伤力极强的硝酸甘油炸弹。柯林斯高阶〔comment〕Her strange behaviour created a good deal of comment.她的古怪行为引起许多闲话。英汉大词典〔composite〕Galton created composite pictures in which different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿制作的合成照片是由不同的头像叠印而成的。外研社新世纪〔concordance〕He'd created a Shakespeare concordance program for his personal study.他为自己的个人研究编写了一个莎士比亚语词索引程序。外研社新世纪〔conflict of interest〕Critics say the senator created a conflict of interest when she recommended a change to the law that could benefit her husband's company.批评人士称,那位参议员修改法律的建议造成了利益冲突,因为这样可能使她丈夫的公司受益。韦氏高阶〔confusing〕The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。柯林斯高阶〔consternation〕The announcement created surprise and consternation.这一通告引起了一片惊恐。牛津搭配〔contagion〕The news created a contagion of fear that spread through the country.这个消息造成了蔓延到全国的恐慌。韦氏高阶〔converge〕The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.最富的房主和最穷的房主观点趋于一致,达成了新的共识。柯林斯高阶〔couture〕The high-fashion clothing created by designers.时装:由设计师制作的极流行的服装美国传统〔creatable〕Shakespeare created many comic characters.莎士比亚创作了很多喜剧人物。21世纪英汉〔created a diversion〕He created a diversion while his partner stole her pocketbook.他制造事端转移女孩的注意力,他的同伙则趁机偷走了她的钱包。韦氏高阶〔create〕As a reward he was created Earl of Sandwich.作为奖赏, 他被册封为桑威奇伯爵。外研社新世纪〔create〕God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs.上帝用亚当的一根肋骨创造了夏娃。英汉大词典〔create〕He created a wonderful meal from very few ingredients.他用很少的几种食材做了一顿美餐。剑桥高阶〔create〕He was created a baronet in 1715.他于 1715 年被封为准男爵。牛津高阶〔create〕Her arrival created a terrible confusion.她的到来引起一场大乱。英汉大词典〔create〕His comments have created a lot of confusion.他的评论引起了许多混乱。麦克米伦高阶〔create〕His work created enormous interest in England.他的作品引起了人们对英格兰的极大兴趣。外研社新世纪〔create〕In the last week, 170 new jobs have been created.上周创造了170个新的就业岗位。麦克米伦高阶〔create〕James I created him Duke of Buckingham.詹姆斯一世封他为白金汉公爵。朗文当代〔create〕Philip Glass created a new kind of music.菲利普‧格拉斯首创了一种新音乐。朗文当代〔create〕Several new government programs were created while she was governor.她担任州长期间创建了几个新的政府计划。韦氏高阶〔create〕Some people believe the universe was created by a big explosion.有些人认为宇宙是通过一次大爆炸创造出来的。朗文当代〔create〕Try this new dish, created by our head chef.品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。牛津高阶〔credibility gap〕The fact that the new estimates are so wildly different from the initial numbers has created a credibility gap.新的估算和最初的数字相差甚远,这样的事实造成了信用差距。韦氏高阶〔cuisine〕Enjoy the delicious cuisine created by our award-winning chef.请享用我们获奖厨师烹制的佳肴。朗文当代〔culture〕But social workers say that this has created a culture of dependency, particularly in urban areas.然而社会工作者认为这使得人们普遍产生了依赖,尤其是在城市地区。柯林斯高阶〔cult〕An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.在这位领导人的周围兴起了一场异乎寻常的个人崇拜。牛津高阶〔dam〕They created a reservoir by damming up the river.他们以拦河筑坝的方式建了一座水库。韦氏高阶〔designer gene〕A gene modified or created by genetic engineering.设计者基因:遗传工程学所修改或创造的基因美国传统〔designer〕Conceived or created by a designer.由设计者设计的美国传统〔desktop〕He created a new folder on his desktop.他在桌面上新建了个文件夹。韦氏高阶〔dissonance〕Her comments have created a certain dissonance.她的评论造成了一定的不和谐。外研社新世纪〔distinction〕The order was created in 1902 as a special distinction for eminent men and women.这个勋位作为一项表彰杰出人士的殊荣设立于1902年。外研社新世纪〔diversion〕A smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place.劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。牛津高阶〔divided〕The issue has created a deeply divided nation.这个问题造成国家的严重分裂。韦氏高阶〔endomorphic〕Created through endomorphism.内变质的:由内变质作用产生的美国传统〔environment〕They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish.他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境。牛津高阶〔equal〕All men are created equal.所有的人生来都是平等的。英汉大词典〔erase〕The president said NATO expansion would finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War.总统称北约的扩展将最终消除冷战在欧洲人为造成的界限。剑桥高阶〔exorbitant〕Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor.过高的房价已经造成穷人负担得起的房子严重短缺。外研社新世纪〔exploitation〕Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.新兴民主国家创造出了适宜开发的市场。牛津搭配〔faith school〕He called for new faith schools to be created.他呼吁设立新的信众学校。牛津高阶〔fault line〕These issues have created a stark fault line within the Peace Process.这些问题显然已成为了和平进程中的薄弱环节。柯林斯高阶〔federal〕The US Constitution created the country's federal system.美国宪法创立了该国的联邦制度。麦克米伦高阶〔foley〕A technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work.福雷录音:用于电影、影像或其它电子作品的音效创造与修改的专业过程美国传统〔friction〕Her requests for time off created friction with her boss.她多次请假导致和老板发生冲突。牛津搭配〔gaming〕The club has created an exciting atmosphere for gaming and recreation.该俱乐部营造出了一种令人兴奋的赌博和娱乐气氛。外研社新世纪〔gap〕Her appointment will fill the gap created when the marketing manager left.对她的聘任将填补营销主管离任后产生的职位空缺。牛津搭配〔garden〕She has created a garden out of a wilderness.她把一片荒野变成了一座花园。牛津搭配〔hair-trigger〕A hair-trigger situation has been created which could lead to an outbreak of war at any time.局势风云突变, 战争一触即发。外研社新世纪〔hair-trigger〕A hair-trigger situation has been created which could lead to an outbreak of war at any time.局势风云突变,战争一触即发。柯林斯高阶〔headache〕These regulations have created major headaches for many businesses.这些规定给很多公司造成了大麻烦。牛津搭配〔heavy ion〕The nucleus of a heavy element. When such nuclei are caused to collide at high velocities, new elements are created.重离子:重元素的原子核,当此类原子核们引发高速碰撞,新元素便会产生美国传统〔hierarchy〕A new management hierarchy was created within the company.公司内部建立了一套新的管理层级制度。牛津搭配〔history〕She created a piece of history by winning her fourth title.她第四次赢得冠军,创造了一项历史纪录。牛津搭配〔hunt〕The government agency was created to hunt down war criminals.为追捕战犯成立了专门的政府机构。朗文当代〔idea〕It's based on the idea that all people are created equal.它是基于人人生而平等这个信念之上的。朗文当代〔ikat〕The fabric so created.伊卡织品:以此种方式制造出来的纺织品美国传统〔ileostomy〕The opening created by such a surgical procedure.人造肛门:通过这样的过程造出的排泄口美国传统〔ill will〕All this has created considerable ill-will towards the armed forces.所有这些都让人们对武装力量产生了相当深的怨恨。柯林斯高阶〔image〕God created man in his own image.上帝按自己的模样创造了人。英汉大词典〔imaginative〕Created by, indicative of, or characterized by imagination or creativity.想象的,创造力的:想象或创造出来的,表示出想象力或创造力的,以想象力和创造力为特征的美国传统〔incentive〕The government has created tax incentives to encourage investment.政府已经出台了税收优惠措施鼓励投资。牛津搭配〔increate〕Existing without having been created.非经创造的:不需创造本来就有的美国传统〔interweave〕She has created an intriguing story by skilfully interweaving fictional and historical events.她巧妙地将虚构的事件和历史事件交织在一起,创作了一个引人入胜的故事。剑桥高阶〔in〕In trying to solve one problem, I created another.在设法解决一个问题时,我又引出了另一个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔joint venture〕It will be sold to a joint venture created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting.它将被出售给一家由道琼斯和西屋广播公司共同创立的合资企业。外研社新世纪〔layer〕By lifting and layering her hair, Michael created a lighter frame for her face.通过把头发往上梳,增加层次感,迈克尔让她的脸型显得更为柔和。柯林斯高阶〔loophole〕This created a loophole that people might exploit to escape conviction.这造成了漏洞,人们可能借机逃脱罪责。牛津搭配〔machinery〕The machinery of democracy could be created quickly.民主制度可以迅速建立起来。柯林斯高阶〔macro〕I've created a macro to spell check all the files at the same time.我创建了一条宏指令,可以同时对所有文件进行拼写检查。剑桥高阶〔make〕Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.科学家对宇宙是怎样形成有分歧。牛津高阶〔man〕All men are created equal.人人生来平等。麦克米伦高阶〔market〕The drought created a high market for corn.旱灾使谷物市价行俏。英汉大词典〔mashup〕They created a mashup of all the artists who had performed on the show.他们制作了一个混搭视频,里面有所有在节目上演出过的艺术家。剑桥高阶〔model〕They created an education system on the European model.他们创建了一个欧洲模式的教育系统。剑桥高阶〔mode〕Technology has created new modes of communication.技术创造了新的通信形式。韦氏高阶〔monolith〕A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith.若是这两个强大机构之间达成交易,就会产生一个金融业的巨无霸。柯林斯高阶〔monopoly〕They created a monopoly in the export of wool.他们垄断了羊毛出口。牛津搭配〔monster〕He had created a bureaucratic monster.他创建了一个庞大的官僚机构。麦克米伦高阶〔more〕The merger has created far more problems than it has solved.合并所产生的问题远比它解决的问题要多得多。麦克米伦高阶〔new-fashioned〕Created in a new form or fashion.新式的:用新式样或新型式制成的美国传统〔noncommittally〕Mr Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。柯林斯高阶〔noncommittal〕Mr Hall is noncommittal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。外研社新世纪〔obstacle course〕The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.看来政府已为胸怀抱负的学生设下了要求之高前所未有的重重难关。柯林斯高阶〔obstacle course〕The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.看来政府已给那些有抱负的学生设下了比以前更加苛刻的重重难关。外研社新世纪〔old master〕A work created by one of these artists.巨匠作品:指这些画家之一的作品美国传统〔on the fly〕This new rule seems to have been created on the fly.这一新规则似乎未经考虑就匆匆制定了。剑桥高阶〔opening〕His comments created an opening for efforts to resolve the crisis.他的话为争取解决这个危机创造了机会。麦克米伦高阶〔opportunity〕The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue the peace process.停火为挽救和平进程敞开了一扇机会之门。牛津搭配〔paleomagnetism〕The magnetic field present in fossilized rocks, created by the earth's magnetic field when the rocks were formed.古地磁:存在于化石中的磁性,于岩石生成时受地磁影响而产生美国传统〔parable〕The story is a pleasing parable of the problems created by excessive wealth.这是个令人开怀的寓言, 讲的是财富过剩造成的问题。外研社新世纪〔paradise〕She worked on the garden until she had created her own little paradise.她一直侍弄着花园,直到把那里变成了自己的小小乐园。牛津搭配〔particularly〕More local employment will be created, particularly in service industries.当地会创造出更多的就业机会,尤其是服务行业。柯林斯高阶〔partition〕Bedrooms have again been created by partitioning a single larger room.通过将一间大屋用隔断断开的方法再隔出了几间卧室。柯林斯高阶〔premise〕They had started with the premise that all men are created equal.他们是从人人生来平等这一前提出发的。剑桥高阶〔primitive〕Of or created by an artist without formal training; simple or naive in style.未经正式训练的:由未经正式训练的艺术家创作的;在风格上简单或朴素的美国传统〔railway〕He created a model railway in his basement.他在地下室里做了个铁路模型。牛津搭配〔rancor〕In the end, the debate created a degree of rancor among the committee members.最后,这场争辩致使委员会成员之间产生了一定程度的怨恨。韦氏高阶〔recombinant〕Researchers have launched a vaccine trial, using new formulas created with recombinant DNA technology.研究者们启动了一项疫苗测试,采用的根据重组DNA技术研制的新配方。剑桥高阶〔redound〕Every value he created ultimately redounded to his boss.他创造的每一点价值结果全进了老板的私囊。英汉大词典〔reserve〕Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。柯林斯高阶〔revolution〕Computers have created an economic revolution.电脑引起了经济大变革。牛津同义词〔riot〕A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.暴乱:由数量众多的人引起的狂野或骚动的混乱局面美国传统〔ripples〕The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well.汽车业的问题使得其他行业也出现了经济上的连锁反应。外研社新世纪〔ripple〕The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well.汽车业的问题造成其他行业也出现了经济上的连锁反应。柯林斯高阶〔scratch〕Whole networks were created on the 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' principle.完整的系统是建立在互帮互助原则基础之上的。外研社新世纪〔sculpture〕A work of art created by sculpture.雕刻品:雕刻创造出的艺术品美国传统〔sea〕A week of heavy seas has created problems for fishermen.连续一周汹涌的海浪给渔民们制造了麻烦。牛津搭配〔settlement〕The railway stations created new settlements.这些火车站产生了新的定居点。朗文当代〔sink〕They created a one-thousand foot deep hole sunk into the rock.他们在岩石上凿出了一个1,000 英尺深的洞。外研社新世纪〔sound and fury〕The town meeting created lots of sound and fury, but no resolution.人们在小镇会议上嚷嚷了一阵,但没有做出任何决议。韦氏高阶〔sound〕The Moog synthesizer created a whole new sound.穆格电子音响合成器创造出一种全新的音乐风格。牛津搭配〔state〕They created a modern nation state.他们创建了一个单一民族的现代国家。牛津搭配〔stereoisomerism〕Isomerism created by differences in the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule.立体异构现象:因为原子在分子中排列不同而造成的异构现象美国传统〔storm〕His comments created a storm of protest in the media.他的评论激起了媒体的一阵抗议风潮。牛津搭配〔story〕In the beginning, as the story goes, God created the universe.据说, 最初上帝创造了宇宙。外研社新世纪〔surface〕The breeze created a slight ripple on the surface of the pond.微风让池塘的水面泛起涟漪。牛津搭配〔synchroflash〕A device used in photography to synchronize the peak of a flash created by a flash lamp with the opening of the camera shutter.同步闪光器:摄影中用的一种器材,用于闪光灯产生的最亮闪光点与照相机快门的同步开启美国传统〔take〕This takes the number of new jobs created in the region to over 6,000.这使得这个地区的新增就业岗位数量增加到了6,000多个。外研社新世纪〔that〕Some wines have ‘proprietary' names – that is to say, their names were created by the producers.有些酒有“专有的”名字,也就是说,酒是由制造商命名的。麦克米伦高阶〔the bourgeoisie〕The new bourgeoisie, which was created by the Industrial Revolution, had money to spend and wanted to travel.工业革命产生的新兴资产阶级有钱而且想出去旅游。剑桥高阶〔thermal〕Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools.火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。柯林斯高阶〔trompe l'oeil〕A painting or effect created in this style.视觉欺骗效果:上述这种风格的绘画或效果美国传统〔trust〕He created a trust for his children.他为孩子们设立了财产托管。韦氏高阶〔universe〕Do you believe God created the universe? 你相信是上帝创造了宇宙万物吗?牛津搭配〔uplift〕Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。外研社新世纪〔uplift〕Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。柯林斯高阶〔upstate〕The park was created to preserve some of the forests upstate.这个公园是为了保护该州最北部地区的一些森林而建的。柯林斯高阶〔vacuum〕The collapse of the dictatorship created a vacuum in which criminal gangs flourished.那个独裁政府的垮台形成了一个犯罪团伙十分猖獗的真空。麦克米伦高阶〔virtual〕The company had created a virtual monopoly.这家公司已形成了一种实质上的垄断。麦克米伦高阶〔world〕They believe that God created the world.他们相信是上帝创造了世界。牛津搭配〔zero〕This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。柯林斯高阶A demilitarized zone has been created on the border between the two countries involved in the conflict.卷入冲突两国的边境上建立了一个非军事区。剑桥国际A vaccine has been created for people who are allergic to bee stings, which uses the venom extracted from bees.利用从蜜蜂身上提取的毒液,已经发明了一种供对蜜蜂叮咬敏感的人们使用的疫苗。剑桥国际According to Holy Scripture (= the Bible), God created the world in six days.圣经上说,上帝在六天内创造了世界。剑桥国际All men are created equal. 所有的人生来都是平等的。译典通Barbara and Tom created a vegetable garden at the back of the house and sold their produce at the local market.芭芭拉和汤姆在房子的后面开辟了一片蔬菜园,将他们的农产品在当地市场上出售。剑桥国际He is taking up the newly created post of group creative director.他就任了集团新设立的创意总监的职务。牛津商务In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.为了改变它单调的形象,这报纸针对青年读者开设了新栏目。剑桥国际Mr Thatcher was created a baronet in 1990 and is now called Sir Denis Thatcher.撒切尔先生1990年被封为从男爵,现在被称作丹尼斯·撒切尔爵士。剑桥国际She created a strong female image in films long before it was fashionable (= before it was popular to do this).她在这种坚强的女性形象流行很久之前,就已经在她演出的影片中创造了这种形象。剑桥国际She cleverly created a job for herself when the company was reorganized.当公司重组时,她机敏地为自己制造了一个岗位。剑桥国际Six business units have been created.创建了六个业务部门。牛津商务Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.撒切尔与其各届前任首相相比是独一无二的,她给了英语一种以她本人的姓氏命名的新颖的主义。剑桥国际The Bible says that God created the world.圣经上说是上帝创造了世界。剑桥国际The Constitution of the United States postulates that all men are created equal. 美国的宪法假设人都是生来平等的。译典通The changeover to the new taxation system has created a lot of problems.完全转变为新的税收制度造成了许多问题。剑桥国际The clause states that no partnership or agency relationship was created.这条款规定合伙或代理关系未曾确立。牛津商务The continuation of the miners’strike created a lot of poverty among the local community.煤矿工人的持续罢工在当地社区造成了大量贫困现象。剑桥国际The film created a vogue for 1950s-style rock 'n roll.那部电影创造了20世纪50年代风格摇滚乐的流行时期。剑桥国际The mass media have/has created new social networks.大众传媒创建了新的社会网络。牛津商务The president created media hype by visiting cities down south. 总统访问南部乡下,制造媒体宣传。译典通The scandal created quite a stir at the time.这丑闻在那时引起了相当大的轰动。剑桥国际The streets became increasingly eerie in a fake twilight created by a smog of mist and smoke.笼罩在由迷雾和炊烟造成的虚假暮光中的街道变得越来越恐怖了。剑桥国际The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.自从部队撤出之后,那地区就形成了一个需要填补的安全真空。剑桥国际There is a great tradition of dance (= a lot of dances have been created and performed) in St. Petersburg.圣彼得堡有舞蹈的伟大传统。剑桥国际They created a prototype of the bike in their machine shop.他们在机修车间生产了一辆自行车样车。牛津商务They have created a design for a solar-powered car.他们为太阳能汽车做了一款设计。牛津商务They have created a multimedia juggernaut.他们创建了一家庞大的多媒体机构。牛津商务This giant spider was created out of the mutation of the genes of a normal spider. 这只大蜘蛛是因为普通蜘蛛的基因突变而造成的。译典通




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