

单词 deafening
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOUD〕Outside there was a deafening crash of thunder. 外面雷声轰鸣,震耳欲聋。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕When she finished speaking, the applause was deafening. 她说完一席话,掌声震耳欲聋。朗文写作活用〔SHOUT〕A deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the band walked onto the stage. 乐队走上台时,观众中响起震耳欲聋的欢呼声。朗文写作活用〔blare〕During the traffic jam the blare of car horns was deafening.交通堵塞时汽车喇叭声震耳欲聋。英汉大词典〔boom〕The cannons boomed a deafening roar.大炮发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。21世纪英汉〔cheer〕A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.人群中爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声。牛津搭配〔contingent〕The whistles from the large contingent of England fans away to our left are deafening.我们左边一大群英格兰球迷发出震耳欲聋的口哨声。柯林斯高阶〔contingent〕The whistles from the large contingent of England fans away to our left are deafening.我们左边的大批英格兰球迷吹着口哨, 声音震耳欲聋。外研社新世纪〔crescendo〕The music reached a deafening crescendo.音乐渐渐变强,震耳欲聋。牛津搭配〔crescendo〕The shouting rose to a deafening crescendo .喊叫声越来越响,到了震耳欲聋的强度。朗文当代〔deafening silence〕As the controversy rages on, the deafening silence from the White House is drawing increasing criticism.当争论激烈进行时,白宫的缄默招致了越来越多的声讨。韦氏高阶〔deafening silence〕The silence was deafening as they both sat there stubbornly refusing to apologize.他们俩坐在那儿坚决不道歉,气氛一片死寂。韦氏高阶〔deafening〕All their appeals for help met with a deafening silence.他们所有的帮助请求都无人理睬。麦克米伦高阶〔deafening〕The government's response to the report has been a deafening silence(= it was very noticeable that nothing was said or done).政府对此报道显然置之不理。牛津高阶〔deafening〕The music was deafening.音乐声震耳欲聋。剑桥高阶〔deafening〕The music was deafening.音乐声震耳欲聋。韦氏高阶〔deafening〕The noise of jets taking off was deafening.喷气机起飞时发出的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。英汉大词典〔deafening〕The noise of the machine was deafening.机器的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。牛津高阶〔deafening〕This wonderful piece of news was greeted with a deafening silence from the press.这条新闻如此精彩, 新闻界却完全对其置之不理。外研社新世纪〔deafening〕We were awakened by a deafening roar from outside.我们被来自外面的震耳欲聋的嚣声所吵醒。文馨英汉〔deafening〕When we ask people for suggestions we get a deafening silence.当我们向大家寻求建议时,得到的只是一片死寂的沉默。柯林斯高阶〔deafening〕When we ask people for suggestions, we get a deafening silence.当我们向人们征求意见的时候, 大家却鸦雀无声, 毫无反应。外研社新世纪〔deafen〕The music is deafening us!这音乐把我们耳朵都震聋了!21世纪英汉〔deafen〕The noise of the siren was deafening her.汽笛声震得她耳朵都快聋了。牛津高阶〔din〕The din of the engines was deafening.引擎的噪声震耳欲聋。朗文当代〔din〕To stun with deafening noise.震耳欲聋美国传统〔lash〕The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening.雨点敲打窗户发出的声响震耳欲聋。剑桥高阶〔loudmouth〕He's the overbearing loudmouth whose opinions, delivered at deafening volume are all completely and utterly worthless.他总是盛气凌人地高谈阔论, 那些扯破嗓子发表的观点全都是废话。外研社新世纪〔noise〕The deafening noise of the machine died away to a rumble.震耳欲聋的机器声逐渐变成了低沉的隆隆声。牛津搭配〔noise〕The noise of the machines is deafening.这台机器的噪声震耳欲聋。麦克米伦高阶〔noise〕The noise out in the street was deafening.外面街道上的喧闹声震耳欲聋。剑桥高阶〔percussion〕I staggered to the door, the percussion of the rain still deafening.我摇摇晃晃地走到门口, 雨水敲打的声音仍旧震耳欲聋。外研社新世纪〔roar〕Local residents saw it plunge towards Earth with a deafening roar.当地的居民看见它伴着一声震耳欲聋的巨响撞向地面。柯林斯高阶〔roar〕People saw it plunge towards Earth with a deafening roar.人们看见它伴着一声震耳欲聋的巨响撞向地面。外研社新世纪〔rock〕The whole theatre rocked with deafening cheers.整个剧院里欢声雷动。21世纪英汉〔silence〕Once again the answer was a deafening silence (=a very noticeable refusal to discuss something) .又一次用彻底的沉默来回答。朗文当代〔silence〕The government's only response has been a deafening silence.政府唯一的反应是装聋作哑。牛津搭配〔silence〕There was a deafening silence(= one that is very noticeable).四下里静得刺耳。牛津高阶〔stillness〕Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.四下震耳欲聋的爆炸声打破了夜晚的寂静。外研社新世纪I was nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers. 听著震耳欲聋的爆竹声我烦躁得几乎要发疯了。译典通The car drove off, and the next instant (=after a very short pause) there was a deafening explosion.小汽车开走了,紧接着就是一声震耳欲聋的爆炸声。剑桥国际The main street was packed with bars and discos and the noise was deafening.大街上酒吧和迪斯科舞厅林立,喧闹声震耳欲聋。剑桥国际The music was deafening (= very loud, esp. so loud that it was impossible to hear anything else).音乐声震耳欲聋。剑桥国际The noise from the terraces was deafening. 露天看台上的吵闹声震耳欲聋。译典通The roll of thunder was deafening. 隆隆的雷声震耳欲聋。译典通The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening.雨急打窗户的声音震耳欲聋。剑桥国际There was a deafening roll of thunder and then it started to pour down with rain.在震耳欲聋的隆隆雷声之后,开始下起了倾盆大雨。剑桥国际




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