

单词 deaf
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔congenitally〕congenitally deaf patients.先天耳聋患者柯林斯高阶〔deaf〕deaf to reason 不讲道理韦氏高阶〔deaf〕a school for the deaf 聋人学校朗文当代〔deaf〕be deaf in one ear 一只耳朵聋的英汉大词典〔deaf〕be deaf to all arguments 对所有论据充耳不闻英汉大词典〔deaf〕communication between deaf and hearing people 失聪者和有正常听力者之间的交流朗文当代〔deaf〕television subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing 为耳聋和耳背者做的电视字幕牛津高阶〔deaf〕the deaf and mute 聋哑人英汉大词典〔deaf〕to become/go deaf 变聋牛津高阶〔deaf〕was deaf to our objections.对我们的异议充耳不闻美国传统〔dumbing down〕a young deaf and dumb man.年轻的聋哑男子柯林斯高阶〔ear〕turn a deaf ear to sb.'s requests for help 对某人请求援助置之不理 英汉大词典〔hard of hearing〕subtitles for the deaf and the hard of hearing 为耳聋和听力不佳者打出的字幕牛津高阶〔hearing〕a course in sign language for both deaf and hearing people 有无听力者都可以学习的手语课程牛津搭配〔interpreter〕a sign language interpreter(= a person who translates what sb is saying into sign language for deaf people) 手语翻译员牛津高阶〔misconception〕many people's misconceptions about the blind and deaf 很多人对盲人和聋人的误解朗文当代〔mute〕a deaf mute 聋哑人英汉大词典〔perspective〕a report that looks at the education system from the perspective of deaf people 从聋人的角度看待教育制度的报告牛津高阶〔profoundly〕profoundly deaf 完全失聪牛津高阶〔profoundly〕profoundly deaf people 完全失聪的人韦氏高阶〔read lips〕deaf people who know how to read lips 知道怎样从口形判断意思的聋人韦氏高阶〔service〕specialized services for the deaf and hard of hearing 为耳聋者或重听者提供的专业化公共服务牛津搭配〔sign〕signers communicating information to deaf people 向聋人传递信息的手语译员牛津高阶〔the〕a school for the deaf 聋人学校朗文当代〔turn〕turned a deaf ear to the protests.对抗议置若罔闻美国传统〔worthwhile〕help the deaf people live more worthwhile lives 帮助聋人生活得更有意义英汉大词典




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