

单词 cessation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Zyban〕A trademark for the drug bupropion, used to aid cessation of tobacco smoking.易本:安非拉酮、丁基丙酸苯药剂的商标,用来帮助戒烟美国传统〔abeyance〕The argument led to an abeyance or complete cessation of the flow of ideas between him and them.这一争论致使他和他们之间的思想交流暂时停止或彻底中断。外研社新世纪〔abortion〕Cessation of normal growth, especially of an organ or other body part, prior to full development or maturation.败育:中止正常成长,尤其是在一器官或身体其他部分完全发育或成熟以前美国传统〔anovulation〕The failure, cessation, or suppression of ovulation.排卵停止:排卵失败,中止或抑制美国传统〔apnea〕Temporary absence or cessation of breathing.呼吸暂停:呼吸的暂时停止或中断美国传统〔armistice〕A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce.停战:经双方同意暂时停止战斗;休战美国传统〔block〕Psychology Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression.【心理学】 中断:说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果美国传统〔breakpoint〕Or break point A point of discontinuity, change, or cessation. 或 break point 分界点:不连续、变化或终止的点美国传统〔calm〕An absence or cessation of motion; stillness.静止:运动的消失或停止;静止美国传统〔cardiac arrest〕Sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation.心搏停止,心脏停跳:心跳和心脏功能的停止,导致有效循环丧失美国传统〔cessation〕He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.他不会同意停止敌对行动。外研社新世纪〔cessation〕He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.他不会同意结束敌对状态。柯林斯高阶〔cessation〕Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。牛津高阶〔cessation〕Relapses after cessation of treatment are common.治疗中断后,旧病复发很常见。韦氏高阶〔cessation〕Religious leaders have called for a total cessation of the bombing campaign.宗教领袖们呼吁彻底停止这场轰炸行动。剑桥高阶〔contact inhibition〕The cessation of cellular growth and division due to physical contact with other cells.接触抑制:由于与其它细胞相接触而引起的细胞生长及分裂的中止美国传统〔discontinuance〕The act or an instance of discontinuing or the condition of being discontinued; cessation.停止,中断:中止的过程或事例,或被终止的状态;中断美国传统〔dormant〕In a condition of biological rest or inactivity characterized by cessation of growth or development and the suspension of many metabolic processes.休眠期的:处在生物休眠、停止活动的状态中,特征是停止生长或发展及许多代谢过程的中止美国传统〔funeral〕An end or a cessation of existence.结束或终止美国传统〔heart failure〕Cessation of normal heart function.心脏停跳:心脏正常功能停止美国传统〔hostilities〕Both sides wanted a cessation of hostilities.双方都想休战。外研社新世纪〔hostility〕Both sides are calling for a cessation of hostilities.双方都呼吁停战。韦氏高阶〔hostility〕The UN is demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities.停止战争麦克米伦高阶〔off-season〕A part of the year marked by a cessation or lessening of normal activity, as of a business.淡季:一年中的一段时间。其显著特点是正常的活动,如商业活动停止或减少了美国传统〔pause〕A temporary cessation.暂时的停顿美国传统〔perseveration〕The tendency to continue or repeat an act or activity after the cessation of the original stimulus.持续重复症:在最初的刺激停止后,继续或重复某个行为或活动的倾向美国传统〔recess〕A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit.休息:某个活动、职业或追求的习惯性持续行为暂时停顿美国传统〔rest〕Cessation of work, exertion, or activity.休息:工作、努力或活动的中断美国传统〔rest〕Peace, ease, or refreshment resulting from sleep or the cessation of an activity.平静,安宁:因为睡眠或停止活动而产生的安宁、舒适或精神爽快美国传统〔retentivity〕Physics The capacity for remaining magnetized after cessation of the magnetizing force.【物理学】 顽磁性:磁力消失后残存的磁通量美国传统〔shutdown〕A cessation of operations or activity, as at a factory.停工,关闭:停止操作或活动,如在工厂中美国传统〔shutoff〕A stoppage; a cessation.停止;中断美国传统〔slack〕A cessation of movement in a current of air or water.中止:气流或水流运动的一段休止美国传统〔stop〕The act of stopping or the condition of being stopped; cessation.停止:停止的动作或被停止的状态;停止美国传统〔strike〕A cessation of work by employees in support of demands made on their employer, as for higher pay or improved conditions.罢工:雇工为支持对雇主提出要求如提高工资改善待遇等举行的罢工美国传统〔surcease〕Cessation.停止行动美国传统〔time-out〕Sports A brief cessation of play at the request of a sports team or an official for rest, consultation, or making substitutions.【体育运动】 暂停:比赛中应比赛队伍或教练要求短时间的停止比赛,用来休息、商议或换人美国传统〔truce〕A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice.停战:通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战美国传统〔work stoppage〕A cessation of work by a group of employees as a means of protest.停工:由一群雇员发起停工,是一种抗议的手段美国传统Religious leaders have called for a total cessation of the bombing campaign.宗教领袖们号召彻底停止这场轰炸战役。剑桥国际The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport.停止筑路项目省下的资金将投入公共交通。剑桥国际




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