

单词 completely
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕someone who has changed completely 完全改变了的人朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕completely clean so that diseases cannot spread 十分干净,因此疾病无法传播朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕to make something completely clear 使某事物清楚易懂朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕completely and in every way 完全地朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕to completely control someone's behaviour 完全控制某人的行为朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕to completely control the people in a country 完全控制一国的民众朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕a country that is partly or completely controlled by another 局部或全部被另一国家控制的国家朗文写作活用〔DESTROY〕to completely destroy a vehicle 彻底毁坏车、船等朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕completely different from anyone or anything else 与其他任何人或任何事物完全不同的朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕a tennis player with a completely individual style 一位风格完全独特的网球运动员朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕something that stops someone or something from being completely bad 使某人或某事物不至于太坏的东西朗文写作活用〔NEW〕a jazz musician with a completely original style 有完全独创风格的爵士音乐家朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕someone or something that is completely different from someone or something else 截然不同的人或物朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕when two things or people are completely different 两者之间完全不同朗文写作活用〔PARTLY〕not completely 不完全的朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕a group of earnest musicians dressed completely in black 一群身着黑衣、认真严肃的音乐家朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕a completely new style of painting 一种全新的绘画风格朗文写作活用〔aback〕be completely taken aback at the question 被问题弄了个稀里糊涂英汉大词典〔absorb〕a second career which absorbed her more completely than her acting ever had.比演艺生涯更让她投入的又一职业柯林斯高阶〔all〕all-cotton socks (= socks that are made completely of cotton) 纯棉短袜剑桥高阶〔amoral〕a completely amoral person 毫无道德观念的人朗文当代〔antipathetic〕two ideas completely antipathetic to each other 水火不相容的两个主意英汉大词典〔blank out〕a 28-page section of the report that was almost completely blanked out报告中几乎全部被删掉的长达28页的部分外研社新世纪〔blot〕a completely honourable man without a blot on his escutcheon 声誉上毫无瑕疵的君子英汉大词典〔bury〕a fallen tree trunk almost completely buried in the long grass 几乎完全埋没在深草里的倒下的树干牛津搭配〔colour〕completely armed, under colour of self-defence借口自卫而全副武装起来外研社新世纪〔completely〕completely and utterly broke 彻底破产牛津高阶〔completely〕completely different 截然不同牛津高阶〔completely〕a completely new range of low-cost computers 全新的低价计算机系列朗文当代〔completely〕something completely different.截然不同的事柯林斯高阶〔completely〕something completely different截然不同的某种东西外研社新世纪〔design〕a completely new design of car 汽车的全新设计麦克米伦高阶〔divorce〕an idea that was completely divorced from reality.See Synonyms at separate 完全脱离实际的想法 参见 separate美国传统〔family〕a good family man, completely devoted to his wife and kids 全身心投入到妻儿身上的居家好男人牛津搭配〔fire〕the dying embers of the fire (=pieces of wood, coal etc that have almost been completely burned) 炉火的余烬朗文当代〔illogically〕his completely illogical arguments.他毫无逻辑的论证柯林斯高阶〔invisible〕organisms that are completely invisible to the naked eye 肉眼完全看不见的生物体麦克米伦高阶〔involve〕a story that completely involved me for the rest of the evening.一个让我在那天晚上余下的时间完全沉浸其中的故事美国传统〔lose yourself〕a musician who completely loses herself in the music 完全沉浸于音乐的女音乐家韦氏高阶〔marble〕completely lost his marbles after the stock market crash.他在股市大跌以后完全失去了理智美国传统〔miserably〕to fail miserably (= completely fail) 惨败剑桥高阶〔mortifying〕a completely mortifying experience 令人感到极为难堪的经历韦氏高阶〔naked〕stark naked (= completely naked) 一丝不挂剑桥高阶〔new〕trying to cope with a completely new set of circumstances努力应对全新的局面外研社新世纪〔objective〕the importance of a completely objective, independent press 一个完全客观和独立的新闻媒体的重要性朗文当代〔odourless〕a completely odourless, colourless, transparent liquid一种完全无味、无色、透明的液体外研社新世纪〔overrun〕a city completely overrun by crime 犯罪活动极为猖獗的城市麦克米伦高阶〔pouch〕eyes completely surrounded by pouches 四周眼皮松垂的双眼英汉大词典〔redesign〕the completely redesigned car.彻底重新设计的车型柯林斯高阶〔responsibility〕a person completely lacking in responsibility 一个毫无责任心的人英汉大词典〔retiree〕retirees who have completely different expectations of what later life might bring.对未来生活有着完全不同的期待的退休人员柯林斯高阶〔shatter〕an event that completely shattered her life 彻底毁了她一生的一件事牛津搭配〔straight-faced〕tell a joke completely straight-faced 面无表情地讲笑话英汉大词典〔suit〕a completely revolutionary atmospheric diving suit.令人耳目一新的大气压潜水服柯林斯高阶〔unentertained〕a play that left the audience completely unentertained 未把观众逗乐的戏英汉大词典〔unhinge〕feelings that make you feel completely unhinged and crazy.令人彻底发疯发狂的情绪柯林斯高阶〔unreadable〕completely unreadable handwriting 完全无从辨认的笔迹剑桥高阶〔vindictiveness〕a dishonest person who is operating completely out of vindictiveness.一举一动完全是出于报复的骗子柯林斯高阶〔wedded〕a person completely wedded to a profession.一个完全献身于某项职业的人美国传统the import of completely built-up cars 已完全组装好的汽车的进口牛津商务




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