

单词 claim back
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔claim〕You can claim back some of the cost of your treatment.你可以追索部分治疗费用。牛津搭配〔claim〕You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。牛津高阶〔expense〕You can claim back the tax on legitimate business expenses.你可以索回对合法营业支出所课的税。牛津搭配〔expense〕You can claim back your travelling/travel expenses.你可以报销差旅费。牛津高阶A company which is making a loss can use carryback to claim back taxes paid in the three previous years.亏本的公司可以使用移前扣减索回过去三年所缴税款。牛津商务You claim back your deposit when you return the car.你还车时取回押金。牛津商务You can claim back the overpaid tax by filling in this form.你可以通过填这张表索回多付的税款。剑桥国际




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