

单词 choke back
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔better〕The painting is so well done that one chokes back the wish to go one better.这幅画画得好到使人不敢作更胜一筹之想。英汉大词典〔brace〕She choked back her tears and braced up.她忍住眼泪,打起精神来。21世纪英汉〔choke ... back〕He choked back a sharp reply.他把到了嘴边的一句刻薄话咽了回去。21世纪英汉〔choke ... back〕She choked back a sob.她强忍住哭泣。21世纪英汉〔choke back〕She struggled to choke back her anger as she listened to their criticisms.她强忍着怒火听他们的批评。韦氏高阶〔choke〕He choked back tears as he described what had happened.他在描述发生的事情时强忍住眼泪。朗文当代〔choke〕I choked back my anger.我强忍住怒火。朗文当代〔choke〕Ms Ross choked back tears as she described what had happened.罗斯小姐描述事情经过时强忍着泪水。麦克米伦高阶〔choke〕She choked back a sob.她强忍住哽咽。朗文当代〔gulp〕To choke back by or as if by swallowing.忍住,抑制:用吞咽或类似吞咽的方式抑制住美国传统I managed to choke back my tears. 我设法止住泪水。译典通She choked back a sharp reply. 她把到了嘴边的一句尖刻的答话咽了下去。译典通




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