

单词 a fragment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔catch〕A snatch; a fragment.片段;部分美国传统〔chip〕A fragment of dried animal dung used as fuel.干粪块:一块用作燃料的干燥过的动物粪便美国传统〔come〕The text which has come down to us is only a fragment of the original.课本到我们手里的时候已经破烂不堪了。朗文当代〔enshrine〕A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.耶稣受难的十字架的一块小碎片被奉祀于大教堂里。21世纪英汉〔fraction〕A disconnected piece; a fragment.不相连的一块;片段美国传统〔fragment〕I overheard a fragment of their conversation.我无意中听到他们谈话的片段。牛津高阶〔potsherd〕A fragment of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological excavation.陶器碎片:尤指考古挖掘中发现的破碎的陶器碎片美国传统〔rag〕A scrap; a fragment.破片;碎片美国传统〔scrap〕A small piece or bit; a fragment.小块,少许;碎片美国传统〔sequestrum〕A fragment of dead bone separated from healthy bone as a result of injury or disease.腐骨片:作为受伤或疾病的后果而从健康骨上脱离的死骨片美国传统〔shard〕A fragment of a brittle substance, as of glass or metal.碎片:易碎物质的一部分,如玻璃或金属美国传统〔shiver〕A fragment or splinter.碎片或裂片美国传统




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