

单词 come out with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕They've come out with several good wines this year, but in my opinion the chardonnay is the best of the bunch. 今年他们酿造了好几种佳酒,但依我看其中之最要数霞多丽白葡萄酒。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕I don't want to make a speech -- I'll only come out with something stupid that everyone will laugh at. 我可不想发言—我只会说一些让大家发笑的蠢话。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕It was strange to hear a little old lady come out with a swear word like that. 很奇怪听到一个小老太太竟然说出这么一句骂人的话来。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕You never know what he'll come out with next. 你永远也不会知道他接着会说出什么话来。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕Shall I ring Sarah to see if she wants to come out with us? 我要打电话给萨拉,看看她是否想和我们一起出去吗?朗文写作活用〔change〕Give me five minutes to change out of (= remove) my work clothes and I'll come out with you.给我5分钟换下工作服就跟你出去。剑桥高阶〔come out with sth〕He comes out with the strangest things! 他会突然说些再奇怪不过的话!剑桥高阶〔come out with sth〕She comes out with some good ideas though.不过,她倒是会出一些好主意。剑桥高阶〔come out with〕He's always saying ridiculous things. You never know what he'll come out with next.他总讲一些荒诞的事情。你永远不知道接下来他会说什么。韦氏高阶〔come out with〕We're going to come out with a new dictionary next month.下个月我们将出版一部新词典。21世纪英汉〔come out with〕Why don't you just come out with it and say what you really think? 你为什么不直接挑明,说出你的真实想法呢?韦氏高阶〔come out with〕You never know what she's going to come out with next.你永远无法知道她下句话会说什么。外研社新世纪〔come〕She sometimes comes out with the most extraordinary remarks.她有时说起话来语惊四座。牛津高阶〔come〕The things he comes out with are so funny! 他说的话真有趣!朗文当代〔come〕You never know what the children are going to come out with.你永远无法知道孩子们会突然说出什么话来。麦克米伦高阶〔full〕People would go into the store and come out with their arms full.人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。柯林斯高阶〔glove〕The British shopper has come out with the gloves off to prove these people wrong.这名英国买家毫不客气地站出来证明这些人是错的。外研社新世纪〔obsequiousness〕The Postmaster had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination.邮政局长对协助这次检查表现得极为顺从。外研社新世纪〔old〕He comes out with the same old excuses every time! 每次他都用同一个老掉牙的借口!朗文当代〔phrase〕He just comes out with the same old stock phrases.他总说那些老一套的陈词滥调。牛津搭配〔prematurely〕I think it's premature for restaurants to come out with that advice.我认为餐馆提出那样的建议太草率了。柯林斯高阶〔premature〕I think it's premature for the government to come out with that advice.我认为政府提出那样的建议太草率了。外研社新世纪〔stuck〕If you're stuck for something to do tonight, come out with us.你要是正愁今晚没事做,就跟我们一块儿出去吧。牛津高阶〔tired〕He always comes out with the same tired old jokes.他总是讲些千篇一律老掉牙的笑话。牛津高阶Don't be such a wuss--you can come out with us after work.不要这么软弱----你下班后可以与我们一起出去。剑桥国际George never comes out with the rest of us--he's tied to Martha's/his wife's apron strings.乔治从不和我们一起外出,玛撒/他妻子对他管束很严。剑桥国际Give me five minutes to change out of (=remove) my work clothes and I'll come out with you.给我五分钟换下我的工作服,我就跟你出去。剑桥国际No, I can't come out with you this evening--I've got a (whole) heap of (=a lot of) work to do.我今晚不能和你一起出去----我手头有许多工作要做。剑桥国际The company has come out with a new type of telephone.公司将一款新型电话推出市场。牛津商务They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month. 下个月他们将出一部了不起的新百科全书。译典通You come out with some strange things/some good ideas/a lot of rubbish sometimes! 你有时会突然说出一些奇怪的事情/提出一些好主意/说一大堆废话。剑桥国际




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